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Freikorps Supporters

Freikorps supporters


The Iron Law of Inequality


Published on YouTube on 11 Jun 2020:

"A philosophical critique of the leveling process inherent to liberal socialism and the postmodern religion of Equalism..."

Please follow VertigoPolitix on Twitter:

Mirror: Public opinions on the White Australia Policy in 1962, from Voice of the People.

Race mixing leads to genocide

Turning the United Kingdom into a cesspool of shit is his goal

These are Marxist tactics to demoralize the white race

Babylon 2.0

9 months into the war Ukraine has made significant advances reclaiming territory, the most recent one was on November with the liberation of kherson. (Sky News) newsreel on the 14th of November (0:22)
3:16 Ukrainian identity as they continue to hold on to tradition, culture, scythian way of life.
Russian Lozova (the name of a village in the north of Kharkiv) short version.
During the special operation, the KRAKEN unit liberated a strategically important settlement near Kharkiv. The enemy suffered losses in the amount of 100 units of manpower and 20 units of equipment.
8:24 dead zigger March
This is more than just a reconquest of land it is a fight for survival

Provided by (hidden truth) Telegram: This aired on The Montel Williams some time in the 90's. The show from my knowledge only aired once, so the people at Paramount must have thought that these two guys were stupid or senile and we're probably astounded on how knowledgeable these two men were. I'm surprised they didn't destroy this video, you know how the Jews are they fixated into controlling the narrative, the show got so out of hand that there was one guy asking for reparations for the Ukrainian holodomor.
I'm just astounded how some members of the audience were brainwashed by this. The producers of the show misinterpret Adolf Hitler during the breaks by speaking over his voice using rhetoric attacking David Cole shaming him because he didn't go along with the official narrative.
Thank you for watching everyone God bless.

By Red Ice TV

The Katyn Forest Massacre – Committed by Jewish Communists
by @political_hacker


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

163 videos

Category None

Once you start seeing the worldview racially then everything comes together like a jigsaw puzzle racial nationalism is the only way out