
channel image


D. G. Neree


Excellent second hand (vinyl) record shop in Amsterdam

Protestdemonstratie tegen onteigening van boeren vanwege de leugenachtige stikstofpraatjes van het criminele Rutteregime.

1915 Keystone Farce Comedy by Mark Sennet

Keystone Comedy by Henry Lehrman

"Seminal Keystone Cop short"

Vintage stripdance striptease

Vintage stripdance striptease

stripdance striptease burlesque

Amalia Aguilar - Fifties Burlesque Dance

Burlesque Dance

Burlesque Dance

Fifties Burlesque Dance

Fifties Burlesque Dance

old movie advertisement

Old movie ad for Lingerie

Burlesque Stripdance

Burlesque. Noel Toy dancing topless with feathers.

Burlesque dance

nineteen forties or fifties I guess


Created 5 years, 10 months ago.

121 videos

Category Anime & Animation

I'm very glad to be able to post video's here now that I've said goodbye to Youtube. The reason for that is that they have deleted one of my video's and gave me a warning. Implicitly they stated that I or the content of the video was inciting hatred. The video was a cean registration of a speech someone gave in Utrecht during a demonstration. Nothing illegal was said there and nothing criminal done. The point is that it was a speech against the islamisation of The Netherlands. Therefore the removal of my video was nothing but political censorship. I don't ike to be treated like a school kid, so I opened an account here and delete all my content from Youtube and close my account when that is done.. The Videos that I still find interesting I will upload here and furthermore my plan is to regularly post an "Amsterdam Diary" video along with some other stuff.

That's it for now. Now it's time to browse some content here.

With many thanks for the opportunity to the Bitchute team.
