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Dr. Ardis brings the lies to light. Nicotine is not only NOT addictive but it’s a powerful plant medicine that works wonders — where many so-called modern medical treatments not only fail miserably, but do far more harm than good — the Covid jabs are the most glaring example of this. Ardis gives us a ray of sunshine dissolving the dark clouds of death and destruction cast over the human race by its unseen diabolical overlords — whose depop agenda is being thwarted by good people like Ardis. With demonized natural treatments like Nicotine, there is hope for compromised family members and friends who believed in the lies or who were coerced — despite adamant warnings from those in the know and/or not adhering to their own better judgment in order to please others or keep their jobs.

### Sourced From:
Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson (@LauraLynnTT) on X > https://x.com/lauralynntt/status/1793351315881685108?s=46

Short couple of clips to keep you abreast of what’s in your food so you can make some informed choices.

Sourced From:
Facebook and Instagram

A potent blend of clips from 10 videos on the subject matters of the fraud-based fake monetary system, vaccine injuries and vaccine incentives and more poisons in our food to look for and more 

### Sourced From:
* “The U.S. Economy Is A HOUSE OF CARDS!” – Says El Salvador’s President > (https://youtu.be/h8rbC8b74ps?si=oEM_Q_R6-MYM5FuJ)
* A 12 year old exposes the bankers and the goverment in less than a minute > (https://www.bitchute.com/video/190myjCb5pcZ/)
* DiedSuddenly (@DiedSuddenly_) on X > (https://x.com/diedsuddenly_/status/1790329268158738923?s=46)
* DiedSuddenly (@DiedSuddenly_) on X > (https://x.com/diedsuddenly_/status/1790330041521352872?s=46)
* HATS > (https://t.me/HATSTRUTH/5291)
* DiedSuddenly (@DiedSuddenly_) on X > (https://x.com/diedsuddenly_/status/1790330041521352872?s=46)
* Over 50% Of The C-19 "Vaccinated" Now Exhibit Atrial Fibrillation (AFib). > (https://www.bitchute.com/video/Xje3cFxrsleB/)
* William Makis MD (@MakisMD) on X > (https://x.com/makismd/status/1790346902577242305?s=46)
* LISTEN to the ultimate and clear warning to ALL parents (and those who care) > (https://www.bitchute.com/video/VEk0iNi5Kvbh/)
* The TRUTH that nobody wants to hear > (https://www.bitchute.com/video/jLHnFDJTJIG6/)

In these two clips, 2 highly intelligent men from opposite sides of the globe — shred the Israeli narrative to pieces, revealing the truth beneath the deceptive veneer, which is all too obvious to those who watch this channel, but oblivious to those who are still under the mind-control spell of mainstream media.
Sourced From:
1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/C7amyBXcBs40/
2. https://www.bitchute.com/video/dRTJNJykgIGR/

A compilation of some potent vids we’ve collected over the last few weeks, that aren’t to be missed.

Sourced from:
Bitchute, Telegram, Facebook and more 

##### Description:
“Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals shocking use of venom peptides in cosmetics and the food supply, with NEW SOLUTIONS for foreign protein detoxification.”

To learn more, visit: https://thedrardisshow.com/

##### Sourced From:

##### Notes from vid for your review:
* Glyphosate (has same action as venom)
* Venoms and glyphosate deplete copper
##### Nicotine solution for:
* Antidote to all viruses
* Neutralizes venoms
* Long haul COVID
##### Foreign Protein Cleanse (mentioned in video)
> Dr. Ardis and Ed Group product) Ingredients — also available on Amazon. ïżŒ
1. Indian tobacco (Lobelia inflata)
2. Licorice root (active component is glycyrrhizin — “the chief sweet-tasting constituent of Glycyrrhiza glabra (liquorice) root”
3. Wormwood (anti-parasitic plant)
4. Mucuna Pruriens (can neutralize venoms all by themselves)
5. Nano gold particles (very important ingredient)
6. Ashwaghanda (binds to venom proteins)
7. Coumarin (prevents blood clotting from venom).“Coumarin is a natural compound found in the bark of Cassia cinnamon, but not in Ceylon cinnamon.” It is the active component (with 2nd highest levels in plant kingdom).

