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It's usually the jews.


Unless you want this mentally unhinged oxygen thief brainwashing them without your consent.

Millions of Americans live paycheck to paycheck while they line these kikes pockets on the other side of the planet. We have no say in the matter. All politicians are jewish puppets. Fuck jews. Fuck Isreal.

Covered up and not taught in schools, the Holodomor makes the holohoax look like child's play.

Every. Single. Time.

Most diseases we're gone by the time vaccines we're introduced in the 20th century.. The covid death shot is a whole other subject, check my other videos for more info on that poison.

Spread the truth.

Open your eyes, ladies and gentlemen. The truth is right in front of you, in black and white.

They know whites are a threat, hence the 24/7 media bashing and slander of the white race. They pit blacks and other races against whites with the help of the popular lie that whites were solely responsible for slavery in America. In reality, black slavery is just one more thing that jews are responsible for.

A collection of videos showcasing the blantant anti white propaganda in the mainstream today. Raise awareness. Be proud of your culture. Fight back.


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

10 videos

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