Design Education Talks

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Design Education Talks



David Foldvari is an illustrator and educator living and working in London UK. He has been working in the creative industry since the late 90’s, and his client list includes Nike, Penguin, Random House, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Economist, Financial Times, Island Records, Greenpeace, Save The Children and many others. David's work has appeared weekly in The Guardian & The Observer since 2006, illustrating columns by Charlie Brooker, David Mitchell and Stewart Lee. He is currently Course Leader on the Illustration for Communication BA at Ravensbourne University London.

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Steven Heller is the co-chair and co-founder with Lita Talarico of the MFA Design: Designer As Entrepreneur program at the School of Visual Arts, NYC. He was an art director of the New York Times for 33 years, Art Director of the Times Book Review for almost 30 of those years and “Visuals” columnist for the Book Review and “Graphic Content” column for the Times’ T-Style. He frequently wrote for Upper and Lower Case, Baseline, Creation, I.D., Graphis and other international design journals. He was a longtime contributor to Print magazine. Today he is a partner in and editor-at-large for (where he writes The Daily Heller). He is the author, co-author, and editor of over 200 books on the history and practice of graphic design, illustration, satiric art and writes frequently about popular visual culture. He has authored an equal number of intros, prefaces and essays for other books, including two monographs on his wife, Louise Fili. He has collaborated on numerous books with Gail Anderson, Veronique Vienne, Lita Talarico, Louise Fili and Mirko Ilic. He was awarded the AIGA Medal, elected to the Art Director’s Hall of Fame, The One Club Educators Hall of Fame, Eric Carle Award, SOI Richard Gangel Award for Art Direction and is the 2011 Recipient of the Smithsonion National Design Award for “Design Mind” and has two honorary Ph.Ds in Fine Arts by The College for Creative Studies in Detroit and the University of West Bohemia in the Czech Republic, among other honors. His most recent book with design legend Seymour Chwast, HELL: THE PEOPLE, THE PLACES is one of fifteen they’ve done together. His autobiographical book “Growing Up Underground: A Memoir of Counter Culture New York” was published in Fall 2022 by Princeton Architectural Press.


Created 4 years ago.

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Category Education

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