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Covidfilmen 2020 - Historien om hvordan tall og ord lammet en hel verden

Av Viktig Viten

Norwegian documentary presenting the cold hard facts about the so called covid pandemic. or Plandemic, rather. was cencored by youtube in 2021 for presenting truth and truth only.

Den Norske dokumentaren om Covid som ble sensurert av youtube i 2021

More here:

Vaccine Nation - Directors cut - Gary Null - Full Length

Vaccine indused Diseases - Dr. Rebecca Carley

Origin of AIDS and Polio Vaccine - The smoking gun full length


Created 4 years ago.

4 videos

Category Education

Guys, this is the year 2020 and the world is going nuts.
My fellow humans walk around like zombies with their face in their phones.
Completely ignorant about real history, about tyrany, about oppression.

As long as there is bread and circus, nobody cares whats going on.
Recently, governments have lied about the seriousness of the covid virus plandemic.
and the bread and circus has partly been replaced with propaganda.

Its time to brush off my old harddrives and recover banned teachings and illegal information.

Join me on the chat app 'Telegram' wich is free and censor free. The following link will take you to
my conspiracy vault on Telegram wich contain more videos