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NATO says that as a result of this 'incident' they may increase its presence in the Black Sea after a U.S. drone was downed by a Russian aircraft on Tuesday afternoon, according to former U.S. Army General Mark Hertling. and Russia responds 'tit for tat.'

The forecast for California is calling for 2 more weeks of rain and snow and there is also an earthquake swarm that is moving upward from South America to North America ranging from a M5.1 to a M4.7.

A rogue agent travels parallel realities known as the multiverse in order to kill other versions of himself so that he can become, the one.

A flash flood warning has been issued for Springville and Porterville
The second clip is from Kernville and the third is from North part of the state.
The California National Guard first responders have rescued 56 people who were trapped near the Pajaro river in Monterey County.
and Truckee

The first is from Menifee CA on March 6, 2023 and also Brazil and Mexico.
The last one was over Washington and is said by some to be the experimental aircraft TR-3A Black Manta.

A Russian mobster hires a mercenary to bring a young woman from Europe to New York City who is a host to an organism that a cult wants in order to harvest and produce a genetically modified Messiah.

and the portable latrine

A biotech lab has discovered a breakthrough technology that allows them to clone history's most influential people with just a few fragments of their DNA. Behind this company is a cabal of Satanists who steal the shroud of Turin in order to clone its DNA.
This movie is among the many films that fulfill scripture concerning the evil one blaspheming the Eternal God.
He/the Devil incarnate shall speak (arrogant) words against the Most High,
Daniel 7:25
He opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.
Revelation 13:6

Anthony has dementia and constantly forgets important life events, like where things are around his flat, including his watch.
This movie premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on 27 January 2020. Grossing $28.2 million worldwide.

Also, Members of the Georgian Foreign Legion are trapped in Bakhmut.
Ukrainian forces left these foreign soldiers on the frontline while they retreated and now, they have resigned themselves to their ultimate fate☠️ and the collapse of a coal mine in Mongolia, China.


Created 1 year, 4 months ago.

191 videos

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Genesis Chapter 1 is not only historic, but it is also prophetic and reveals the plan of God in creation.