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Fereydoun Kian,(2009) Global Education
Va, Vayu, Apousha, Tir, Tishtar, Nas, Nasa, Nasu, Dorooj, these are some of the Iranian Demons in ancient times and they all got incorporated during Sassanid into Zoroastrian texts by the Zoroastrian priests. The Iranian Demons series you are watching today, are categorized into three distinct epochs. 1)Pre-Zoroastrian Demons (Aryan speaking gods), 2) Zoroaster's legacy, and 3) the Islamic Demons. Part I focuses on Nature Demons such as Apousha the Demon of drought and Va the all-powerful Wind god who sometimes sides with Ahura Mazda and Sometimes with Ahriman. We also visit Genies such as Nasu (that feasts on corpses), and Druj (or lie). Druj is perhaps the most vicious one. Druj nibbles on the liers from inside like termites and leave out only the shell of a human being.

THE MAGICK OF SOLOMON, 2nd Edition is a 85 minute DVD video documentary written and narrated by anthropologist and ceremonial magician, Carroll "Poke" Runyon, Magister of America's oldest continually operating Magical Lodge, the Ordo Templi Astartes (O.T.A.). The first part of the video offers a history of Western Magick, illustrated with graphics and displays, setting forth the author's theory, based on his own research and experiments, that visions of spirits obtained by magicians in medieval times were subjective and hypnotic rather than hysterical hallucinations. Runyon holds that the practical technique for achieving this was the visual distortion which occurs when a person stares at his or her reflection in a dark mirror. This technique is demonstrated and visions are simulated. The relationship of the "72 Rebellious Spirits" contained in King Solomon's legendary "Brass Vessel" to the Holy Angels who control them is explained and a hypnotic method for invoking these Angels into a Crystal Ball is demonstrated. According to the narrator, these two systems should be integrated for a proper spiritual balance. The video climaxes with the presentation of a complete Goetia Evocation Operation, in full ceremonial regalia, summoning the spirit Astaroth (actually the Canaanite Goddess, Astarte) to visual appearance in the dark mirror on the Triangle of Art.

A documentary on children of the insanely rich. Directed by one of their own, Johnson & Johnson heir, Jamie Johnson.


Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

81 videos

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