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Jeff Berwick interviews Australian Anarchist Elissa Hawke. Topics include, Australia as a police state, civil disobedience over fines, shedding light on the fraud and hoaxes of the state, David Icke and The Peoples Voice, the empowerment of overcoming your fears, the Port Arthur Massacre, government attracts psychopaths, reasoning with children instead of authoritarianism and the benefits of psychedelic experience.




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Benny and Kevin sit down to relieve Elissa from her suburban odd-i-see with tea and whiskey
March 2014

Watching how the elitists work, planning over decades, centuries ahead, and joining the dots. 1996 Port Arthur Massacre is widely known now to have been a government sponsored black psychological trauma "event" as a prelude to disarming the law-abiding populace painlessly. Not a lone gunman despite patsy and mk ultra victim Bryant sitting in jail for 35 consecutive life sentences while very few stand up for him. A retired Victorian policeman told me in 2001 (even before sept 11) that T.H.E.Y (the hierarchy enslaving you) were disarming the developed world nations in preparation for martial law takeover of the people by 2015-2016. I thought he was mad way back then, but as they practiced martial law on the people of Boston after the bombing hoax in 2013, I remembered his prophecy. Now I see they took NZ in less than two weeks-I don’t know what’s coming but it’s not good - as many as possible need to pull out, stop supporting the system where you can, pull away, do things differently, free yourselves and start new real community connections. Thanks bitchute/flote.app for at least a place to share whats going on

april 2019

Watching how the elitists work, planning over decades, centuries ahead, and joining the dots. 1996 Port Arthur Massacre is widely known now to have been a government sponsored black psychological trauma "event" as a prelude to disarming the law-abiding populace painlessly. Not a lone gunman despite patsy and mk ultra victim Bryant sitting in jail for 35 consecutive life sentences while very few stand up for him. A retired Victorian policeman told me in 2001 (even before sept 11) that T.H.E.Y (the hierarchy enslaving you) were disarming the developed world nations in preparation for martial law takeover of the people by 2015-2016. I thought he was mad way back then, but as they practiced martial law on the people of Boston after the bombing hoax in 2013, I remembered his prophecy. Now I see they took NZ in less than two weeks-I don’t know what’s coming but it’s not good - as many as possible need to pull out, stop supporting the system where you can, pull away, do things differently, free yourselves and start new real community connections. Thanks bitchute/flote.app for at least a place to share whats going on

Watching how the elitists work, planning over decades, centuries ahead, and joining the dots. 1996 Port Arthur Massacre is widely known now to have been a government sponsored black psychological trauma "event" as a prelude to disarming the law-abiding populace painlessly.

Not a lone gunman despite patsy and mk ultra victim Martin Bryant sitting in jail for 35 consecutive life sentences while very few stand up for him.

A retired Victorian policeman told me in 2001 (even before sept 11) that T.H.E.Y (the hierarchy enslaving you) were disarming the developed world nations in preparation for martial law takeover of the people by 2015-2016.

I thought he was mad way back then, but as they practiced martial law on the people of Boston after the bombing hoax in 2013, I remembered his prophecy.

Now I see they took NZ in less than two weeks-I don't know what's coming but it's not good - as many as possible need to pull out, stop supporting the system where you can, pull away, do things differently, free yourselves and start new real community connections. Thanks bitchute/flote.app/steemit/dtube/153news for at least a place to share whats going on

Watching how the elitists work, planning over decades, centuries ahead, and joining the dots. 1996 Port Arthur Massacre is widely known now to have been a government sponsored black psychological trauma "event" as a prelude to disarming the law-abiding populace painlessly. Not a lone gunman despite patsy and mk ultra victim Bryant sitting in jail for 35 consecutive life sentences while very few stand up for him. A retired Victorian policeman told me in 2001 (even before sept 11) that T.H.E.Y (the hierarchy enslaving you) were disarming the developed world nations in preparation for martial law takeover of the people by 2015-2016. I thought he was mad way back then, but as they practiced martial law on the people of Boston after the bombing hoax in 2013, I remembered his prophecy. Now I see they took NZ in less than two weeks-I don’t know what’s coming but it’s not good - as many as possible need to pull out, stop supporting the system where you can, pull away, do things differently, free yourselves and start new real community connections. Thanks bitchute/flote.app for at least a place to share whats going on

