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Hey Everyone!

I'm very excited to announce that a fellow Musician Chris J Mocke (from FireGate) and I are working on a Prog Rock / Metal Instrumental Single under the name of Sparrow Ledge. Chris is a skilled drummer and all round musician. He brings alot of fire power to the table. He will also be handling Bass and Keybord duties for this piece. Here's 30 odd seconds of a much longer Instrumental for which we are still recording leads, drums and other parts. Single title to be revealed closer to release time. Things are moving along well so we should have a release date not too terribly long form now if the Lord wills. I say if the Lord wills, because no one knows if we will still be here tomorrow, but the God of the Bible knows.
Enjoy this Teaser

Hey Everyone!
After a long time of illness, weightloss and months of recovery I got around to upload this session with Student JK that we recorded last year. The lesson centers around harmonizing over solo melody parts and the over arching tonallity that was used is the A Harmonic minor / E Phrygian Dominant scales. Apologies for the audio spikes that were unfortunately unavoidable in this session. I hope you find this video useful.
Lesson bookings, Contact Gerry at:
[email protected]

Guitar Coaching for Beginners to Advanced
Contact Gerry at:
[email protected]

R180 per hour lesson.
R50 for WhatsApp Theory / Technique Question of whatever you need help with,
with 5 min response video reply from Bag of Licks.
All recognition and thanks to Jesus Christ the LORD.

Hey Everyone!
Sorry for the long silence! We have moved and things have been and continue to be next level busy. As promised to Subscriber "Bustah", I'm still working on a video about the Hirajoshi Scale which I've chosen to do as an official Scripture Bullet song. So here is a short snippet of the audio. Scripture Bullet also officially welcomes Drummer Chris J Mocke from Living Carcass and FireGate. Chris brings God given talent to the table as can be heard in his Living Carcass material and his FireGate material. It's a great pleasure to work with Chris! Scripture Bullet exists for 2 reasons, to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ into people's ears and to play music that we love. Lots of work to be done!
Enjoy this Snippet and Chris's FireGate Song and Living Carcass snippet.

Hey Everyone!
A little update on Scripture Bullet. We have just recruited a new Member and are Stoked and working on album material. If the LORD wills, we should have an album out some time 2023.

Hey Everyone!
I wanted to do a free lesson / discussion on Legato cycling through a Scale, and the types of things to keep in mind when it comes to smoothing out note articulation and Scale rotations. So here are some ideas I find useful, and I hope you will too. Last but not least, I want to share why I believe and stand by the Bible and it's Gospel. I hope you enjoy this session!

Hey Everyone!
This is a segment of a lesson with student JK. We discussed the use of combined scales as a sprinboard for Freestyle / Soloing. The idea is to have Scale forms and disciplines from which to move into a Solo. Enjoy!

Hey Everyone!
After a time of illness I finally got back to recording something.
This is a Solo over one of Dan Mumm's ( ) fantastic backing tracks. As i have been studying Dan's Arpeggio material and picking technique, I have been pleasently challenged and fortified by the solid techniques he introduces. I highly reccomend Dan's lesson material packages! it's well worth the money! You won't be dissapointed!
I give Special and particular Thanks to Jesus Christ the LORD, the Son of the living God, for creating music and giving us all that we have and are, from Music to oxegen and everything else seen and unseen. He is man's only Salvation, and besides Him, there is no Savior.

It's been a while since uploading. Been really sick for 2 weeks but getting better. Here is a small prophetic Instrumental. By prophetic I mean, that which the Scriptures say about the Messiah Jesus Christ the Son of God. The Music and image in this video has no prophetic power other than to act as a dipiction. Musically this is a piece I did a while ago to see how many scale harmonies I could fit in before it got redundant. The rest was a trial solo to compliment the harmonising chords. All acknowledgement to the LORD for the music He made. Ultimately I want to thank and point to Jesus Christ my Lord and God, Who deserves all obedience and love. There are over 313 prophecies in the Old Testament about Jesus Christ the Messiah. This was compiled over about 1500 years from various writers with one grand theme, namely, the Messiah Jesus Christ and His Redemptive work on the Cross and His Resurrection from the dead. The Bible is God's authoritative word, and not man's opinion about his prefered religion. We are all commanded by God to repent of our sins and to believe His Son Jesus . Enjoy the Music!

Hey Everyone!

