Don Collins

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Don Collins



Bitcoin is "boring," or so says one author. I guess it depends on how you define "boring." In other news, you might want to learn how to embracing "boredom."

You are pretty smart. But, are you smart enough to never lose?

The market is at an all-time high. So, is it time to short? Or, is there another way to play the move to this lofty peak?

Some say Nelson Mandela died in the 1980s. Some say in the last decade. What's going on, and why do some people believe such completly different things in this age of information?

You can't get some things back. So, don't try. Give something away instead.

This is a repost. It was important when I first posted. It's more important now.

The Colin Kaepernick story is just about to ramp up. He'll never play in the NFL, but that's not the point.

"Silver bells, silver bells
It's Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, (ring-a-ling) hear them ring (ting-a-ling)
Soon it will be Christmas day," right?

Maybe Santa was trying to tell you something.

Yes, this actually happened.

Your favorite guest is back. Fun times about bitcoin, stocks, silver, gold, the market, trump, and eating bugs.

Can't you see what's going on?

Repost from 2014. "But possibly these may be the dreams of an old man, or that the occasions of realising them may have past away without return. a government regulating itself by what is wise and just for the many, uninfluenced by the local and selfish views of the few who direct their affairs, has not been seen perhaps on earth. or if it existed, for a moment, at the birth of ours, it would not be easy to fix the term of it’s continuance. still, I believe, it does exist here in a greater degree than any where else; and for it’s growth and continuance, as well as for your personal health and happiness, I offer sincere prayers with the homage of my respect and esteem."

Are the Federal Reserve members "good guys" who just get it wrong all the time, OR are they genius-level criminals who use foresight and malice to loot the wallets of millions of Americans? Oh, and will the Dow move up 5,000 or down 5,000 first?

Yeah, but, watch the video for the context. You know, just on the off chance the title is more than click bait.

If they do what they say they will do, your money will burn in the flames of a dying market.

What was a call to action by a fallen democrat President 60 years ago is now seen as "xenophobia," when spoken by a "current year" republican. And, all over something written 130 years ago.

The leftists in the media want you to believe that there are hordes of "Americans" who want to leave the USA. Activist, er, "Journalist," Lisa Belkin, put together a group of regular, average, "Americans," to help her with an article called, "Frightened by shootings, appalled at Trump, Americans are voting with their feet — to leave." But, is there more to the story? And, what do boogers have to do with it?

We've been here before.

A treasonous document it is.

It's not what the media and AOC want you to believe.

Thanks for the support over the years. It's time to shut the door and move on.


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

83 videos

Category News & Politics