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Hello again I've been really busy recently with 2 game projects so I haven't had time to post any new content but today I decided to post something interesting. This video is about CPU Raytracing which is a very nice rendering technique if your doing offline rendering apposed to Real Time rendering... As you can see in the video its pretty much a slide show. The way for it to run in real time is to do the heavy lifting on the GPU which is the next thing I'll be looking into for the next video. Well I hope you enjoy the video. If you want more up to date content check out my twitter account @aod60606 were I post a little more regularly due to twitter being a little easier to update because video editing takes time. You all take care...


Video Sections

#00:00 ~ Start
#01:59 ~ Issues Explanation
#15:46 ~ Temporary Sky Color
#16:50 ~ Optimizing Terrain
#20:36 ~ Code Matiance/Filter System Explained
#24:00 ~ Preprocess Terrain Blendmap
#34:38 ~ UI System
#47:44 ~ Separate Engine from Game Play
#50:38 ~ State Management/Mistakes were Made
#54:08 ~ Adding Texture Manager
#56:57 ~ Integrating Bullet Physics API
#01:04:05 ~ Integrating FMOD API
#01:17:05 ~ Prolog of Video
#01:19:13 ~ Ending

Hello again... I'm back finally with another episode of
project clean. Sorry for taking so long I had some issues
with the sound api that I choose for the project. At the
very start of this iteration I decided to use FMOD instead
of OpenAL because I was questioning the support OpenAL has
and I choose wisely because if I went with OpenAL it would
have taken longer due to my inexperience with Sound Programming

You might have noticed that it is one video... I decided that
it more appropriet for a single video rather then parts. That
said the video is quite long so I'll be adding to captions thing
were you can look at indevidual parts in the video. More on this

This video will cover all of the issues I worked on for the past
month or so which range from optimising the terrain, to physics, and
integrating FMOD. I also have a binary release of the current state
of the project on github which I'll link down below.

Well I hope you enjoy this long video.



GitHub release:

Direct Download

Project Clean, Pick-N-Sticks, Game Project, OpenGL 4, SDL2, C++, Bullet Physics, FMOD,

Welcome back to project clean... I've been quite busy for the past 2 weeks trying to work on the framework. These videos will show case what I've got done and by the last 2 parts I'll tell you what the next step is for the game. I've got a lot done but I'm not finished with the framework so I had to split it up into 2 different iterations. Don't worry I'll have all the framework done pretty quick I just need to have some pretty basic stuff because once I hit prototyping I'm not going to add anything to the engine portion until iteration 4 or 5. I hope you enjoy and have to good day yall.




Texture Blog Location

Project Clean, Pick-N-Sticks, Game Project, SDL2, OpenGL 4, C++,

Graphic Issue part2 Mesh Rendering, Simple Camera, Terrain/Procedural Terrain, and Simple Water Plane

Welcome back to project clean... I've been quite busy for the past 2 weeks trying to work on the framework. These videos will show case what I've got done and by the last 2 parts I'll tell you what the next step is for the game. I've got a lot done but I'm not finished with the framework so I had to split it up into 2 different iterations. Don't worry I'll have all the framework done pretty quick I just need to have some pretty basic stuff because once I hit prototyping I'm not going to add anything to the engine portion until iteration 4 or 5. I hope you enjoy and have to good day yall.




Texture Blog Location

Project Clean, Pick-N-Sticks, Game Project, SDL2, OpenGL 4, C++,

Welcome back to project clean... I've been quite busy for the past 2 weeks trying to work on the framework. These videos will show case what I've got done and by the last 2 parts I'll tell you what the next step is for the game. I've got a lot done but I'm not finished with the framework so I had to split it up into 2 different iterations. Don't worry I'll have all the framework done pretty quick I just need to have some pretty basic stuff because once I hit prototyping I'm not going to add anything to the engine portion until iteration 4 or 5. I hope you enjoy and have to good day yall.




Texture Blog Location

Project Clean, Pick-N-Sticks, Game Project, SDL2, OpenGL 4, C++,

Welcome back to project clean... I've been quite busy for the past 2 weeks trying to work on the framework. These videos will show case what I've got done and by the last 2 parts I'll tell you what the next step is for the game. I've got a lot done but I'm not finished with the framework so I had to split it up into 2 different iterations. Don't worry I'll have all the framework done pretty quick I just need to have some pretty basic stuff because once I hit prototyping I'm not going to add anything to the engine portion until iteration 4 or 5. I hope you enjoy and have to good day yall.




Texture Blog Location

Project Clean, Pick-N-Sticks, Game Project, SDL2, OpenGL 4, C++,

Welcome back to project clean... I've been quite busy for the past 2 weeks trying to work on the framework. These videos will show case what I've got done and by the last 2 parts I'll tell you what the next step is for the game. I've got a lot done but I'm not finished with the framework so I had to split it up into 2 different iterations. Don't worry I'll have all the framework done pretty quick I just need to have some pretty basic stuff because once I hit prototyping I'm not going to add anything to the engine portion until iteration 4 or 5. I hope you enjoy and have to good day yall.




