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Billie Eilish is just one of the latest manufactured no talents that the Jew entertainment machine has turned out lately. Here you will see her talking, in depth, about her shit habits. Posted below is a clip from her Wikipedia where she goes down the checklist of all the "cool" things to be in this day and age. The chickens have come home to roost as far as social media is concerned. Other countries have banned certain social media platforms because they recognize just how harmful it is to young people and children. My friends, the United States is in need of a complete overhaul. You are not going to elect your way out of it, either. The decades and generations of cultural, societal and political rot is far too deep to be remedied in one, or even several election cycles. Prepare yourselves the best you can for the inevitable collapse of our society because IT IS going to happen. Perhaps the Jews are just waiting for the right moment to pull the plug, economically, and letting the chaos ensue, using their recently imported foot soldiers to do their fighting for them with Jews leading the way. Social media is a vital WEAPON that they use to destroy us; and observe us.

She said in 2021 that she still spends many nights in her childhood bedroom to be close to her parents (Eilish was about 20 years old when she said this). She said she received a diagnosis of Tourette syndrome when she was 11; and that she has synesthesia and has experienced depression. Eilish has also shared that she experienced sexual abuse as a child. She has said that she is attracted to both men and women. Billie Eilish is an agnostic.


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In this clip you will see the usual groups of scumbags come out to protest the good DA. Ugly, greasy loud mouthed blacks. Jews, paid protestor's and fools. I don't care if this woman is a Republican at all; not that it means anything based on principles. She just chose to put an "R" behind her name instead of a "D". Below is a clip from her Wikipedia page to illustrate just how much she cares about political issues. Sandra just took a look around the political landscape and decided to "go republican" because she thought it was the best political move to make at that time.

"In 2015, Doorley switched her party affiliation to the Republican Party. "Don't judge me by the political party that I'm affiliated with," she said. "Look at the work that I've done".Doorley was re-elected in 2015, 2019, and 2023."


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How it started.

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Here's the obligatory public groveling from New York District Attorney Sandra Doorley. She's only sorry she got caught on camera and didn't have the "juice" to make it all go away. Keep trying honey, maybe one day you'll make the "big time" when you can just act like a total monster with a whole political and media machine behind you cleaning up your messes. THIS is just one example of why women cannot have power. If you care to look, there are endless stories of women in politics, law enforcement, the military and every other conventionally male dominated field being over-run and made into a living hell because of women and women know it too. And what is the most nauseating thing about it all is the MEN who just go along with it; indeed they promote it, make apologies for it, simply because it's in their monetary, career or political interests. But hey, we've got to be modern don't we. Below is posted an article containing a leaked email showing just a slight glimpse of what working in her office is like.


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Here you will see a hate filled, venom spitting Rabbi speak of "Jewish Revenge" for all of the wrongs committed against them over the centuries. Not one mention, of course, of all of the suffering that THAT THEY HAVE BEEN RESPONSILBE FOR. These people, and i use that word quite loosely, are truly sick. The rattling of the Jewish atomic sabre is also mentioned, leading one to believe in the "Samson Option", meaning if they can't have power over everyone and everything, they will just destroy Western Civilization. I wonder how many Christian Zionists know about this? Would they even care?

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Here you will see Benjamin Netanyahu, the longest serving prime minister of Israel, kvetch about the "goyim" refusing to protect Jews to the satisfaction of Jews.

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It just never ends for them does it, the oppression. I mean just having created so much and having it all stolen and not being given credit for it (sarcasm galore); the seed population of so many of the worlds great civilizations all just taken for centuries and blah blah blah. Jews and Blacks, and POC's for that matter, are a perfect match for (((them))). Sadistic, cruel, and stupid. A winning combination for the (((Oppressor))).

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Here you will see a good example of "black fragility". Since their IQ's are so low and they have the self control less than that of an animal they just can't help themselves. Not to mention, decades of Jew propaganda being pumped into their soft, soft heads. I wonder if they knew the truth, would they then turn their anger and resentment on the (((people))) that brought them here in the first place? I doubt it. Blacks, literally, EAT EACH OTHER, so why would they not continue their hateful and violence prone behavior towards Europeans.