Gerry here. This is a 7 Audio Track EP from a collection of past videos that has been re-EQ'd to fit together a bit better. While still working on a Student / Teacher performance project and a video on Exotic Scales, I thought this would be a good inbetweener. I hope you enjoy these tracks for their musical properties. Most of these tracks already have videos demonstrating some of the theory behind the music. You can also check out Soundcloud for future uploads that may not be videos on this channel. Shred Forth!

Hey Everyone!
This is a solo I did a couple of years ago over this great "Heavy Melodico" Backing track by Interprete Desconocido from when they still existed.
May this solo point to Jesus Christ Who gave the gift of Music. Enjoy!

Sup Bitchute family!
Here are a few riffs n such that are in the pipeline for songs, plus some on the spot harmony practice. I hope you all are well.
I often marvel at the vastness of the Music that the LORD created. It is a joy and priviledge to do this!

Hey Everyone!
Visit the Bag of Licks Official Website at
I hope you all had a good new year!
Here is a segment of a lesson with a Student. The lesson was centered around the Locrian #2 Scale and how to make it part of one's playing and practice habbits.
Lessons usually follow a conversational, theoretical, practical type flow. J.K has been growing alot in his understanding and aplication of the Fretboard. It's always a joy to see keen Fretboard intrest grow into muscianship!
I thank the LORD Jesus for this priviledge!

Hey Everyone!
Here is an exercise that has been helping me for a while now. I hope this is useful to you! Head over to the official Bag Of Licks Website if you please.

Hey Everyone!
Bag Of Licks now has a official Website. Head over there and sign up to the blog for free.
It's been a while since the last upload. Good to be back here! This video is based on a lesson with a Student about the Locrian #2 Scale and some of it's uses in composition. As often happens, that lesson material ends up being Scripture Bullet material. So this is some of our Scripture Bullet material being worked on too. It is a great priviledge that the LORD Jesus has given to be able to do this and I give all thanks and acknowledgment to Him for it. Hope you enjoy this somewhat mechanical Prog riffing.

Hey Everyone!
I hope you are all holding up amidst the crazy state the world is in.
Firstly, I want to give Special and deliberate Thanks and Recognition to the LORD Jesus Christ, for the music He created and allowed me to discover. It is such a priviledge to learn and play Music. May the Giver always be our desire and not merely His gifts.
I wanted to put out a Free Lesson / Tutorial on one of the Modes. I chose Lydian as it is one of my favorite Modes and has a very intresting and Adventurous sound, as well as having the potential to sound quite elaborate and different over various types of Chords. The video includes Diagramatical aids first for the Lydian Scale and after that some Chord suggestions that you may find useful.
Fun fact: My wife is quite the Gardener and when I recorded this piece, the theme of Bees and Pollen gathering incects in the Spring time, came to mind, hence the title, "Season of the Pollen Gatherers". It's Spring time here, so there's that.

Hey Everyone!
Gerry here. Welcome to Bag of Licks Guitar Studio.
Stay tuned for more Guitar instruction videos and playing habbit hacks.
Bag of Licks Guitar Studio is a Guitar instruction channel for aspiring Lead Guitarists. Lessons are conducted on Zoom, and Students are given Individual attention in order to cultivate specific practice and playing habbits. Guitar theory is taught with a practical application mindset. Bag of Licks Guitar Studio is fueled by 30 years of collective experience, both in playing guitar/bass/extended range and guitar maintanence / repairs, as well as partial gig and studio time. Also holding a Cirtificate in Music Skills from Stellenbosch University South Africa.

All honor and recognition to Jesus Christ the Lord.

Hey Everyone!
Hope you are all well!
This is a playthrough for the intro to Christology, one of our Scripture Bullet songs currently being worked on. The Key Signature is A minor and the main musical idea centers around A Harmonic minor and E Phrygian Dominant, these two Scales share exactly the same set of notes but with a difference in structural sequence, Some Diminished tonalities are also in some of the solo tapping harmonies. Scripture Bullet is still in rehearsal phase and we are excited about putting forth the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ on a Prog / Thrash serving trey if God wills, not too long from now.
For Guitar Lessons Contact: [email protected]

Hey Everyone!
Here is an informal Legato Primer Technique I shared with a fellow Guitarist the other day. Hope you find it useful!
For Guitar / Technique / Music Theory lessons Contact: [email protected]

Have an awesome day!

