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Have you just decided you don't need to have an opinion on protecting life in the womb because the issue is divisive?
We use God's word to show how He values life in the womb and we believe it will embolden Christians to protect the unborn.
visit our website to learn more or to schedule a speaker.

We teach how profoundly and completely God's forgiveness is for those who have been close to abortion and suffer under its weight.
Visit our website for more information or to request a speaker.

We have a message that will embolden Christians to value and protect unborn babies.
The message is powerful, Biblical, easy to teach, non-confrontational, dynamic. It is also sensitive to those who have not valued unborn life in the past.
visit our website for more information or to request a speaker

20210407 Altinger Chief Appraiser for Harris County testimony against SB1633

20210407 SB917 10 day HHS Rich testimony

20210407 Senate Finance Rich Testimony TAD audit

Rich testimony on SB8 Heart Beat and Texas Abolition Strategy with commentary by Senator Lucio


Dr. Immanuel speaking about the cure for Covid. Facts not Fear.


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

9 videos

Category None