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Here you will see an example of the sadistic behavior of Blacks in the United States. Everyday violent, despicable acts like this happen and the powers that be lie about them by just not speaking about them at all. The more savage the attacks, the more silence there is and it just goes on and on with no resolution in sight. Some of you may not like to here this but fuck the United States. When you stop and really take a look at the situation it's so fucked up. There is no fixing this by political means. Prepare yourself for the inevitable consequences of the policies of the (((Oppressor))) because all of the indicators are pointing in the same direction; destruction of the United States and the European Races.

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Trust no one, in particular, when it come to the "J-Q".

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Jew madness knows no ends and here's some more proof of it.

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Alex Linder podcast with friends. Many subjects covered; surprising opinions. And does anyone know if Alfred or Monica Schaeffer have gotten out of jail?

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Taken from K M B channel on Bitchute. Good channel.
Does anyone know who the speaker is?

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Documentary of the Sami people in the far North of Scandinavia. An example of a non Aryan European People. There are many groups of people in Europe who are not Aryan but none the less are European due to their location.


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I'm surprised they even aired a segment like this. The bastards are usually spitting venom about legal gun rights. In my opinion, the only thing the Founding Fathers truly got right was our ability to own weapons as free citizens.

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The Waffen SS and by extension, the SS as a whole, was the best of Germany. So in keeping with Jewish beliefs, they became the worst. "The best of the Goyim must be destroyed". Inversion of reality, just like their so-called "Star of David", which is not mentioned once anywhere in the bible.

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Eric Karlstrom gets interviewed by Ramola D, a "Hindu" Indian woman living in the U.S.A. and pretending to be a "truth teller" Eric breaks down the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Watch and learn what you can.
Link to original - Sergeant Major channel Bitchute


Eric Karlstroms channel: p.s. I don't trust this guy but listen to what he has to say

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The Canadian Jew, Lauren "Southern" is back at it again doing her "schtick" for the dumb "goyim" who are seduced by her youthful, vibrant energy. I see she has to start coloring her hair again to try and conceal her naturally dark Jew hair. She played her part on the Canadian internet news organization Rebel News for years and now she's back after taking the money she made from that charade and going into seclusion to "live her life". Trust no one on the "truth telling right" OR "left" because there aren't any; they're all Jews, Freemasons, Communists or just opportunistic ,careerist pieces of shit.

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Alex Linder has been involved with exposing the Jew for many years and this is what he thinks about Christianity. It's pretty much what I think. ATTENTION: If you are a Christian then you probably won't like this channel because in the past few years I've grown to hate it and have come to believe it's one of the worst things to have ever to the people of Europe. Even Ernst Zundel has made comments regarding the future of Christianity, so it's not just me trying to bash it or Christians themselves. Every civilization builds upon the previous one and that is why we say "we don't hate the faithful, we hate the faith".

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Here you will see a British Jew posing as a European as they have been doing for CENTURIES in order to infiltrate, subvert, corrupt and eventually destroy the existing order in a particular nation and reduce everyone to slaves living in terror. However, it's not as easy as it used to be because, perhaps billions of people, have access to the World Wide Web. Information travels instantaneously from one corner of the Earth to the other with no "Jew filter" on it. Our people, Aryans/Europeans as a whole, need to understand the true power of the internet and exploit it to the maximum effect in our interests just as the Jew has exploited it for his.
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This is a video regarding an incident with the Jew Carrie Madej. She has been doing her part as a Jew to create chaos, confusion and de-moralization amongst the gullible viewers who follow her. There are perhaps thousands of "truth tellers" like her working day in and day out acting as information "sayanim" agents for Israel, trying to progress forward to their "messianic kingdom" on earth.
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This is a partial audio clip of Abe Foxman, formerly of the Anti-Defamation-League, saying what the plan is for Europeans and Aryans. Many of you are aware of this but it needs to be told to people over and over and over again because of their tendency to forget. "We don't forgive and we don't forget" when dealing with our (((enemies))) because what they've done, and are doing to us, is unforgivable.
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This one happened only a few short hours before the posting of this video. What caught my attention was how poor the response was from the Whites who tried to take him down. Their skills are poor to say the least. Even the bailiff didn't know what to do. Men MUST know how to take care of themselves in situations like this. Even if you are not the physical type or enjoy fighting. Things are going to get very bad in the upcoming years and you are going to need such training, and what's more important, experience.
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There are perhaps hundreds of people making videos like this in Canada. Check it out and appreciate what you have in the States and work to make it better.
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Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

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