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A group of Christians showed up at a pride rally to demonstrate. Local Antifa members found out about their plans, and organized a VIOLENT attack.
Antifa came with a large portable wall to block their criminal activity from public view. They also used that wall to PUSH the Christians out of the park.
Antifa attacked, beat, assaulted, stole equipment and destroyed the property of the preachers.
Mainstream media dared not show you the truth. That is why we are!

As you watch this video, imagine what would happen if the roles were reversed. Imagine what would happen if the Christians attacked, stole from, and destroyed the property of the Alphabet Community. Just imagine. Would the mainstream media be silent?

Do understand that the scriptures clearly show us that sexual sin and violence are inseparable.
The men of Sodom and Gomorrah were VIOLENT. The angels of God had to strike them blind in order to protect Lot from the violence.
In Judges 19, the sexually immoral was likewise violent.
This pattern is also seen in the New Testament as sexual sins are listed right alongside violence, and all manner of evil.

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Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

1 video

Category None

Defeating evil at every turn.