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David Icke The History of the archons


In this video, I link to and discuss some esoteric yet compelling ideas about our antiquity, researchers who have found evidence for ancient human civilizations and the extreme antiquity of human like us (many millions of years ago!). Let's also consider the very sobering topic of who (or what) might have been and may still be influencing humans. This ties into the Gnostic concept of the archon (djinn in Arabic cultures, demons in Christianity, also native religions). David Icke has been a long-term researcher in this area.

Also see the writings and videos of Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson, Robert Schoch, John Anthony West, Electric Universe theory.

For frank and no New Age bullshit discussions about aliens and the alien agenda (which ties into the archons), watch videos by Dr.
Karla Turner:

Dr. Karla Turner - The UFO Masquerade:

Dr. Karla Turner - Alien Deception and Abuse:

Michael Cremo ‘Forbidden Archaeology’ - talk at Google:

Lloyd Pye - Everything You Know is Wrong

Research on Bigfoot -

Thinker Thunker - 'Bigfoot throwing a tree!'

'Bob Gimlan' channel - 'Extraordinary Bigfoot Footage'

Todd Standing - in-field bigfoot researcher

'Discovering Bigfoot' documentary on Netflix


I believe Christ was the most powerful awakened being we've known in modern history, and I personally do feel he had a divine mission to free humans from the archonic influence. This doesn't mean I am 'religious' because, as many people feel and can see plainly, a controlled and dogmatic religious organization is a terrible tool for control, subjugation, and domination of the world.


I've done 80% of the Future Authoring suite, one unit of the full Self-Authoring suite by Dr. Jordan Peterson. It's been really helpful in identifying where I want to be and what realistic steps I need to take to get there. For me or anyone dealing with past trauma, this suite can help.

I also found great value going through the workbook 'Is Your Genius At Work?' by Dick Richards. It helped me identify how I express my unique talents (or 'genius') and how that connects to all my various interests and activities.



Is Your Genius At Work? 4 Key Questions to Ask Before Your Next Career Move, by Dick Richards


Self-Exploration / Purpose / Goal setting – Self-Authoring Dr. Jordan Peterson, 12 Rules For Life,

‘Is Your Genius At Work?’ by Dick Richards,

5 Love Languages, 5 Human Needs test.

Walk-about. Travel.

Aaron Clarey. Reconnaissance Man. Bachelor Pad Economics. Worthless.

Dr. Tara Palmatier. Men’s Coach. Dealing with exs / partners / family members with Borderline Personality Disorder and other personality disorders.


EDIT: Please check out this video by Dr. Eric Berg, DC, which I came across after I made this video. He adds additional information to regarding 'Body Type Diet' which appears useful. Some people will down play or attempt to debunk the Blood Type diet but I've found the recommendations to work well for me.

The Difference between the Blood Type Diet vs. the Body Type Diet?

Blood Type Diets: Health Hacks- Thomas DeLauer

Links for intermittent fasting and ketogenic diet. Be sure to consult a medical professional before making any diet or lifestyle changes. I am NOT offering medical advice, simply sharing resources and my experience!

How to do Intermittent Fasting for Serious Weight Loss - Dr Eric Berg, DC


Keto vs. Fasting - Which Diet is Better for Your Lifestyle: Thomas DeLauer





Eating (what, how, when, why) - Keto Diet / Intermittent Fasting /– Health, repair, mental clarity, weight loss, anti-aging, Thomas DeLauer; Dr. Eric Berg, DC; Dr. Joel Wallach, ND, DVM; Dr. Peter Glidden, ND. ‘Somebody Needs to Go to Jail’, ‘Dead Doctors Don’t Lie’.

Blood type Diet “Eat Right For Your Type” Dr. D’Adamo, ND. http://burnfatnotsugar.com/assets/if.pdf

Keto coffee! Helped me make these videos!


Keto = more GABA, reduced anxiety, more calmness. Ketones help fuel the brain more efficiently than glucose! Also ketones promote anti-aging, and help increase the amount of mitochondria in a cell.

Ketosis = health-promoting. Intermittent Fasting = regeneration. ..

'Cold is my guru.' - Wim Hof, 'The Iceman'

Wim Hof on Joe Rogan Experience #712:

Inner Balance app by Institute of HeartMath:


Being Brilliant Every Single Day - Dr. Alan Watkins



Breathing / heart and mind coherence / physiological integration / health enhancement – Wim Hof / Institute of Heart Math, Complete Coherence – TEDx ‘Being Brilliant Every Single Day’ talk by Dr. Alan Watkins. Important to learn how CRUCIAL awareness of your breath is to how it affects your physiology.

You can breathe to calm your system down (IHM/CC), or to stimulate and rev it up (Wim Hof method) to boost immune function and physical performance. I recommend starting with the calming activities and monitor your progress via the various apps (in particular I like the Inner Balance app for iPhone and Android. Inspiration! Chanting – Aum.

“Cold is my guru” – Wim Hof, ‘The Iceman’


Created 5 years, 10 months ago.

4 videos

Category Education

Welcome, brothers! Through this channel I seek to share tools, information, and my experience - and to hear yours - to mutually further our personal development. Once we have chosen the freedom of MGTOW, how we spend our time and energy is crucial. It's important to decide what we do, and what we DON'T do. I intend to complement some of the existing MGTOW content creators although I may be more open-minded about esoteric and unconventional means.

I believe 'going your own way' means the right to explore the path(s) that fit me. As Graham Hancock says, it's our sovereign right to explore our consciousness, especially in a guided, mindful way as wise tribal leaders have for millennia. Additionally, modern scientific methods applied to psychedelics have made clearer the benefits and healing properties of these 'sacred substances.' Whatever you decide, do your research, find mentors and guides, and take small steps to gain confidence - which leads to bigger steps.