Erik The Red

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Erik The Red

Erik The Red


Why would anyone want to be in heaven if they know their loved ones are suffering in hell? Christianity's view of the afterlife devalues the importance of our one life and world on earth.

Pointing fingers and blaming others for killing God is both nonsensical and dangerous. It feeds into the idea that a certain group of people are God killers and elevates them to an unattainable status. It's time to let go of these harmful beliefs and focus on promoting love and understanding.

China's government utilizes TikTok as a tool to subtly influence and shape public perception and discourse in Western countries. By controlling the narrative on a widely popular platform, they can potentially sway public opinions, spread propaganda, and harvest vast amounts of data, which could be used to weaken societal cohesion and manipulate political outcomes. This strategic use of social media undermines the integrity of information and exploits the openness of Western societies.

Trump was part of the 911 swamp.


Jews like to propagate that they're more intelligent than the general population. It's a falsehood, lie, and misdirection to hide their true nature as malicious usurpers, deceivers, swindlers, mischief makers, and insular tribal menaces in communities unfortunate enough to host them.

Now they are building their own kingdom. It's the Jewish earthly kingdom with headquarters in Jerusalem, where their AI Messiah will be. And they're going to rule the world through the law. It will be international, one law, one religion, basically, Luciferian religion. So yes, in a Talmud, this is the Jewish earthly kingdom. And this is why the Zionist Christianity have embraced Kiliism. And this is how Jews and Christians are getting together. And Christians are so deceived, thinking that they are working for the good thing, for the Jews, like they're helping the Jews. The Jews are supposed to get this kingdom. Yet this is Zoharic doctrine, and it does not have good intention. As I said, that they want to rule the world. They want to get gentile riches, and they want to rule the gentiles. They don't consider gentiles fully human beings. And in fact, as an end game, they have this strange doctrine, Adam-Kadmon doctrine, which Adam-Kadmon originally was, according to Zohar and Talmud, he was androgynous. Adam was. Adam, like he was male or female in one body. And this is why you see this transgender agenda today. And there are laws, very serious laws, passing in Alberta, Canada. Is Zionism behind the transgender movement? Yes, it gets its origin in Zionism, and it gets its origin in the Talmud, Zohar, and Kabbalah. It's a Kabbalistic doctrine of Adam-Kadmon, which is eventually, they have this doctrine called Tikkun Olam, repairing the world. So how do they want to repair the world? They want to bring it to the original. Who was original? Adam, he was androgynous. So now they're putting specific things in food and drink, and basically their end game is to make humans that are on Earth that will survive, whatever it is they're bringing.

The origins of Christianity.

Jews like to propagate that they're more intelligent than the general population. It's a falsehood, lie, and misdirection to hide their true nature as malicious usurpers, deceivers, swindlers, mischief makers, and insular tribal menaces in communities unfortunate enough to host them.

Bankers can take over the world by gaining control of the global financial system, influencing government policies, and manipulating international markets to their advantage. Through their power and influence, they can shape the economic landscape and create a world where their interests are prioritized, potentially leading to widespread inequality and exploitation.

God is calling us to join Him in judgment of the nations! Joel 3:2 reminds us that He will bring them to the valley of Jehoshaphat and He will judge them for their actions.

War ambitious of NETANYAHU
Same story different day.

You should be prepared!

You'd never guess what Israel's favorite TV sitcom is.

Adolf Hitler wrecked Germany, spread Communism across Eastern Europe and founded the Nation of Israel.

Elon goes to Israel to get re-educated. X in my opinion is a trap that ends freedom of speech.

Elon says 3 things need to happen.

Shiksa Goddess Gassed No Jews.

Christians worship the Jew first.

Nazism was always a con. The Nazis were committed to achieving the very ends for the Zionists and Communists that they pretended to try to prevent. Hitler was the most cleverly astroturfed stooge in recorded history. He founded the nation of Israel and spread Communism across Eastern Europe.

Check out Lucas Gage rant on fighting Jewish supremacy.
Follow him on Twitter.

The plan to destroy humanity needs to be stopped.

Don’t be so dumb Christian’s. The Jews love that billions of Christian’s bow down to one Jew every night. The Jews love Christmas cause it’s really their holiday to watch all the goy bow down to a Jew, talk about theology conquering them.

The phrase "salvation is of the Jews" is a biblical reference from the Gospel of John, specifically John 4:22. It is part of a conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman at a well. Jesus, a Jew, tells her that salvation comes from the Jews, meaning that the Jewish people were the initial recipients and custodians of God's revelations and promises. This statement highlights the Jewish roots of Christianity and the belief that Jesus, as the Jewish Messiah, is the fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures' prophecies about salvation and redemption.

In his masterpiece The Jewish Synagogue, "Master of the Rabbis" Johannes Buxtorf quoted the Jewish apocalypse Avkat Rokhel to warn us that Jewry plans to exterminate all humanity in especially cruel ways.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

28 videos

Category News & Politics

Waking people up from the Jewish Matrix.