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Things are getting so bad that people with disabilities are being treated like trash for having a medical condition which doesnt allow them to wear a mask cuz it's all about safety and we are all in this together.

There is absolutely no need and I mean no need for this so called vaccine that's suppose to save lives. They say that it has a 90% chance of working but 80% chance of really messing with your DNA and now by law they can not be held accountable but ya the vaccine sure is safe
#notovaccine #scamdemic #nomorelockdowns

The facts are there. The truth is in plain sight, they dont even try to hide it no more. We are in the end game now and these sadistic evil cucks will not win!!

This is just a short video I made of just some of the evidence proving how the government has been fukin around with all the numbers when it comes to covid deaths.

There ain't much time left before all the truth is fully censored!!

Heres another video that YouTube flagged as cyberbullying and once again all I did was expose the evil in pedowood.

This is an older video that was up on my youtube channel and was taken down for cyberbullying even though all I did was expose pedophiles.

The world is upside down and I give a little example of what I mean by that!!


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

8 videos

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