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1,400 Years of Christian/Islamic Struggle: An Analysis
RICHARD C. CSAPLAR, JR. 12-10-2022.
Palestine Israel Conflict.


When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed

Other Links of interest.
Debunking the Palestine Lie.
Did Israel Steal Palestinian Land? Debunked.

Slavery, Christianity, and Islam - Robert Spencer.
My YouTube Channel. 

Faithful-Honest&True.  / @youngearthcreation   👉Donate to the Show New Book Release 9/23/2022 Like our content and want to know more? 👉Standing For Truth Ministries OFFICIAL Website: 👉Subscribe on Facebook​ 👉New Kid Books Read Alouds 👉Our books​ &​ 👉New Articles posts​ 👉Our MERCHANDISE​ a one-stop-shop for all Creationists!

Can you imagine if hundreds of heterosexual people went marching down the street, saying. "We're here we're heterosexual and we're coming for your children," to LGBT. If heterosexuals did that, what do you think would happen? So why do LGBT get away with saying that in public, on mass to heterosexual people?

Why are LGBT so interested in constantly promoting their sexual identity to children? We don't see heterosexual people walking around with hetero colors on and constantly ramming their sexual identity into people's faces and especially not children. It's disgusting how everything comes down to sex or sexual identity with LGBT. We don't see hetero's marching down streets saying things like that, we wouldn't allow heterosexual people to march in a parade singing, 'we're here we're hetero and we're coming for your children' to LGBT. If hetero's did that their would be mass arrests. And heterosexual people don't dress in stripper outfits to read in sexualised versions of heterosexual stripper story hour, all dressing in overt clothing with heterosexual, sexual identity symbols plastered all over the outfits to children, so why is it okay for lgbt to sexualise children from 6 years old and up?

I Am Warning People don't listen to the radical environmentalists that say we are to boney or that sharks don't like the taste of human flesh, keep reading you will see that is a gargantuan lie.

Go to 1.22 Timestamp to see the shark swim off with the torso, after that poor Simon Nellist was never seen again I am pretty sure nothing was found. As for sharks not liking human meat, RUBBISH!!
I can promise you sharks do like eating people, they let go of seals sometimes as well, does that mean they don't like seal meat? There was a case where white sharks were biting seals heads off and in some cases they would just bite the head of the seal off spit the head out and leave the seals body as well. Does that mean it's a case of mistaken identity? Or Sharks don't like human flesh? Bull Hockey.

Another White Pointer Attack For Certain in my opinion, this is what happened to Simon Nellist at little bay Sydney Australia, but that shark got his legs completely off first, then ate the rest of him.

Shark don't like human meat huh? CODS WALLOP.
Oceanic White Tip sharks have been responsible for eating thousands of people.

Why do we have to constantly bow to 1% of the population?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tranny's are literally only 1% or less of the worlds population, so why are all these companies pushing this filthy shit on people who dont want it.


Young Earth creation Debate; Did Man Live over 900?
#YoungEarthDebate, #CreationVSevolutionDebate, #BiblicalGenesisDebate

Atheists secular scientstist evolutionist Jackson Roe takes on YEC Matt Nailor.

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Our goal is to one day do full-time ministry. Your amazing generosity, support, & donations have made us closer than ever to this dream! God bless.
We believe that the Bible is true & can be put to the test for validity. We obviously know that the Bible has parables, allegories, poems, laws, short stories, genealogy, proverbs, sermons, prayers, prophecy, proverbial text, epistles, etc. But most importantly history. What we do is test the history spoken of in the Bible with science & let the evidence speak for itself. We discovered that the evidence is in favor of Creation which just so happens to falsify evolution theory. This is why they know we are a threat & must remove Creation science from the education system at any cost.
Evolution theory is nothing but an attempt to rule out God that mixes truth with lies. Hutton's Book "Theory of the Earth" was published in 1795, it was designed to make the population doubt the Earth was 6,000 years old. Then Lyell's (a lawyer) book "Principles of Geology" published in 1830, was designed to make the population doubt the Flood. Even in his words, it was to "rid the science of Moses". Then in 1859 Darwin's book "Origin of Species" was published which made people doubt Creation. Darwin said He murdered God. He used a step by step process to use secularism as the new religion.

Falsification after falsification happens but gets rescued by getting renamed time & time again everywhere you look. The theory exists to make the population ignorant & not special at all. "I don't want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers". = John D. Rockefeller (Creator of the General Education Board (GEB) started in 1903. Rockefeller funds education to this lor.

