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And now for some humor. To the tune of Queen's We Will Rock You!

Here is a short but straight forward report. Citizen journalists rule. This is exactly what I saw from many people last March, both in America and in Europe. People filming empty ERs not even staff there. And here we are again, 11 months later. Same story, different day.

Jeremy Elliott presenting this. He is usually very deliberate and thoughtful. Posting it here in the event Utube disappears it.

Rudy Giuliani makes the case to the public. Putting it up because UTube probably not going to let it stand. It is worth the time to review. Unless you have been following this closely you haven't heard the facts at all. There are hundreds of thousands of vote cast more that ballots that were printed by the states. Only one thing can account for that. Doesn't matter where your politics are, can't allow an election of such serious questions to be considered legitimate. Maybe best to regroup and redo the election.

Remember the great swine flu vaccinations of 1976? Also you might visit
Wherein we see 6 people died in the final trials, but we should not be concerned. oh and by the way, it might make you sterile too.
Reminder 100% survival of the flu and even 99.47% if you are over 70 and very ill anyway, why risk all this other stuff?

Pardon the poor resolution, its a copy of a copy of a copy from an original video tape.

The Red Ice team reviews the election fraud.
You can visit the site at

The stolen election and the disinformation being presented by the press. Are you being Gaslighted?
Feel free to support this work at

#FightBack Foundation, a free speech group that has raised nearly $2 million in funding for Rittenhouse's legal fees, posted the 11-minute footage to several alternative, anti-Big Tech video sharing platforms. A downloadable version is available on the association's website.

With the stunning information just released by the CDC about the COVID death count, you might be wondering what to do. Should you be living with more fear or should you be living with a lot more fear? Well in this video, your trusted health authority will be telling you exactly what to think and feel.....

Currently he is still on Utube, but that can't last much longer.

This powerful message, about what has affected all of our lives since March of this year, speaks of most of the events and threats that have, in some small or great way, affected the daily lives we lived prior to March of this year. The questions that are asked during this short video will help you realize more thoroughly what has happened to nearly all human beings in the world.

Remember the frog in the boiling water?

This thought provoking video will help you to determine what and how you can save your life. Now the problem has been simply described. What are you going to do to protect yourself and your family?

Hydrogel, DARPA, the enzyme called Luciferase. Who are you then? Who owns you if part of your DNA was developed by a lab?

Letting people out of prison because of fear of them getting corona; putting people into prison for not wearing the muzzle? Killing millions of babies, but so concerned about health they are destroying the country? If this is so bad, why aren't the homeless who are unwashed and unmuzzled dying in the 1000s?

What is it really about? Certainly not about health

The Red Pill Project offers some observations

The enemy is not us... the rise of Socialism in Yugoslavia and how it is being re-deployed in America. Running time 15 minutes.

Our noble ancestors considered cowardice among the worst of things. George Washington when asked, why they fought so hard for this new Country, replied "Americans sir would rather die on their feet, than live on their knees."

Are we, the descendants of Pilgrims, Pioneers, Cowboys and explorers that went to the depths of the unknown ocean and into the sky passing out of sight, now trembling at the thought of going out into the sunshine and meeting our fellow man?

We thank Mimirs Brunnr - for this excellent consideration. Visit his site, if you like, at

Big Brother is watching. And is downloading the tracer app in your phone in updates. Forced quarantine, separation from your family, can't go out at all. They will assign minders to buy groceries for you. If your 10-14 days is done and you go out, and another person is found within range, back into quarantine you go. Have a look. And learn, knowledge is power.

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy CollapsesEXCLUSIVE: Dr. Rashid Buttar BLASTS Gates, Fauci, EXPOSES Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses.

Reports and discussion of the planned food shortage.
Guest Ice Age Farmer.
Red Ice TV -


Created 4 years, 2 months ago.

17 videos

Category None

Uploading some of the videos that are "wrong think" and/or got disappeared on other platforms. For some reason my most recent video uploads have taken more than a week to be produced.

So visit me over at for other videos. 2/14/21