Glory Bound, Arlen Williams

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Glory Bound, Arlen Williams

Arlen Williams


Video recorded Monday 7/17/2023, first published in Rumble 7/20.

“Get Out Your Popcorn, but Not for Long” -
“Laugh With Me” -
“War is Coming” -
“It’s Time to Go Full Throttle” -
Also much related, “The Sickness Has Not Touched Them” -

John 1:1-18 -
John 3 -
Romans 10:9 -
Amos 3:7 -
Jesus lays it all out as He comes before His Father, to ask the Father of His Bride for her hand, in John 17 -

“PrayingMedic” Dave Hayes’ Hearing God’s Voice
other books by Dave, including Power and Authority Made Simple -

Julie Green, 7/12, “Things Are Ramping Up” -

Diana Larkin’s site and the approximately seven months -
Her videos on hearing God’s voice -

Mark Virkler’s site Communion With God Ministries -

On Ericsson Communications’ use by the cabal, to control Internet and cell traffic
1. site taken down, this may provide an future answer -
2. interview of author (pray for Michael Rae Khoury) by Lara Logan in Twitter Spaces -

Please see new, current words of intercession and prophecy at

Arlen: -

"Arlen Williams," in (good) Xapit and in (cabal aligned) Facebook, occasional posts elsewhere

Video primarily in “Glory Bound” at Rumble, also in BitChute, Brighteon, and elsewhere.

I didn't follow up with numerous programs right away, after all, but something is brewing. Should probably update this note space with the Scriptures, a good task for the moment (6-29-22)...

For now, this is the word the Lord gave me for this phase of justice:

"The kings, the priests, the rulers of this age of earth are fallen. Anoint not the ones before you with your fears. Proscribe the enemy of its iniquity and unjust gain, with My anointing. Be merciful to the sinner, but just to the sin. Do not proscribe the righteous of the ways of justice, rather anoint their merciful judgments and executions thereof. Beknight the carriers out of my ways to establish the peace and bring about the glories outpouring to this land. Be wise in the councils of the Lord. Be merciful and swift in carrying out my judgments upon the earth: purposes of the Almighty and His ways into your future. Be strong and powerful in me. Place the burden of the Lord above the burdens of the retributions upon the fallen. Be merciful in carrying out swift justice upon the land. Be strong. Be not wrong. Be challenged in me, to see the ways of justice--in me. Be strong, not wrong."

"The just, the ministers of my righteousness in this land are to be held in high regard. Be still and know that their ways are faithful, their anointings true. They are dispensed to do my will according to my precepts and plans. They are accordingly dispensed and appointed in my heart and mind. My ways are true and will be carried out, for justice. Peace is the plan. Peacemakers are true to me, to my counsel. Make sure of it with me in spirit and in truth, accordingly."

(Please share this with your fellow believers in Christ Jesus. Like, subscribe here, and subscribe to delivery of email alerts at

The word from the Lord begins at 17:45. This is God's word of instruction to those who pray and decree, given to His Kingdom "Ecclesia." Here is its text:


"The kings, the priests, the rulers of this age of earth are fallen. Anoint not the ones before you with your fears. Proscribe the enemy of its iniquity and unjust gain, with My anointing. Be merciful to the sinner, but just to the sin. Do not proscribe the righteous of the ways of justice, rather anoint their merciful judgments and executions thereof. Beknight the carriers out of my ways to establish the peace and bring about the glories outpouring to this land. Be wise in the councils of the Lord. Be merciful and swift in carrying out my judgments upon the earth: purposes of the Almighty and His ways into your future. Be strong and powerful in me. Place the burden of the Lord above the burdens of the retributions upon the fallen. Be merciful in carrying out swift justice upon the land. Be strong. Be not wrong. Be challenged in me, to see the ways of justice--in me. Be strong, not wrong."

"The just, the ministers of my righteousness in this land are to be held in high regard. Be still and know that their ways are faithful, their anointings true. They are dispensed to do my will according to my precepts and plans. They are accordingly dispensed and appointed in my heart and mind. My ways are true and will be carried out, for justice. Peace is the plan. Peacemakers are true to me, to my counsel. Make sure of it with me in spirit and in truth, accordingly."