This is my friends channel. Young Earth Creation. here is the comment he left on that other channel. So every single argument made about why he is not a 6th day Creationist has nothing to do with science, it's his OWN interpretation of how he wants to rationalize the text and how days could mean any random amount of time. This is why Old earth creationist have no model and make no predictions, it's all arbitrary.
Look, we realize the Bible is not a science textbook, it's not supposed to be. However, we can test to see if it is a true history book of the world and what is in it is true or not based on science. This is easily done and so far everything we as YEC have predicted have been right on. Since the Gold standard of science is falsification and testable predictions, we meet this criteria and I think you should learn it before making videos like this. It just makes us who are educated on the subject roll our eyes.
14:00 Question you should ask yourself, are there days in the next life? Yes. But wait, there is no sun. So according to you this cannot be true. The bible is clear, the Sabbath will last forever. You did not think this through.

Scripture is clear, every time the text in the Bible says Evening and Morning it is referring to a literal 24 day and even the Commandments talk about these as literal days.

If you try to even say that a day is just 1,000 years that doesn't work either because Adam was created on day 6 and lived through day 7. Yet we read he died at 930 years of age. So if day 7 was just 1,000 years he didn't even live through day 1. We know Adam did, so that simple logic alone destroys your argument and I never got into the plethora of other evidence.

Obviously the text is not a 100% literary work of art to be taken as purely literal. However, we can read it, study it, use linguistics and then test the things in it to see if there is validity in it. When the answers come back as true, then it's obvious we can look at these verses as historical and not metaphor.

Creation Science.

We really want to get away from YouTube, but its not easy.
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I once believed in Evolution like most, but after I really began to uncover the evidence all that changed. Now I am here to unveil the deception we were all told was the truth. Let me give you a few examples of how the theory has already been falsified yet remains

👉Standing For Truth Ministries OFFICIAL Website: Join this channel to help promote YEC:
👉Standing For Truth Ministries OFFICIAL Website: 👉Subscribe on Facebook​ 👉New Kid Books Read Alouds 👉Our books​ &​ 👉New Articles posts​ 👉Our MERCHANDISE​ a one-stop-shop for all Creationists! Our goal is to one day do full-time ministry. Your amazing generosity, support, & donations have made us closer than ever to this dream! God bless. We believe that the Bible is true & can be put to the test for validity. We obviously know that the Bible has parables, allegories, poems, laws, short stories, genealogy, proverbs, sermons, prayers, prophecy, proverbial text, epistles, etc. But most importantly history. What we do is test the history spoken of in the Bible with science & let the evidence speak for itself. We discovered that the evidence is in favor of Creation which just so happens to falsify evolution theory. This is why they know we are a threat & must remove Creation science from the education system at any cost. Evolution theory is nothing but an attempt to rule out God that mixes truth with lies. Hutton's Book "Theory of the Earth" was published in 1795, it was designed to make the population doubt the Earth was 6,000 years old. Then Lyell's (a lawyer) book "Principles of Geology" published in 1830, was designed to make the population doubt the Flood. Even in his words, it was to "rid the science of Moses". Then in 1859 Darwin's book "Origin of Species" was published which made people doubt Creation. Darwin said He murdered God. He used a step by step process to use secularism as the new religion.

I once believed in Evolution like most, but after I really began to uncover the evidence all that changed. Now I am here to unveil the deception we were all told was the truth. Let me give you a few examples of how the theory has already been falsified yet remains

👉Standing For Truth Ministries OFFICIAL Website: Join this channel to help promote YEC:
👉Standing For Truth Ministries OFFICIAL Website: 👉Subscribe on Facebook​ 👉New Kid Books Read Alouds 👉Our books​ &​ 👉New Articles posts​ 👉Our MERCHANDISE​ a one-stop-shop for all Creationists! Our goal is to one day do full-time ministry. Your amazing generosity, support, & donations have made us closer than ever to this dream! God bless. We believe that the Bible is true & can be put to the test for validity. We obviously know that the Bible has parables, allegories, poems, laws, short stories, genealogy, proverbs, sermons, prayers, prophecy, proverbial text, epistles, etc. But most importantly history. What we do is test the history spoken of in the Bible with science & let the evidence speak for itself. We discovered that the evidence is in favor of Creation which just so happens to falsify evolution theory. This is why they know we are a threat & must remove Creation science from the education system at any cost. Evolution theory is nothing but an attempt to rule out God that mixes truth with lies. Hutton's Book "Theory of the Earth" was published in 1795, it was designed to make the population doubt the Earth was 6,000 years old. Then Lyell's (a lawyer) book "Principles of Geology" published in 1830, was designed to make the population doubt the Flood. Even in his words, it was to "rid the science of Moses". Then in 1859 Darwin's book "Origin of Species" was published which made people doubt Creation. Darwin said He murdered God. He used a step by step process to use secularism as the new religion.

I once believed in Evolution like most, but after I really began to uncover the evidence all that changed. Now I am here to unveil the deception we were all told was the truth. Let me give you a few examples of how the theory has already been falsified yet remains.

