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Geraldine Comiskey


The high-profile antics of a certain former journalist have given the impression that the Irish Constitution, if taken literally, would protect the Irish people against their Governent. Nothing could be further from the truth, says freelance journalist Geraldine Comiskey


Journalist Geraldine Comiskey talks about the impending Recession, warns that anyone could fall into long-term poverty, and suggests we all prepare for the worst whilst hoping and praying for the best outcome

Journalist Geraldine Comiskey says Ireland's "lockdown" is not about stopping the spread of the virus at all; it's basically the agenda of Extinction Rebellion, enforced by the Governnent.

Journalist Geraldine Comiskey redisovers her art hobby during lockdown, and hopes to inspire other people to do the same.

Six weeks after Covid 19 entered Ireland, journalist Geraldine Comiskey invites everyone to ask who is to gain from the presence of this largely unwelcome guest.

Triage is a dirty word in medical ethics. Here, journalist Geraldine Comiskey examines the implications of triage in tandem with a Communist-style single-tier health regime in Ireland, and the very different approach to triage in Italy.

Journalist Geraldine Comiskey critically examines the conspiracy theories concerning Covid-19 and suggests that, while there could be some truth in them, there are more plausible conspiracy theories related to the subject

The priests of St Anne's parish, in the village of Shankill, County Dublin, concelebrate Mass during the Covid19 emergency.

Irish journalist Geraldine Comiskey concludes that the Government and health service in her native country are not to be trusted

Journalist Geraldine Comiskey talks about the Irish Government's mismanagement of the Coronavirus emergency

Irish journalist Geraldine Comiskey talks about the paradoxical way the coronavirus is bringing the whole world together - in isolation


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

12 videos

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