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The now very difficult to find on youtube because of the ongoing YT PURGE, Peter Klein's documentary regarding the mental health damaging FEMA National Level Exercise Event on the whole US populace, or at least New England/Upstate NY politics in particular. As Wolfgang Halbig (former Florida State Trooper and school administrator of 36 years, up to vice-principal and principal, and a nationally recognized school safety expert) said : "It is not all about guns it is all about Mental Health. If you have a mental health issue at an early age, and it is documented, a decade later you will never be able to buy a gun. They are coming in the backdoor since our Constitution allows us to own guns, but not if you have a mental health issue." I'm not even American yet I can see the sense in this. a) up north we know your country is ruled by the worst, a khakistocracy, not your fault, personally anyway and that b) Obama became a pro constitutional lawyer nodding to his CIA handlers (his first job being at a well established CIA front, so as to find the best ways to dodge it when making regulations c) Propaganda against the citizenry was legalized in the 2012 NDAA.. do the math.

All rights reserved to Slayer and American Recordings.

In Utero era, pre-final European tour show by Nirvana, one of their best performance completely filmed in that era.

Likely the only investigative journalist who has worked the most on debunking all the anomalies of that forsaken day. more whowhatwhy.com

Title is self explanatory.


Created 6 years, 9 months ago.

5 videos

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