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DCA is an alternative treatment for many types of cancer and can also be used as a preventative measure. On top of fighting against the disease, DCA can also help your overall health condition.

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Dichloroacetate (DCA) is a drug that kills cancer cells and has been shown to have many other benefits for people with autism and rare metabolic disorders. But first, it’s important to understand how to measure DCA in the body.

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A new study published in the journal Nature provides evidence that a drug, called DCA, can inhibit the growth of cancer cells as well as restore healthy mitochondria." This drug fights cancer and decreases side-effects.

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DCA - New generation drug used as alternative cancer treatment. Watch full video and get all the answers that you need.

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DCA stands for Dichloroacetate, and it is a naturally occurring compound in our body. Watch this video to learn how DCA works with your mitochondria and the Krebs Cycle to produce energy; one of the most important processes that our cells need to survive!
To have a chance of curing cancer, you'll want to know as much about DCA as possible. So watch this video now!

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There is a cancer cure that everyone needs so much. You have probably heard about it, but you may not know what it is. It is called dca cancer cure, and it can help you get rid of your cancer for good!

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At Dcaguide we specialize in holistic cancer cures that have helped people from all over the world regain their health. If you're interested in learning more, please visit our website and see how we can help you or a loved one!

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DCA is a drug that has been used for decades to treat cancer, but little did the world know that DCA was being held back from public use. Watch this video and find out how you can help make sure DCA becomes available to all who need it! Choose right cancer treatment!

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One of the top universities in Canada, The University of Alberta is home to many achievements and breakthroughs. Most recently they were at forefronts with their research into how cancer begins—a discovery that could change treatments for all types!

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Examining Cancer Research and DCA. If a promising cancer drug can’t get a patent, it risks never being used on a patient. Dr. Akbar Khan and Dr. Humaira Khan from Medicor Cancer Centres in Toronto.

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Dr. Akbar Khan the medical director at Medicor Cancer Centre gives an excellent lecture on DCA Therapy. For more information about Dr. Khan, DCA Therapy and the care provided at Medicor Cancer Centre.

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The Role of Mitochondria in Cancerous diseases is being more and more understood.
At the Arcadia Clinic, one part of the cancer treatment is infusions with DCA, dichloroacetate.
Researchers have found that DCA can restore disrupted mitochondrial function in cancer cells and thereby turn aggressive cancer cells into less aggressive ones by switching on the ability to die off in a natural way,


This video provides general information only. It is not a substitute for professional medical care by a qualified doctor or any other healthcare professional. If you are not a health care professional, please always check with your medical doctor if you have any concerns about your condition or your medical treatment. Before taking or refraining from any action on the basis of the information of the content in this video, please always check with a medical doctor. If you are a health care professional the content in this video is intended to support, not replace your own knowledge experience and judgement. No claims or assumptions are made so ever about the effects of the given information on any specific disease or your personal health.

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DCA is an odourless, colourless, inexpensive, relatively non-toxic, small molecule. And researchers at the University of Alberta believe it may soon be used as an effective treatment for many forms of cancer. However, because the compound is not patented, you may never see it on the market as Drug companies can not profit from it.

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New research shows that a relatively non-toxic generic drug may hold promise for people suffering from some of the worst types of brain cancer (as well as many other forms of cancer).

Researchers are discovering that DCA, or Sodium Dichloroacetate, appears to shrink tumors. They are also discovering that with the use of DCA many forms of cancer become "sensitive" to other forms of cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

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Updates may 2011- DCA cancer cure segment that was on the news once. Apparently it's generic so big pharma can't make billions off of it.


Created 2 years, 3 months ago.

15 videos

Category Health & Medical