The film includes Interviews with Nancy Caffyn Massachusetts State Representative, Dr. Alan Baklayan, Dr. Adolfo Panfili.
##### Original video description:
> Source: Frequency Generation
> Hulda Clark Documentary - The Cure
> https://vimeo.com/8576507?embedded=true&source=vimeo_logo&owner=2885171
> Interview with Nancy Caffyn Massachusetts State Representative, Dr. Alan Baklayan, Dr. Adolfo Panfili the physician to Pope John Paul II, and others who claim to have successfully applied the methods of Dr. Hulda Clark.
> This video is public domain, and Dr. Clark wished everyone to copy and distribute video freely in hope it may help others. This video has been transcribed in several languages in PDF format at:
> HuldaClark.com/Die-Heilung.pdf
> HuldaClark.com/La-Cura.pdf
> HuldaClark.com/La-Cure.pdf
> HuldaClark.com/La-Guarigione.pdf
> HuldaClark.com/The-Cure.pdfïżŒ
##### Sourced From:
Rumble > Health Odyssey > The Cure - Hulda Clark Documentary —>

Shared by independent journalist and true patriot, Laura Logan.

Sourced From:
Twitter > @lauralogan —> https://twitter.com/laralogan/status/1782266638944858551?s=46

“Mike Adams announces Brighteon.io decentralized, serverless, uncensorable speech platform with Bastyon architect Daniel Satchkov”

##### Sourced From:

Great Tucker Carlson interview with the author of the Indoctrinated Brain, Michael Nehls, MD. Phd. Makes a lot of sense in regards to the mass cognitive dissonance we are witnessing, while trying to get people to wake up.

Sourced From:

Super soldier, Max Spiers reveals startling information about a human harvesting soul trap, before his untimely death. Many believe he was murdered for leaking this and other info that was not meant for the general public.

Sourced From:
TikTok / Facebook —> https://www.facebook.com/share/r/1DyAMpb7rBenrRpV/?mibextid=UalRPS

“This tik tok had close to $1 million views last night and over 25k retweets and, in 24 hours, was pulled down.
Do we still believe this is about a virus? They who want to control don’t want you to make discoveries. I tried to repost it, and it says “ under review” 
 UNDER review by WHO? I am leading the Microbiome Research clinically. Who else knows what Blautia or Roseburia does or what they are, or is it normal to have them? Please teach me... Here’s my advice; EDUCATE YOURSELF to stay alive. This is NOT about health
 If it was... “discovering the loss of Bifidobacteria in severe covid patients would have hit mainstream media.” They would have pushed vitamins, exercise, and gut health for you to survive Covid. This is about control. This is about removing your freedom to speak and freedom to choose. Unite to fight for the truth. Stop the division. Your politician will not save you.
was created to empower you, to #letdrsbedrs, to #Savethebif. This is my life’s mission NOW!! The moment they interfered with my research, they woke me up, and I am a hurricane in research. #WATCHME #ROAR.. No Dr will innovate if this continues... No Dr will try a drug or a treatment if medicine continues to be political. We cannot afford to interfere with research because we all will be patients. Research needs to be pure and unbiased and we MUST be able to challenge the narrative.”

Sourced From:
Tik Tok and X —> https://x.com/sabinehazanmd/status/1639852682008727553?s=46

In the first clip you’ll see David Knight — with the rightful righteous anger called for that rare few in the truth movement express (equally eloquent as it is passionate) — hold to account pump and dump Trump for pushing the vaccine and even Alex Jones, for leading people astray through his outspoken Trump support.

In clip two you’ll see a fiery politician in a blaze of fury call out the CDC for redacting every page of their 144 page report about the myocarditis caused by the covid injections.

Lastly, you’ll see the daring Dr. Peter McCullough speaking to a government panel — on the death and damage caused by Big pHARMa’s poison resulting in 2/3’s of the world getting injected. In this same clip McCullough also holds to account the FDA, who he claims is complicit in hiding Pfizer’s initial death data — which was available in the first 90 days of the release of its covid bioweapons, and they did absolutely nothing to regulate or protect the trusting public.