Hey Everyone!
This video is Part 2 in the #Quick Shred Ideas series. It also contains some of the composion work for our Scripture Bullet Prog / Thrash project, on which I'm working with a Vocalist / Guitarist that comes out of the 90's Thrash era. If the LORD wills, there will be more about that in the next few months. Bag of Licks focusses on solo and composition for lead guitarists. The idea is to present compositional pieces and then to embelish on them. This Solo part comes from a lesson with a student in which we covered improv concepts by playing a few "close vacinity Scales", as a way to be intresting and fresh in improv ideas and also to use more than just one Key Signature while in the same zone on the Fretboard. Music is a tremendous priviledge that the God of the Bible has given us, and it is right to honor Him for it, because He created it. I give thanks to the LORD for the joy and priviledge of what He has granted. The musical idea is to help Students dig into their creative gifting.

Hey Everyone!
Here is a quick drop in for some composition ideas. Maybe this will spark some ideas of your own. Scales are often the instigators of composition, at least I have found that to be so. This is a Prog Rock / Metal concept for me as far as coming up with intresting melodic ideas go.
Of course the right set of chords and rhythm behind this lead burst, will be just the ticket to move out of "dead shred" teritory, into a lead break with notable intriguing changes. Again I give thanks and honor to Jesus the LORD God, for the gift of music.

(Disclaimer: I do not advocate or endorse the phylosophy of bands like Pink Floyd, but appreciate the musical element)
Hey Everyone,
This is a solo that I recorded over this Backing track a few years ago. First of all I want to give thanks and complete acknowledgment to the LORD Jesus Christ for the ability to do this. It is His Father that gives us everything we have, and any gift we have does not reside within ourselves but is literally a gift from God. May this foremostly be pleasing to Christ. Secondly a big shout out to COCOALAND from who did this amazing Pink Floyd STYLE track. It was a joy to do leads over this. Thank you!
Finally, I hope the listener enjoy this track with it's various emotional melodies and expressions. And above all, that you would look at the message behind "Vapor - Earth Dust Composite", and remember our frailty as humans, that can only find a secure eternity and salvation in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross alone.
Enjoy !

Bag of Licks Guitar Studio presents, Scripture Bullet's,
"Regeneration under Trial".
We have been working on this piece of music for a while and are excited about it's developments.The song is in A minor so far and has some Phrygian Dominant tones. These are some Guitar parts in the song.
Hope you enjoy the music, and are encouraged to stand for Christ in these evil days.
Regards Igs

Performance in A minor by Bag of Licks Guitar Studio
Story behind the Track: Guilty sinners understand that only Jesus Christ can save us. We forsake all hope in Self, and set our hope on Jesus Who took the wrath of God on the cross for our lies, theft, pride, selfishness, lust and rebellion... What our sin deserves, was given to Jesus Christ Who willingly took the wrath of His Father on he cross even though He is innocent. Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later.
God Commands all people everywhere to Repent and believe the Gospel.

Hey Everyone!
I hope you enjoy this piece of music. Perplexity is part of a song in the writing. The Narrow Road, which Jesus the Lord calls His followers to, is a perplexing road that is impossible to walk apart from the saving work of Jesus Christ through His death on the cross for our sins and His resurrection from the dead. God now, because of this, commands all people everywhere to Repent and to believe His Son, Jesus. This means that we realize that we have broken God's Ten Commandments, which is the very deffinition of sin, and our sin has rightfully earned us God's wrath in Hell. The wages of sin is death. It is because of our lies, pride, blasphemy, lust, rebellion..... that God sent His Son to die in the place of guilty sinners. Jesus is God in the flesh, Who willingly took the wrath of His Father on the Cross for our sin.

The command of the Gospel is that we turn from sin and believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins. It is perplexing to concider the requirements of the Narrow road that leads to eternal life, but that is why Jesus said, "unless a man is born again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God." (John 3) The point is that Jesus is the sinless Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. We are unable to save ourselves from God's wrath, That is why God sent His Own Son to suffer and die the death that you and I rightly deserve for our sin against Him. Jesus did no sin of any kind. He is the sinless Lamb Who is worthy to be obeyed. God commands all people everywhere to repent because He has set aside a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness. It is only God Who can grant repentance and faith in His Son. Scripture says, "All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved." God commands you and me to repent and to trust His Son for the forgiveness of our sins. "God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
May the LORD bless you, in turing you from your sin, to Him.


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

29 videos

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