Texture Blog Location

Project Clean, Pick-N-Sticks, Game Project, SDL2, OpenGL 4, C++,

Welcome back to project clean... I've been quite busy for the past 2 weeks trying to work on the framework. These videos will show case what I've got done and by the last 2 parts I'll tell you what the next step is for the game. I've got a lot done but I'm not finished with the framework so I had to split it up into 2 different iterations. Don't worry I'll have all the framework done pretty quick I just need to have some pretty basic stuff because once I hit prototyping I'm not going to add anything to the engine portion until iteration 4 or 5. I hope you enjoy and have to good day yall.




Texture Blog Location

Project Clean, Pick-N-Sticks, Game Project, SDL2, OpenGL 4, C++,

Mesh Rendering, Simple Camera, Terrain/Procedural Terrain, and Simple Water Plan

Welcome back to project clean... I've been quite busy for the past 2 weeks trying to work on the framework. These videos will show case what I've got done and by the last 2 parts I'll tell you what the next step is for the game. I've got a lot done but I'm not finished with the framework so I had to split it up into 2 different iterations. Don't worry I'll have all the framework done pretty quick I just need to have some pretty basic stuff because once I hit prototyping I'm not going to add anything to the engine portion until iteration 4 or 5. I hope you enjoy and have to good day yall.




Texture Blog Location

Welcome back to project clean... I've been quite busy for the past 2 weeks trying to work on the framework. These videos will show case what I've got done and by the last 2 parts I'll tell you what the next step is for the game. I've got a lot done but I'm not finished with the framework so I had to split it up into 2 different iterations. Don't worry I'll have all the framework done pretty quick I just need to have some pretty basic stuff because once I hit prototyping I'm not going to add anything to the engine portion until iteration 4 or 5. I hope you enjoy and have to good day yall.




Texture Blog Location

Welcome back to project clean... I've been quite busy for the past 2 weeks trying to work on the framework. These videos will show case what I've got done and by the last 2 parts I'll tell you what the next step is for the game. I've got a lot done but I'm not finished with the framework so I had to split it up into 2 different iterations. Don't worry I'll have all the framework done pretty quick I just need to have some pretty basic stuff because once I hit prototyping I'm not going to add anything to the engine portion until iteration 4 or 5. I hope you enjoy and have to good day yall.




Texture Blog Location

Welcome back to project clean... I've been quite busy for the past 2 weeks trying to work on the framework. These videos will show case what I've got done and by the last 2 parts I'll tell you what the next step is for the game. I've got a lot done but I'm not finished with the framework so I had to split it up into 2 different iterations. Don't worry I'll have all the framework done pretty quick I just need to have some pretty basic stuff because once I hit prototyping I'm not going to add anything to the engine portion until iteration 4 or 5. I hope you enjoy and have to good day yall.




Texture Blog Location

Sorry I didn't upload this right after part 1. I passed
out because were I was it was 4:00am in the morning and
I kind of well... Fell asleep.

Hello again and welcome to my new set of videos plus
a new project called "Project Clean." So what is
"Project Clean?" "Project Clean" is a 3D clone of
pick-n-sticks. Other than it being 3D the plan is
to incorpeate more game play, the procedural island
generated that I've been working on for years, and other
stuff that might be interesting.

This part contains all of the demonstration of the past
projects were I created Pick-N-Sticks. Two of them were
never shown on YouTube but one was demonstrated on Rachels
Forum board many years ago. Also PNS3D was actually from 2012
not 2013. Sorry my mistake.




Project Clean, Pick-N-Sticks, Game Project,

Hello again and welcome to my new set of videos plus
a new project called "Project Clean." So what is
"Project Clean?" "Project Clean" is a 3D clone of
pick-n-sticks. Other than it being 3D the plan is
to incorporate more game play, the procedural island
generated that I've been working on for years, and other
stuff that might be interesting.

This video covers the plan of action for this project
and what the next episode will cover which I hope you
enjoy. Also I'm finally editing my videos some what.
You might have notices there are 2 parts. The reason
is simple I want videos to last around 10 minutes and
my internet uploading speed is horrendous bad so I
kind of have no choice. Man I want a business connection
were I have both uploading and downloading at 6mb. Man
that would make uploading to GitHub rather quick... Grrr
maybe when I get my own place I will do that. Below contains
the links to both YouTube and BitChute if you want to fallow
me and if you want to what I'm adding in real time there is
a link to GitHub. Take care and have a nice day.




Project Clean, Pick-N-Sticks, Game Project,

Hello again... This video will cover a bullet physics test that I've been working on the past few days. It just a really basic demo were I implemened a physics camera system and you can walk around the area and interact with cubes and sphere. You can launch them, pull them to you and grab them and then toss them around. Its a pretty simple and strate forward demo plus it was a lot of fun to do.

