Asbestos Festus

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Asbestos Festus


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Rematch on the final boss.

Shouldn't have attempted it.

I recommend the speed loader. If you're into pistols and rare firearms, watch the video to the end. Forgot to mention that IT IS NOT UNCOMMON FOR THE AIR FORCE NUMBER DESIGNATION TO BE GROUND OFF DUE TO OWNERS BEING AFRAID OF LEGAL PERSECUTION.

This is the ultimate clutch of all time.

Finishing off the rocket base.

Basically grinding and catching a team. Skip of you want.

Just some more battles and wandering.

Just a random commentary

I'm starting off again in a game I hadn't played in over a decade.

1st gym.

If people were deer, we’d be just as stupid.

Apparently the common term for Simeon is banned. Which explains why it won’t upload. Or didn’t. It’s Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz on Switch.
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Good classic PS2 game as it was meant to be. Best one out of the 3 as far as voice acting goes.
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Link to Animal Rolling Sphere Video: nkey-b all-banana-blitz-commentary-1.html

This is the last attempt of me uploading anything. I’ve been trying for 5 days now trying to upload this 1 video and it just will not process. I have no idea if it’s because they’re moving service providers or a player issue. The last video uploaded fast and with no issue and they were still saying they were moving providers. After this video goes up, if super monkey ball doesn’t go up then I’m done and moving to rumble for good. Only reason I made a Rumble was to try and get a little ad revenue so I can at least make a little for my efforts since bitchute has no advertising.

Havent played smash in years.

This PSA is so unneeded.

More of this game.

Gotta love the gta references.

Episode 3 is short since Elgato Capture cards suck for long sessions.

Episode 2 with more rage.

Episode 1

Have none of these scientists ever seen an alien movie? Or PLAYED A GAME WITH ALIENS IN IT? Leave the native life on it's native planet and study it there. DO NOT BRING IT BACK. We don't know how dominant or submissive this microbe or whatever it is is.

This is literally the closest thing next to legalizing child rape. I'm too angry to edit.

Everything that Bella Thorne does completely collapses in on itself. This is a self-entitled piece of garbage falsely advertising a product for an absurd amount of money, then lying that she never offered it. Then she wonders why all the simps are pissed off and angry. In the same breath, she completely destroyed the Space-time Continuum of OnlyFans "unintentionally." Way to exploit male curiosity and then rip them off and call them "pigs" when you CLEARLY bating them.

It Glitched out at the end because the Xbox Game Capture is inept. If you need help with Dry Canyon or are missing anything, I will reupload a new level. This was recorded all the way back in November 2019 before i got my elgato.


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

41 videos

Category Gaming

Gameplay videos, some reviews, commentaries, tips and tutorials when I get a chance to, just do it as a hobby. Appreciate donations to help make my content better and give me more incentive to put more effort into my content.