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I think this is a diversion from more important issues. It could be telling us what's coming though.

More censorship is coming

This loser is desperate to get Trump's attention. He talks about PRESIDENT Trump constantly.

This is mental illness at its peak.

Are aliens here or is this a hoax perpetrated by the US government?

This video got removed from youtube for 'hate speech.' I don't see how it was hateful.


Hold the line!

A revolution is happening in Canada!

more propaganda cringe


A tweet I found

a snippet of the national debt

Australia has gone full-blown commie

a tweet..

How to Become VP

If this is real, we're fucked as a nation.

Construction crew quits and miraculously is told not to worry about the mandate.


Be prepared. Things are not looking so good in the near future.

What might have been satire once is now reality.

Jim expresses my thoughts. This is for those who wear their slave mask proudly and roll up their sleeve ever so blindly.

Will there be a revolution? Who would win? Is there a better way to solve our problems?

This is what the New World Order looks like


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

123 videos

Category Education

I discuss topics that would otherwise get me banned on other platforms. Several of my videos have been taken down from Youtube so I took them here. Why would Youtube remove my videos? Because Youtube doesn't like truth. Youtube is anti-truth. So I came here. I still have a Youtube channel but I will reserve those vids for fragile minds.