Sourced From:
1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/UtL57lf7sB3L/
2. https://www.bitchute.com/video/3Xb85FZWfn7S/

Video Comments:
The relentless campaign of coordinated deception delivered by the mocking bird media, public serpents, so-called “health experts,” doctors, nurses, pharmacists, corporate misleaders and sell-out celebs and singers — whether they participated knowingly or not and the countless victims of the fear and propaganda who believed in and backed the very people who lied to them — who manipulated and coerced them to violate their bodily integrity — all of them contributed to the grand deception that we won’t fully know the repercussions of for years to come.
Untold numbers of people now face the fate of their naive faith in “the science,” who suspended common sense and critical thinking — to follow the herd.

On this Dr. Ruby Truth in medicine episode, Dr. Jane engages the highly knowledgeable Dr. Lee Merritt and uncovers even more of the covid narrative nonsense as well as debunks some medical myths about cancer and indoctrinated beliefs about disease in general. In addition we receive some practical tips and information to educate ourselves on solutions.

Length: 5 minutes
In these two short clips, two alpha males set the record straight about the untold harm inflicted upon the innocent and dare to hold accountable the complicit.

> Description from first clip:
Pregnancy Malformations Post Covid "Vaccination" Are Not Being Discussed
Radiologist, Oncologist, and Cancer researcher Dr. William Makis speaks out about some of she effects of mRNA Products in Pregnancy that no one is speaking about.
"When a pregnant woman gets a C19 vaccine, within 24 hours, in many cases, the baby stops growing. Or the growth just slows down... you end up usually with premature labor and a preterm birth; so the baby gets born way too early."
Vaers has many reports of malformation of heart, brain and limbs after the Covid "vaccine" and Dr. Makis recorded some of them in an article on June 8, 2023.
Dr. William Makis, Chief of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology at The Wellness Company, unveiled a chilling reality: the terrifying ramifications of the covid jabs, which he says are causing Chemo-Resistant Turbo Cancer.
Full Interview🔗
Congenital Malformations Post mRNA Covid "Vaccine" Study🔗
VAERS Cases of Malformations🔗
Join us👇

> Sourced from:
1. Clip 1 > Facebook —> https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0SssktfYq374uX5SPTiqLMuZf8LDD2yMNcYsDwb3QHxgN7gzhoTGdUkt9q3ockDqjl&id=100086275186265&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZUNEWwXAj9RGH1jeVO8ljDk6nhGb3U046gVyHum6rzrt974-9uZ1m68y9JnCc2clQo80utcS3G_sSArnrznPmUOPunj7eEJO6dUG0OyPA417URZdnGKEWOH9vq_AgA9lS1V-SkSeFdwQw3YKa1OYyRH&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
2. Clip 2 > Instagram —> https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4v5FDtu_PW/?igsh=MTcxbzJ6bmFkOTI4OA==

In this 3 minute clip Dr. McCullough explains the risk in layman’s terms for swapping bodily fluids with the “vaccinated.” Alarmingly, he says people can get indirectly “vaccinated” by being intimate with the jabbed — through sexual fluid, saliva and even sweat.

Length: 1:24 minutes
Stew goes on fire with Ken O’Keef, another rare breed of uncompromising patriots who is made of the same cloth. An interview not to be missed. Would these two not make a great presidential campaign to get the lifeblood of America flowing again?
Sourced From:
Rumble > Stew Peters Network > LIVE: U.S. Citizens ENSLAVED By Rothschild Bankers, Ken O'Keefe RAILS Against SATANIC Global Cabal —>

> Length: 2:04 minutes

Dr. Ana discovers the mysterious “artificial life” of a nano tech worm that she says is inside people since the covid injections.

From original video description:
“In this clip, Dr. Ana speaks with Justin Coy, PhD and his findings of an orange fluorescence on the faces of C19 vaccinated individuals under UV light. Dr Coy has a PhD in systems engineering and is a former DOD contractor.”