Watching how the elitists work, planning over decades, centuries ahead, and joining the dots. 1996 Port Arthur Massacre is widely known now to have been a government sponsored black psychological trauma "event" as a prelude to disarming the law-abiding populace painlessly. Not a lone gunman despite patsy and mk ultra victim Bryant sitting in jail for 35 consecutive life sentences while very few stand up for him. A retired Victorian policeman told me in 2001 (even before sept 11) that T.H.E.Y (the hierarchy enslaving you) were disarming the developed world nations in preparation for martial law takeover of the people by 2015-2016. I thought he was mad way back then, but as they practiced martial law on the people of Boston after the bombing hoax in 2013, I remembered his prophecy. Now I see they took NZ in less than two weeks-I don’t know what’s coming but it’s not good - as many as possible need to pull out, stop supporting the system where you can, pull away, do things differently, free yourselves and start new real community connections. Thanks bitchute/flote.app for at least a place to share whats going on

Watching how the elitists work, planning over decades, centuries ahead, and joining the dots. 1996 Port Arthur Massacre is widely known now to have been a government sponsored black psychological trauma "event" as a prelude to disarming the law-abiding populace painlessly. Not a lone gunman despite patsy and mk ultra victim Bryant sitting in jail for 35 consecutive life sentences while very few stand up for him. A retired Victorian policeman told me in 2001 (even before sept 11) that T.H.E.Y (the hierarchy enslaving you) were disarming the developed world nations in preparation for martial law takeover of the people by 2015-2016. I thought he was mad way back then, but as they practiced martial law on the people of Boston after the bombing hoax in 2013, I remembered his prophecy. Now I see they took NZ in less than two weeks-I don’t know what’s coming but it’s not good - as many as possible need to pull out, stop supporting the system where you can, pull away, do things differently, free yourselves and start new real community connections. Thanks bitchute/flote.app for at least a place to share whats going on

My problems with the co-intel "work"of Max Igan, and the other "friendlies"- agents and/or useful idiots working as social engineers for the state.
Correction sometime around 30 mins I say "BBC"TV I mean to say PRESSTV

I do not believe all the *bodies* or their "reactions" in the mosque, looked real,-and I have the right to say so

April 2019

4 oz organic grown indica strain herb
Between 1 and 1.5 Litres 99% pure isopropyl alcohol

utensils :
crock pot, strainers, coffee filter, coffee heater pad, small metal bowl, crushing stick,

I recommend you go to the links below and see the Rick Simpson Movie, Run From The Cure. Follow directions closely as there are potential dangers, and watch the medicine cooking every 30 mins so you don't overcook, burn or waste your precious weed.

I made this video because I hear good stories from real people every day about their experience using RICK SIMPSON'S Marijuana Oil method.

I want to show just how easy it is to extract the brilliant healing oils from this magic plant!

The secret is minimum dose. Half to one drop from a refrigerated syringe is a good medicinal dose to start with without getting any psychoactive effects I´d think. Please comment if you have experience.


1. Put the bud in big (ideally) glass or ceramic container, (or a bucket) add solvent almost high enough to cover, and crush it down with a stick for five minutes.

2. Pour the laden solvent through a coffee filter in a strainer into a crockpot.

3. Add more solvent to do a second wash and crush with stick for five more minutes.

4. Drain this solvent through the coffee filter, then squeeze the wet bud in the filter to get all the solvent juice from the bud into the crockpot to boil off.