Note: In the video I made a couple of mistakes. Its not 60 seconds a frame but 1/60 frame a second and not 30 seconds but 1/30 frame a second. Sorry...

This is the first demo video I have done in a while. The next videos will be quite a bit more structured... I will discuss it with the introduction which will be some time next week. They will cover demos that could be as simple as a rotating white triangle to really advance topics like physically based lighting. I want to do this series first because I haven't played with these technologies in a year and I need some practice. Look forward to those and there will be code along with them and hopefully through those videos I'll be a better speaker as well. Well see yall and have a nice day.

GitHub Release:
GitHub Binary Download:

Channel News 3: (Really Depressing Video / Old Project Demonstrations)

I'm finally implemented a nice and simple feature using instancing, grass rendering. Its quite a nice feature and makes the scene look a lot better. More to come.

Note: These were made 2018

Hey yall. It been a bit. I've decided to take a break from the little
island game. I decided that instead of using Open 4.5 as the rendering api I would using Vulkan 1.1. However, I've only played around with vulkan by create some examples, not an actual application such as a game. So I decided hey, lets do a fun little clone of pong and call it "Ping." I've used this simple pong clone for years when I'm trying to learn a new technology such as DX8-11, opengl 1-4.5, gba programing, android, and a smart watch (kind worked but need more buttons, it was fun though lol).

If you want to read up on what Vulkan api is and how to learn it here are
some links.

Great beginner tutorial, has issues, but hey not a bad start.

Vulkan 1.1 Specification, I'm actually reading through this document as
a reference/advance tutorial. I would sugest getting the .pdf for this one
due to it taking forever to load in the browser.

Also if you want to do vulkan 1.1 programing for windows and linux. Lunarg
is were its at. They have a pretty solid SDK with example code.

Additional Links

Github skelleton Application that I made a while ago.

Begin inventory of vulkan examples by Sascha Willems. Great once you
get past vulkan-tutorials.


Note: This was from 2018

Well another day and more programming for the vulkan ping game. I got textures working. It took a bit but I finally understand how vulkan handles textures. So this demonstration show that textures are working. Wew, compared to OpenGL texture loading Vulkan is a bit more confusing because it litterally has a number of objects that need to be create to load a single texture. However, once you understand the pattern it really easy to just stick to that pattern. One thing I need to do is upload this project to github so you all can view the source code. Its a bit messy, however, it should give anyone a start when they are doing Vulkan programming. Well take care.

Great beginner tutorial, has issues, but hey not a bad start.

Vulkan 1.1 Specification, I'm actually reading through this document as
a reference/advance tutorial. I would sugest getting the .pdf for this one
due to it taking forever to load in the browser.

Also if you want to do vulkan 1.1 programing for windows and linux. Lunarg
is were its at. They have a pretty solid SDK with example code.

Additional Links

Github skelleton Application that I made a while ago.

Begin inventory of vulkan examples by Sascha Willems. Great once you
get past vulkan-tutorials.


Note: This is from 2018

I got borded one night and create a simple but useful minimap system for this little game. It basically shows the biome map and uses as the map for the game. Quite useful for this project.

Note: These were made 2018

I thought billboarding with instancing would be difficult. I guess I was wrong. Compared to the stress test from earlier I'm able to render 4096 billboards with almost no frame drop. Now, I am updating a vbo 4 times a frame and uploading matrices to the vertex shader but it still giving me around 60 fps. Whew that was an enlighten experience. Man so much better than me doing that stupid stress test and so much win. I have a few Ideas of what I'm going to do next which will be the particle system. Plus I have a few Ideas of what I'm going to use the billboard system for which will be a simple grass system/ tree system.

Note: These were made 2018

This is just a simple stress test... For some reason the camera is acting up during the rotations. I'll have to take a look at it later date. But its looks cool even though it running about 15 to 8 fps. :)

Note: These were made 2018

This took a few days but I have successfully implemented procedurally generated land. Plus I now have Framebuffers and render buffers rapped up. There are a number of other things I'll be doing next. This is part of Update 2 for this little game project that I'm working on.

Note: These were made 2018

Ok, here is an update video. I now started working on particles. However, unless I understand how billboarding works which is an integral part of a particle system, It would fall apart. So I decided to work on a billboards first. Well here is the result. :)

Note: These were made 2018

I just got done with terrain rendering. It does the job quite nicely.

Note: These were made 2018

Got the camera working... There were a number of a few problems with it but for now its working quite well for now. I'll most likely changed it later but for now its doing its job quite well.

Note: These were made 2018


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

64 videos

Category None

This is a simple game development/Minecraft modding channel... I'll add content periodically when I have time because developing game and Minecraft mods take time and energy. I also might do some Minecraft lets plays later when I want to fool around with some mods.