World of Genji Works

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World of Genji Works



This is my first Build 01#Fredo. The whole point of his creation was to make a doll that can blink or open and close it's eyes. Which I did. I only used Index Cards, Tape, and a Pencil to make it. I don't think you even need the pencil. It's a WASU Alternative. I know the doll looks creepy.

I just wanted to show people it can be done. There are other alternatives I can think off. But this seems the easiest. I'll show how I did it on another video.

GWV R BollywoodSexy

The Faces of Genji Works: Bollywood

SA2043 2 An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott


Easter RDR

Just wanted to show you guys the code in action. In this game the most damage or stat you may have is 255. But, with this code you break the boundaries to where not even the Dragon Lord can hope to reach!

The code can be found in this link:

Kid Gives Crazy Jepoardy Answer - He knows something.

This is a parody.

It looks like someone made some 'People Pot Pie'. Yummy! Perfect for Halloween.

Prince Of Egypt Gnawing Bone

Not many people know that Lilo and Stitch ended tragically! Ohana indeed! This is how Lilo and Stitch ended and it was not a happy ending!

Seventy years later, Stitch finds Lilo in a Old Folks Home with Alzheimer. Stitch has Lilo remember and promises to take her to space where they can be Ohana forever. [I feel Lilo died when she went to space and her spirit lives on with Stitch] ---SAD!

Arya and the Night King Scene Reminded me of an 80's Tune - Toy Soldiers by Martika, 1988

I dream of a day, I can a spell in a game I'm playing in called the Trump Wall. Where the effects is it deports monsters from the land.

Dick-Kun and Sperm-Sama

Boy Uses Toy Wrong. Regrets It!

ClassicTK - Rise of the Subpath

A clip from Peepoodo & The Super Fuck Friends talking about STD.

I saw a video of a man fight a monkey. I thought it reminded me of Dragon Ball Z.


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

19 videos

Category Anime & Animation

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