(Please share this with your fellow believers in Christ Jesus. Like, subscribe here, and subscribe to delivery of email alerts at

The "Diana" to whom I refer is Diana Larkin. You can see interviews with her in this "channel" and at, with further important info from her. Please pardon the less than state of the art video and audio quality. Time to upgrade equipment. ;-) Interesting that this video happens to be 26 minutes, 26 seconds in length. Referenced in the video was Genesis 1:26: Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth,” and the Second Adam is our King, Christ Jesus.

I've been given permission by HisGloryTV to place this extaordinarily important January 7th “Grace and Glory” broadcast by David Scarlett and Amanda Grace, into BitChute and Odysee.

See its middle section, beginning at the 19:25 mark. There, Amanda Grace refers to a dream given her by the Lord to expose the plans of our demon inspired globalist enemy. It concerns three apparent principalities targeting the U.S. federal courts, especially regarding the “vaccines” (sic) and mandates; also abortion. Note, the need for intercession through prayer and fasting is brought-up between David and Amanda.

In the 31:00 minute, Amanda begins to explain how Obamacare prepared the way for the alleged “immunization” plan.

Then, in minute 49:00, Amanda relates that God spoke to her of graft and extortion being carried out in America's hospitals, in order to cause dishonest diagnoses and deaths for the sustaining of pandemic fear levels. Also, of hospital programs to diagnose the unjabbed as COVID-positive and, effectively, to murder them, even using classic gangland racketeering methods to coerce medical professionals to comply (52:15). Among the atrocities discussed, ingredients of “vaccines” are also cited that intentionally destroy emotion center(s) of the brain.

After this set of revelations, David reads a letter, the story of allegedly and exactly the kind of medical murder just prophetically described, of the father of the letter's author.

According to Amanda, God's judgment of these atrocities will include His allowance of a plague outbreak among conspiratorial medical personnel themselves, which will also extend to complicit politicians.

If you know Jesus, I'm asking you to intercede, to pray and decree concerning this extremely alarming matter, in His name.

There is subsequent conversation on such topics in ensuing “Grace & Glory” programs.

Links to this program on HisGloryTV's sites:

Texts of Diana Larkin's prophetic words from our Lord: If you appreciate, please subscribe, "like," share, set notifications, and... share some more!

For texts of words to Diana, plus links and credits, see -- please share with believers, skeptics, and those in-between!

The reason for Alphabet Inc's (YouTube's) censorship of this video was given as "medical misinformation." I speak of the problems caused by the COVID-19 "vaccination" (sic).

Diana Larkin's prophetic words featured on this program, plus further information about her social media sites are featured this video at Glory Bound:

Diana Larkin's texts may be seen in here.

Second in this October 2021 series about words via Diana Larkin concerning God's winning work in World War III just before “The Fall of the Fall,” and His immediate directives to His people.

Much bigger than Trump and it is happening, but prepare for some unsettling days. Diana Larkin's texts may be seen in here.

First in this October 2021 series about words via Ms. Larkin concerning God's winning work in World War III just before “The Fall of the Fall,” and His immediate directives to His people.

See for texts of Diana Larkin's words from the Lord featured in this program, plus key items mentioned in it.

Key links to items in this video are found by these two pages:

Comments are very welcome, there or here. Do you have concerns, information on the ground, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, inklings, tips, questions, etc.?

Diana Larkin in Twitter:
Arlen Williams in Twitter (as of today ;-):

Hm, "fifth dimensional warfare?" I meant fifth generational warfare (5GW) whether or not it has anything to do with theoretical physics.

Text for these new prophetic words, Scripturally based, are to shown at: Diana's urgent War Room alert is found on this channel and at: Come on in. If you don't like it, our video door swings either way.