5. WORK ONLY OUTSIDE OR IN ROOM WITH LOTS OF WINDOWS as the fumes can explode or make you woozy. I know some of you like that. Use a fan if indoors to blow the smells outside

6. Using a rice cooker is good because it has a temperature limit and shouldn´t overcook the oil too fast . As it boils off watch it every 10 or 15 minutes.
It may take a few hours to boil down a litre of solvent or so

7. As the last few mls of solvent are boiling off and you are getting a thicker oil, add a few drops of water to help the last of the solvent boil off, without overheating the oil : )

8. As last of the solvent is released, jiggle the pot to assist the release of the solvent into the air.

9.When only a few bubbles left on top, pour the thick dark oil into a small clean metal cup, then place it on a coffee warmer, or inside crockpot on low until all surface is smooth ( may take a few more hours)

10. When surface is smooth and oil is still warm transfer it into a small pot like a small jam jar that you can dip a toothpick in to give yourself a dose. That is a good starting dose. Take more over time as it feels right for you. To cure cancer Rick suggests up to a gram a day for up to 9 months, it depends on you, what other toxins and nutrients you are getting, and where your deep thoughts are at.
Syringes without needles are good for storage and dosage too.

11. As oil cools it becomes drier and harder and thicker.


1/2 pound (8 oz) good bud will make about 4 weeks daily medicine for beginners,

About 2 litres solvent needed per half pound of bud

DO NOT LET OIL GO OVER 290 F or 140 C but I don't have a thermometer... so you can just suck it and see

I use isopropyl alcohol as a solvent.

. Indica strain is recommended for healing oils, promotes more sleep and relaxing,
Sativa is nice to smoke as its euphoric and uplifting but it might be a bit much as an oil extract ingested.

WARNING: Apparently some pharma meds mix BADLY with this oil, research your side effects- some experience stomach pains which are relieved over time as marijuana is continued and many report the other meds are gradually not needed and weaned off

FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CLOSELY TO BE SAFE and make the most effective medicine you can.

In future I´d like to see us all with plants in our gardens and tubes of oil in our fridges, treating ourselves for our dis ease...

CHECK IT OUT 700 documented studied results of using Marijuana







Round 9! No more dodging the bullet. Hold the phone! The long gobbled obfuscation of "gravity"is regurgitated.
Did you know there has never been a scientific demonstration of anything spinning at 1000mph and holding any water to it?
Did you know "gravity"is still just a theory?
"It" is completely superfluous on a flat plane where density and levity explain why things rise and fall.

World renowned puppet, actor, and pseudoscientific priest Neil De Grasse Tyson VS
Natural scientist, Writer, Yoga/Martial Arts Teacher, Musician Eric Dubay - hosted by busted ball/sellout Joe Rogan. Enjoy the curtains.
Laughaball!! Miseraball!! Forgetaball!! Impossiball!!
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!!

Round 9: Gravity?

For details, schedules, registration
Facebook : Isla Massage and Retreats
We accept Bitcoin

Thanks to Frank Yamma fand PIRANPA for the magic music


Why would there be a 500 year conspiracy to obfuscate our natural material reality?
Is it important that we know our home?
Is it important to know when we are being lied to?
Does it suffice to have the same incorrect information as the majority?

I made this satirical comedy to showcase the excellent research and prolific compilations of Eric Dubays'work -and how this would stand up against some government gatekeeper stooges like Neil and Joe in a debate setting.
I also feel Neil, backing out of the (advertised) debate was because Eric is not under anyones' control. This gives it a potential excitement factor that is palpable. I also would have felt GUTTED if this debate offer got taken up with Neil and "they" then roll out some of their own impotent shilly stooges (like Sargent, Nesbitt, Jism or- insert favourite potato dish/"operation realness" agent/useful idiot here ) instead of Eric.
These disinfo agent gatekeepers are only there to misrepresent the now millions of sensible, logical REAL people who have unenslaved ourselves from the mind control that was the spherepearball.
The delusional non-reality lie we've been spun out on, for generations.
I thought I will do Neil and Joes bits and Eric is too hard to mimic as he is more real. Only contrived people can be imitated.