> Sourced From:
X > https://x.com/dranamihalcea/status/1758487442879844745?s=46

>Length: 4:04 minutes
Short video compilation on myocarditis and autism caused by the injection weapons.
>Sourced From:
Tik Tok and Instagram (original sources unknown)

> Length: 5:54 minutes
Rogue scientist, Anna Sakhno, expresses the ghastly truth about Pfizer's new convid jab trials for children in the Ukraine, under the guise of a flu vaccine. Even though the results are causing serious adverse effects and deaths, Pfizer insists their trials must go on because they are on a deadline. Thankfully brave whistleblowers like this Pfizer scientist, are taking action to stop the madness. But will anyone listen?

> Sourced From:
Rumble > Patriot Vibes 1Q7 > Pf!zer Scientist, Anna Sakhno (whistleblower) says children are dying in /a€€ine trials⚠—> https://rumble.com/v4ckdfo-pfzer-scientist-anna-sakhno-whistleblower-says-children-are-dying-in-aine-t.html

> Time: 1:03:17
In this interview Dr. Ardis, discusses the turbo cancer epidemic exploding across the globe, since the bio-weapon injections, and as always offers some sound solutions. Other pertinent topics discussed include Weight Loss "injections," erection ointments, and how men can increase testosterone levels naturally, among other things.

> Sourced From:
[Full Video] Rumble > Ba'al Busters > Dr Ardis Live Call-In: 619-354-8879 9am PT-12pm ET —> https://rumble.com/v4bhbxz-dr-ardis-live-call-in-619-354-8879-9am-pt-12pm-et.html

> Resources Related to Video:
1. Dr Ardis's Site —> https://theDrArdisShow.com
2. Dr. Ardis’ Healing for the AGES link below. Code BB10 gets you $50 OFF! —> https://my.energetichealthinstitute.org/healing-for-the-ages/go/checkout-healing-for-the-ages/?

Length: 40:25 minutes
"First Ever Film of the Entire Mass Migration Trail Muckraker Presents: Invasion Route Exposed. The first ever documentary to reveal the entire mass migration path from Quito, Ecuador, all the way to the U.S."

Sourced From:
Full Vid: First Ever Film of the Entire Mass Migration Trail Muckraker Presents: Invasion Route Exposed. —> https://www.muckraker.com/articles/united-states-invasion-route-exposed/

Resources Related to Video:
Muckracker.com > First Ever Film of the Entire Mass Migration Trail Muckraker Presents: Invasion Route Exposed —> https://www.muckraker.com/articles/united-states-invasion-route-exposed/
Zerohedge.com > TYLER DURDEN > UN Document From 2000 Exposes Global "Migration Replacement" Solution To Developed World Demographics —> https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-23/shocking-un-document-2000-exposes-global-migration-replacement-solution-developed-wo

> Length: 3:37 minutes
In this short clip, Mike Adams, The Health Ranger, interviews Author Matt Bracken about the Banksters strategies to collapse the economy, then hide out in their bunkers in a remote locations and when the dust settles, come back to buy properties at pennies on a dollar — all while blaming the WAR so they can get off scot-free, as they have done time and again.

> Sourced From:
Bitchute > NaturalNews > MATT BRACKEN JOINS MIKE ADAMS WITH OMINOUS PREDICTION ABOUT THE DEFEAT OF THE US...[Full Interview] —> https://www.bitchute.com/video/QkUMVzfyZbwQ/

> Resources Related to Video:
Matt Bracken's Website > https://www.enemiesforeignanddomestic.com/

> Length: 6:30
Dr. Lee Merritt and a panel of now well known maverick doctors, discuss the taboo subject of Chlorine Dioxide, which many are calling the "Universal Antidote" that the establishment doesn't want you finding out about or using. They've even gone so far as to demonize the substance and even arrest people who talk about its benefits. Why? Because if you could "cure" yourself of almost any disease, illness or bodily issue with this inexpensive, but magical substance, what need would you have for Big Pharma and the mainstream medical establishment?

Note: This video is for educational purposes. None of this should be taken as medical advice. Do your own research. Make your own decisions about what is right for you.

> Sourced From:
The Universal Antidote Telegram Group —> https://t.me/theuniversalantidote/1426

> Resources Related to Video:


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

391 videos

Category Education

Distill the Truth about what's really going on in the world. Tune in for videos that challenge the "official story," from independent sources of critical thinkers, investigative reporters, truth seekers, expert whistle blowers and researchers.