Doc John

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Doc John

Don Doc John


Micheal Moore - Planets of The Humans movie, uploaded here by me just in case Leftists succeed in bullying it off YouTube.

Mijn nieuwe New Old Songs+ Remix mixtape. Na 7 jaar eindelijk weer een nieuwe mixtape voor jullie! Sorry voor de lange wacht maar ik ben er eindelijk weer. Met 12 slowdowned remixes en 2 andere versies van 2 van mijn tracks. En hoor mijn 14 tracks zoals je ze nog nooit gehoord hebt!!

My new New Old Songs + Remix mixtape. After 7 years finally a new mixtape for you all ! Sorry for the long wait. However I am finally Back! With 12 slowdowned remixes and 2 other versions of 2 of my tracks. And hear my 14 tracks like you've never heard them before!!


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

2 videos

Category None

Don Doc John's (new) Channel to share and promote stuff that is important but likely to be taken down from social media like Facebook and Twitter because of Government / Leftist / Chinese pressure.