Children and adults alike will marvel at the repeatable, testable observations! There is no debate! There is only the realisations that dawn upon us, one by one. One by one we stand up and walk away and their whole slave system collapses.
For those who still love and respect Neil and Joe as cult heroes, I'm sorry, but time will tell. I despise men who have a smugness about their own intelligence when they can't even see through the Apollo hoaxes. Or, they do know the "secret" but have been SWORN to SECRECY and giggle at the rest of us behind our backs in their aprons.
As for Joe and me, well...he's been an ant in my shoe for years now since he 180d on he moon hoax. As an ex comic myself, Joe is the Jay Leno to my own (fantasy, pre-Jones ; ) Bill Hicks.
He has all the *views* and curtains but I have my own mind still. Every day is a blessing

World renowned puppet, actor, and pseudoscientific priest Neil De Grasse Tyson VS
Natural scientist, Writer, Yoga/Martial Arts Teacher, Musician Eric Dubay - hosted by busted ball/sellout Joe Rogan. Enjoy the curtains.
Laughaball!! Miseraball!! Forgetaball!! Impossiball!!
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!!

Could the Earth be Flat?

Round 11! Swat the gatekeepers
Did you know the best way to control the opposition is to lead it yourselves?
Did you know the government sets up "mouthpieces" to direct the content and direction of current affairs via social engineering?
Did you know there is a controlled opposition nest of *government* agents called the Flat Earth Society?
They are set up so any one new looking into the theory discovers a few "facts", addled with seriously stupid disinformation so you feel disheartened you were even curious.

Did you know your police, your courts and judiciary, your moon missions, even your MTV..... are masonic?

World renowned puppet, actor, and pseudoscientific priest Neil De Grasse Tyson VS
Natural scientist, Writer, Yoga/Martial Arts Teacher, Musician Eric Dubay - hosted by busted ball/sellout Joe Rogan. Enjoy the curtains.
Laughaball!! Miseraball!! Forgetaball!! Impossiball!!
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!!

Round 11: Secret Societies/Government Agents/Social Engineering

Round 12! Why Would They Lie? What Does It Matter?

Why would there be a 500 year conspiracy to obfuscate our natural material reality?
Is it important that we know our home?
Is it important to know when we are being lied to? Does it suffice to have the same incorrect information as the majority?

World renowned puppet, actor, and pseudoscientific priest Neil De Grasse Tyson VS
Natural scientist, Writer, Yoga/Martial Arts Teacher, Musician Eric Dubay - hosted by busted ball/sellout Joe Rogan. Enjoy the curtains.
Laughaball!! Miseraball!! Forgetaball!! Impossiball!!
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!!

Round 12: Why The Lie? Why Does It Matter?

Round 10! No mercy.
Do lunar eclipses actually provide proof that earth is a sphere?
Did you know lunar eclipses can only occur when sun earth and moon are aligned?
Do you know about the many anomalies on record throughout history when eclipses occurred while both sun and moon were above the horizon?
How did ancient cultures explain eclipses?

World renowned puppet, actor, and pseudoscientific priest Neil De Grasse Tyson VS
Natural scientist, Writer, Yoga/Martial Arts Teacher, Musician Eric Dubay - hosted by busted ball/sellout Joe Rogan. Enjoy the curtains.
Laughaball!! Miseraball!! Forgetaball!! Impossiball!!
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!!

Round 10: Eclipses

Round 8! No more baby steps! Finally the suspect subject of satellites is scrutinised!
Did you know that 98% of internet data is transferred around the world through undersea cables?
Do you know that satellites are made of metals that would melt at much lower temperatures than the thermosphere they are supposedly propelled into?

World renowned puppet, actor, and pseudoscientific priest Neil De Grasse Tyson VS
Natural scientist, Writer, Yoga/Martial Arts Teacher, Eric Dubay - hosted by busted ball/sellout Joe Rogan. Enjoy the curtains.
Laughaball!! Miseraball!! Forgetaball!! Impossiball!!
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!!

