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What a time to be alive. trump is now a convicted felon and the "party of law and order" is no more. I never thought I would live to see the day where a the candidate for the republican party is now a convicted felon. Lets talk about it

They steal your socks….but only the left ones

In today's video, we take a look at one of Jared Genesis' most nonsensical videos he's made. He goes on the attack of review tech usa and many many others. So buckle up and lets take a deep dive into the ramblings of a madman..

Jared transitions created by: Revolting Machine

In today's video, we discuss Jared's explanation on why he didn't upload for 2 days straight recently. He goes full conspiracy theorist in this video. it may be a short video, but its a good one. lets dive right in.

Jared Transitions created by: Revolting Machine.

In today's video, we talk about how jared genesis absolutely hates therapy while at the same time wants to play therapist/psychiatrist and diagnose boogie and avgn. The list of things that jared absolutely hates just grows every day. send help

Jared transitions created by: Revolting Machine

In today's video, Jared Genesis once again goes on the attack. This time attacking Orlando Brown. This is once again jared attacking someone who's made something of themselves, all while he plays the "concerned citizen" role. It truly is pathetic. Send help

Jared Transitions Made By: Revolting Machine

In today's video, we take a look at Jared Genesis' pathetic return to youtube. He lasted 24 hours on bitchute before he made his return to youtube. This is the same pattern as Brett Keane. It truly is pathetic. Send help.

Jared Transitions Created By: Revolting Machine

In today's video, we respond to how once again, Jared Genesis has quit youtube and has made the jump over to bitchute. He has done this in the past. More so than Brett Keane. It truly is pathetic and it signifies the beginning of the end of the current cycle. Send help

Jared Transitions Created By: Revolting Machine

In today's video, we discuss how Jared Genesis has once again gone on the attack. This time attacking famous rap artist Kendrick Lamar. He also low key defends drake as well. Not surprising since Drake got accused by Kendrick of being a predator.

Jared Transitions Created By: Revolting Machine

In today's video I respond to quite possibly one of Jared's most hateful videos. He plays it off as a response to Cersela, but in reality its a hate video directed towards people who has autism. Once again proving he's a monster.

Jared Transitions Created By: Revolting Machine.

In today's video, Jared Genesis once again goes on the attack. This time going after the famous barber known as Richie The Barber. Richie made the horrible mistake of disagreeing with jared in a live stream and jared felt the need to make an attack video disguised as a concern video. Lets get this over with. Send help.

Jared Transitions created by: Revolting Machine

In today's video, we respond to one of jared's laziest low tier video that is filled with an attack on AVGN, Rambling about the south, and then coping about the people who respond to him. This is going to be painful.

Jared Transitions Made by Revolting Machine

In today's video, we take a look at Jared's Gab page. Its a lot worse than you'd imagine. Its filled with the typical him hating women, admitting he's a pdf file, doxing ben, and even something insanely worse. Lets take a look at the madness.

In today's video, we respond to the christian influencer known as Melonie Mac once again, as today, she shows her racist side and equates people using watermelon emojis that represent solidarity, to a racist stereotype.

In today's video, Jared Genesis has once again gone on the attack. This time once again attacking JonTron. At first it looks like he's on his side, but then quickly shows his true colors. So lets just get this over with. SEND HELP

Jared Austin Powers Transitions Created By: Revolting Machine

In today's video, I discuss how Jared Genesis, in one of his latest videos, has issued a public threat to me, kid wizard, ben, and anyone who makes videos on him, showing to everyone that he does not care about fair use. Send help.

In today's video, Jared Genesis Openly celebrates the possible banning of TikTok. 150 MILLION Americans could be losing their freedom of speech and 7 million americans could lose their small business because of this ban and Jared is in favor of it. Lets respond to it.

Jared Austin Powers Transition created by: Revolting Machine

In today's video, Jared Genesis' projection shines through and has decided to blame everyone for his failures, for why he turned off the youtube comments, on why he wont better himself. Projection and blaming others. Typical Jared behavior. Send help.

Jared Transitions Made By: Revolting Machine

In today's video, we return to the realm of Melonie Mac and take a look what she thinks of "Woke Culture". Spoiler alert, its not gonna go well. In fact, she pulls a TVC Mario and says its SATANIC...Send help please.

In today's video, I discuss the many examples on why Jared Genesis is 100% a coward. He calls everyone else cowards all while showing his true colors in his actions by closing his discord, closing his comments, & not responding to me. Lets get this over with.


In today's video, we take a look at Jared's Delusion and how he believes through pure delusion and paranoia, he got a win. Newsflash, he did not get a win at all. Its actually quite sad when you think about it. Send help

Jared Austin Powers Transition Made By: Revolting Machine.

0:00 - Intro
0:44 - First Jared Transition
0:51 - Response begins
1:10 - Crack up
1:37 - Its so easy
2:02 - They underestimate me
2:25 - Unbanning Egghead
2:52 - You thought you had me
3:07 - Its so empowering
3:22 - the doxing video
3:38 - I must live in your head
3:54 - every second of the day
4:10 - Its ridiculous
4:25 - It boils down
4:38 - I'm sorry
4:55 - you need to be aware
5:15 - just a message
5:59 - Just what I have for you
6:19 - Join my server
6:42 - Take a shower
6:50 - Outro Jared Transition
7:01 - Outro


In today's video, Jared Genesis stoops to a new low and not only admits on video to being what we already know him to be, but he also defends a known PDF File Predator. This just keeps getting worse and worse with him. Lets get this over with.

Well it happened again. Jared Genesis was suspended once again from Twitter. This time in very quick fashion. Today we discuss it and talk about how he made another video doubling down his disgusting beliefs. Strap in folks. Its gonna be a doozy.


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

150 videos

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