Tommaso Giovanni

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Tommaso Giovanni



They don’t bring up the vaccine found on badlands media

It’s on Rumble, truth social, telegram Get yours weekly schedule today

Patel patriot put this out

In case you people don’t want to read it this is 100% devolution it take some time but we are winning

Jon Voight wake up America he made this November 13 there is hope God is going to prevail

It’s a little spoof I thought we can use a laugh

Taking back control it was a red wave Trump play 5D chest

The red wave was a red wave Donald Trump’s 219 Wins 16 losses.


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

525 videos

Category News & Politics

I put these videos out and cut them down, so they are short ,all these people make videos are awesome, but it’s hard to get people to watch one hour shows, some people are so asleep, why I cut them down to little points of view.

I used to work for Donald Trump in his Atlantic city casinos, he was awesome the media paint a picture but he was not like this, he was a strong boss who felt compassion , The first time he said he was going to run 2010 I was thrilled he’s going to go down as the best president United States have ever had ,
I’m trying to do my part, whatever I can do to get the message out ,I was big on Facebook and YouTube and they kick me off for good, and FBI came to my home to ask me some questions, I couldn’t believe it , they asked me if I was in Washington DC I said no , you believe this all these criminals in Washington run around they asked a little old me ,it’s hard for me to do this with my handicap ,but every person Can do they are part ,Every video you like share it God bless you