Round 8: Satellites?

Round five of the monolithic odyssey I am dying to see!!
Why is there not the expected curvature visible on a sphere supposedly 25,000miles in circumference?
World renowned puppet, actor, and pseudoscientific priest Neil De Grasse Tyson VS
Natural scientist, Writer, Yoga/Martial Arts Teacher, Eric Dubay - hosted by busted ball/sellout Joe Rogan. Enjoy the curtains.
Laughaball!! Miseraball!! Forgetaball!! Impossiball!!
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!!

Round 5: No Curvature

Ok I know it's not cool to ride elephants in this day and age. However, I met a guy who invited me to his elephant "sanctuary", so I went to bathe the elephants. He kept yelling at me to get on, in fact he yelled at me in Thai the whole time, or maybe he was yelling at the elephant. I tried to make it as nice for her as I could. I was like a kid and could NOT stop myself from climbing on. I had heard stories about the sad elephants being ridden by tourists so I felt okay to meet this guy at his "ecotour sanctuary" . On arrival and experiencing his demeanor, seeing his trunk hook/icepick, and all the elephants eyes, I realised they're all the same sad elephants, just at different stages of usefulness to bring bucks for more bananas. He made up for it with his cinematographic mastery. Such majesty and such humbleness to put up with maltreatment when they are so much larger. I absolutely loved the chance to get heart to heart with one of my totems. Thanks to the magical legend Carl Pannuzzo (https://open.spotify.com/artist/5Ppvr...) for the music - the most beautiful music I could find *EBRU and *SHE SPEAKS AS A CHILD, : ))))

Mar 2018

Feeling clean and light after a juice retreat in Thailand

Round SEVEN! No more beating around the boners, Finally the controversy of Circumnavigation is clear!!
How can one circumnavigate a flat plane?
Why has there never been documented a North South Polar circumnavigation?

World renowned puppet, actor, and pseudoscientific priest Neil De Grasse Tyson VS
Natural scientist, Writer, Yoga/Martial Arts Teacher, Eric Dubay - hosted by busted ball/sellout Joe Rogan. Enjoy the curtains.
Laughaball!! Miseraball!! Forgetaball!! Impossiball!!
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!!

Round 7: Circumnavigation on a Plane

11:00m only do not be daunted by the timestamp!

Round Six! No more procrastination penetrating the polemic the whole world wants probed!!
Why have all the experiments showing earth not spinning been suppressed?
Why does coriolis effect not work the same every time?

World renowned puppet, actor, and pseudoscientific priest Neil De Grasse Tyson VS
Natural scientist, Writer, Yoga/Martial Arts Teacher, Eric Dubay - hosted by busted ball/sellout Joe Rogan. Enjoy the curtains.
Laughaball!! Miseraball!! Forgetaball!! Impossiball!!
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!!

Round 6: Not Spinning -Coriolis

Round FOUR of the delightful saga we have been waiting to unfold!!
Why are there no real pictures from "space"?
World renowned puppet, actor, and pseudoscientific priest Neil De Grasse Tyson VS
Natural scientist, Writer, Yoga/Martial Arts Teacher, Eric Dubay - hosted by busted ball/sellout Joe Rogan. Enjoy the curtains.
Laughaball!! Miseraball!! Forgetaball!! Impossiball!!
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!!

Round 4: "Pictures" from "Space"

Round THREE of the intellectual armwrestle we have been waiting for!!!
World renowned puppet, actor, and pseudoscientific priest Neil De Grasse Tyson VS
Natural scientist, Writer, Yoga/Martial Arts Teacher, Eric Dubay - hosted by busted ball/sellout Joe Rogan. Enjoy the curtains.
Laughaball!! Miseraball!! Forgetaball!! Impossiball!!
Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!!!!!

Round 3: Moonlandings?/Apollo Hoax

(I got sick of waiting)


Created 4 years, 4 months ago.

74 videos

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