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Op 9 juli 2022 gaf drs. Ruud van der Ven een lezing over orgaandonatie n.a.v. zijn nieuwe boek 'Orgaandonatie: een zaak van leven en dood'. De lezing werd georganiseerd door Bijbelse Bron (https://bijbelsebron.nl).

Het boek is hier te bestellen als paperback en eBook:

Paperback: https://www.boekhandel.org/product/9789491706943
eBook: https://www.boekhandel.org/product/9789491706974
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/nl/nl/ebook/orgaandonatie-een-zaak-van-leven-en-dood
iBook: https://books.apple.com/nl/book/orgaandonatie-een-zaak-van-leven-en-dood/id1611802302

Drs. Ruud van der Ven is oud-huisarts, ex-natuurarts en theoloog. Hij was docent aan de Evangelische Theologische Hogeschool en de Evangelische Toerustingsschool. Hij verzorgt lezingen en spreekbeurten over onderwerpen rond geloof en gezondheid. Hij heeft verschillende boeken op zijn naam staan, zoals:

1. Complementaire en alternatieve zorg in de Nederlandse ziekenhuizen: beschrijving van een ontwikkeling.
2. Niemand anders dan Jezus alleen: een ex-natuurarts vertelt over de enige weg uit een occulte nachtmerrie
3. Van kwaal tot erger. Alternatieve geneeswijzen besproken door een ex-natuurarts.
4. De stekker in het contact: God vinden door bidden en bijbellezen.
5. Genezing uit het Oosten: alternatieve therapieën getoetst.

A Documentary by Chris Pinto of Adullam Films.

America's Secret Destiny: the role of subversive secret societies in shaping a dreadful future for America and the world.

Powerpoint presentation. Permission is granted to make copies. This fact is mentioned in a slide from 00:53 minutes to 01:12 minutes at the beginning of the video.

Where did the American school system come from? And what are its true purposes? Full Playlist: http://schoolsucksproject.com/gatto/

This is an excerpt is from John Taylor Gatto's book, The Underground History of American Education, chapter seven: The Prussian Connection.

Senator Robert Johnson. Round table talk with experts like dr. Robert Malone (and yes, he really was the inventor of the mRNA- vaccine technology), dr. Harvy Risch (Yale epidemiologist), dr. Peter McCullough, dr. Pierre Kory, and many other experts with an impeccable record (untill they began to speak out against the government and Big Pharma).

This is a Dutch documentary about The Order. One of the persons interviewed is prof. dr. Antony C. Sutton. It would have aired in Holland in March 1999, but it was pulled at the last minute.

In this interview with Sutton you can read more about the reason why the interview was censored.


Mostly in English, but also some Dutch because it's narrated by a Dutch commentator.

Poor video quality, but the sound is okay.

Ancient Aliens Debunked is a 3 hour refutation of the theories proposed on the History Channel series, "Ancient Aliens". It is essentially a point-by-point critique of the "ancient astronaut theory" which has been proposed by people like Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin as well as many others.

The film covers topics like: Ancient building sites: Puma Punku, The Pyramids, Baalbek, Incan sites, And Easter Island. Ancient artifacts: Pacal's rocket, the Nazca lines, the Tolima "fighter jets", the Egyptian "light bulb", Ufo's in ancient art, and the crystal skulls. Ancient text issues: Ezekiel's wheel, Ancient nuclear warfare, Vimana's, the Anunnaki, and the Nephilim.

All the claims are sourced at the website: http://ancientaliensdebunked.com.

It was produced by Chris White and includes commentary from Dr. Michael Hesier.

It is distributed for free on the internet. Viewers are encouraged to download, share, or burn copies to DVD, as long as they do not profit from its distribution.

Debunking the Zeitgeist movie and its claims that Jesus was a copy of other gods. By ex new ager Chris White.

Prof. dr. Edgar Andrews presented the Dutch edition of his new book 'What is Man? Adam, Alien or Ape?' in The Netherlands on 23 February 2018 (in the city of Brummen). This short video serves as a promotional video, an introduction to his book.

About the author:


The two lectures prof. dr. Edgar Andrews gave during the book presentation of the Dutch edition of his latest book 'What is Man? Adam, Alien or Ape?' (translated and published by yours truly) in the Netherlands on February 23, 2018. English with Dutch subtitles. Website of the English edition: https://whatisman.org/

About the author:



Een compilatie van de twee lezingen van Edgar Andrews, gehouden in Brummen op 23 februari 2018 bij de boekpresentatie. Bij elkaar 1 uur aan beeldmateriaal. De inleiding (30 minuten) van de Logos-medewerker en de Q&A zijn hier niet aan toegevoegd. Als u wilt, kunt u die bekijken op de dvd (aanvullend materiaal: zeven korte vraag-en-antwoord sessies, twee korte interviews met wiskundige Kees Roos ,TU Delft, en theoloog Jan Hoek):


Meer over de auteur:



Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

10 videos

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