👉Standing For Truth Ministries OFFICIAL Website: Join this channel to help promote YEC:
👉Standing For Truth Ministries OFFICIAL Website: 👉Subscribe on Facebook​ 👉New Kid Books Read Alouds 👉Our books​ &​ 👉New Articles posts​ 👉Our MERCHANDISE​ a one-stop-shop for all Creationists! Our goal is to one day do full-time ministry. Your amazing generosity, support, & donations have made us closer than ever to this dream! God bless. We believe that the Bible is true & can be put to the test for validity. We obviously know that the Bible has parables, allegories, poems, laws, short stories, genealogy, proverbs, sermons, prayers, prophecy, proverbial text, epistles, etc. But most importantly history. What we do is test the history spoken of in the Bible with science & let the evidence speak for itself. We discovered that the evidence is in favor of Creation which just so happens to falsify evolution theory. This is why they know we are a threat & must remove Creation science from the education system at any cost. Evolution theory is nothing but an attempt to rule out God that mixes truth with lies. Hutton's Book "Theory of the Earth" was published in 1795, it was designed to make the population doubt the Earth was 6,000 years old. Then Lyell's (a lawyer) book "Principles of Geology" published in 1830, was designed to make the population doubt the Flood. Even in his words, it was to "rid the science of Moses". Then in 1859 Darwin's book "Origin of Species" was published which made people doubt Creation. Darwin said He murdered God. He used a step by step process to use secularism as the new religion.

I once believed in Evolution like most, but after I really began to uncover the evidence all that changed. Now I am here to unveil the deception we were all told was the truth. Let me give you a few examples of how the theory has already been falsified yet remains.

Candace Owens: These are sick, sadistic people. 

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You really want to see this information.

Kristi Liegh TV.

CNN goes all in playing PR for Big Pharma, fact checks favor ambiguous answers, the Poynter Institute claims to promote ethical journalism while giving unethical directives concerning the death of Colin Powell, and NPR accidentally admits to what's really going on... sponsored by Facebook. Here's you media malfeasance for the week beginning l0/25/21

Packed Full of information..

Malcolm Roberts. 

Mortality data tells us information about deaths in Australia and is usually released every 6 weeks. For an unexplained reason, the latest data is over 15 weeks overdue. There's no good reason for this, the government needs to be transparent and release the data now. Transcript:

Covid Vaccine Danger.

My content has no copyright. Israel is now the world's Covid hotspot: Cases soar despite country's trail-blazing vaccine roll-out - sparking fears other highly-vaccinated countries will be hit by another wave due to jabs' waning immunity. Israel has the greatest amount of double vaccinated people on the planet, but its not helping them from reinfection, severe illness and death like the govs are lying about.

86% of vaccinated Indians who got Covid-19 were infected by Delta variant. The delta variant is their rescue device, well ask yourself this, Why do they use the same vaccine for a different variant. Because its exactly the same virus, it hasn't changed other than to become slightly more infectious, but it will keep degrading and becoming weaker over time, it will mutate itself out of existence, eventually. ICMR study:

Reference News Channel.
WION News.

Download Video but when you upload it make sure to put the below references in the description. Dr. Jane Ruby joined the 'Stew Peters Show', providing eye-popping numbers and data, along with a strong WARNING about child inoculations. August 16, 2021 - August 16, 2021 |
This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video.
Dr. Jane Ruby | WAR ON KIDS! Vaxx Data LEAKED, Urgent WARNING
Dr. Jane Ruby, WAR ON KIDS, Vaxx Data LEAKED, Urgent WARNING, August 16 2021, Stew Peters.

CDC Records Show 12,791 DEAD and 682,873 Injuries Following COVID-19 Experimental Shots

August 16, 2021 6:03 pm
According to the most recent stats released by the CDC this past Saturday, August 14, 2021, their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded more than twice as many deaths following the non-FDA approved experimental COVID-19 shots during the past 8 and a half months, than deaths recorded following ALL FDA approved vaccines for the past 30 years. This has to be the most censored information in the U.S. right now, even though these statistics come directly from the CDC. They have now recorded 12,791 deaths, 16,044 permanent disabilities, 70,667 emergency room visits, 51,242 hospitalizations, 13,139 life threatening events, among 682,873 reported injuries from 571,831 cases. What are NOT included in these 12,791 deaths the CDC is reporting following COVID-19 shots, are the number of fetal deaths following COVID-19 injections into pregnant women, which now numbers 1,360 deaths according to the CDC.

1,135,579 Injuries 1,559 DEAD in the UK Following COVID-19 Injections According to UK Government

August 16, 2021 7:28 pm
The UK Government’s reporting system for COVID vaccine adverse reactions from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency released their latest report last Friday, August 13, 2021. The report covers data collected from December 9, 2020, through August 4, 2021, for the three experimental COVID “vaccines” currently in use in the U.K. from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna. They report a total of 1,559 deaths and 1,135,579 injuries recorded following the experimental COVID injections.


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

43 videos

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Candace Owens: These are sick, sadistic people. 
For when they do remove this off YouTube and they will eventually, i believe that is a certainty.