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Glenn Fitzhurgud


Mister Douglas is probably the most insane out of them all, as talented as he is at voice-overs. Aside from my general internet research at finding some fantastic gems to laugh at, the masturbation and drugs bit of this came from a video that was released a few years back called DC Douglas: Renowned Actor, currently just on daily motion. It's over half an hour of DC's craziness, I highly suggest looking it up.

For context on the opening of this vid ripping on the other VA's cringe, that was Chris Sabat's video and you can watch it here:

Amanda Winn-Lee is another nutcase in the wonderful shit show that's Weeb Wars. She's your typical sjw super feminist. Hates the whites and says incredibly dumb shit to people who disagree with her.

If Weeb Wars has done one thing, it's introduce me to how insane some of these voice actors and voice actresses are. Pictures are not mine. Enjoy my highlights of feminism and lulz.

I swear I know what I'm doing.


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

4 videos

Category Gaming

I'm a guy that likes to say stupid shit while playing video games. So enjoy me saying stupid shit while I most likely die a horrible death in whatever game I choose to play.