HEAR and SEE congruent prophetic information from Robin D. Bullock and Amanda Grace on this very subject and text of the message given to Diana at "URGENT: Planned Border Mayhem; from God’s War Room to Diana Larkin, to You," at

ALSO SEE GOD'S ALERT for intercession regarding America's border, "URGENT Prophetic Directive, Planned Border Mayhem; from God’s War Room to Diana Larkin, to You"

For texts of Diana's words from the Lord in this program, see "God’s New Works, His Peace in His War with Globalist Evil; Diana Larkin,"

Here are the important strategy and tactics Diana Larkin learned in God's War Room in Heaven. For the texts of God's words and further notes, see:

My 5th interview of Diana Larkin, gratefully. Also, hear Diana interviewed by Dave Scarlett and Amanda Grace:

BTW, the Holy Spirit manifesting Himself with individuals distinctly, one from another, is related in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 12, especially verse 11. (I blurted out "2nd Corinthians" for some reason.) Also, I apologize for uttering one Americanized-vernacular word that starts with a "b," but which means something unfortunately distinct for those who speak the Queen's English. 8-u

Diana Larkin publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, and may also be found at Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and search “Diana Larkin” in For the text of the Lord's word to Diana and her comments, see the related article in Gulag Bound:

Note: At one point in this conversation, about Joe Biden, I said something that would ordinarily be a mistake to say. God never does wrong. He does have to do many things that are very tough, both upon himself and upon those refusing to turn to Him.

For texts of Diana's words from the Lord featured here, plus the list of fulfilled exposures, info on the national prophetic Independence Day event (streamed) and Mario Murillo's article on decreeing God's will, see:

Diana Larkin is found on: Twitter @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11



11/9/2016 “ACKNOWLEDGE”
“Thank you for understanding what I am doing in your Nation, and for seeing past SURFACE ISSUES to the HEART of what I am doing. This man’s (President Trump) STRONG LEADERSHIP is the answer to the cries of My Church to turn their Nation BACK TO ME. Pray for him. Acknowledge him as MY CHOICE and watch what I will do.”

“Turning the tide in your Nation is a HUGE task, but I am more than able to accomplish it. I am requiring that the Church PARTNER with Me to bring it about. This is not only about the REBIRTH of a Nation’s destiny, it is about learning to work with Me—growing in your ability to HEAR and to OBEY Me and realizing I want to work with you as with a FRIEND—like the Son worked with Me to create the Universe. It brought great JOY to both of us—that’s what I want for the Church and I to experience—on a corporate and on an individual basis. I am calling you into a DIMENSION of relationship to teach you how to CALL FORTH LIFE and ORDER in your Nation. Position yourself with Me and watch what I will do through you.”


“Harvest is not going to look like anything of the past moves that I’ve sent. Large parts of movements that have gone before were lost because there was no true teaching and modeling of life in Me and with Me. This harvest will look more like small families springing up within the Church where people will be drawn into LOVE, COMMUNITY, and how to WALK IN THE SPIRIT with Me—that is learning to HEAR MY VOICE, becoming a TRUE WORSHIPER and being taught the blessings and necessity of INTIMACY. These little families will be REAL LIFE shared together. The result will be a beautiful bride, a powerful army, and a priceless city in which My presence will remain. Just look to Me—I will do it.”

“I am working behind the scenes through My faithful ones to HEAL the divide in your Nation. My faithful ones PARTNER with Me in calling forth the Kingdom into the hearts and lives of those I bring to their attention. They are using their authority against the TIDE of DARKNESS that has been released by the enemy, and they are calling forth the TSUNAMI TIDE of My LIFE and LIGHT and GOODNESS to turn back and to overcome that darkness. They are not using their authority against people but for people and against the darkness. As fierce as the opposition seems, it is nothing when compared to My power—the power of My love and My light.”


“The Army of God is rising up out of its dullness & apathy. As with ONE VOICE you call on My name to come & deliver your Nation out of the grip of evil, I am responding by unleashing the POWER OF HEAVEN to come to your aid. As you press into the battle with Me, you will see the tide turn. PUSH BACK the darkness & CALL FORTH My light! I want you by My side as we win this battle together.”

From Psalm 34 & 35 “I cried to God in my distress & He answered me. He freed me from all my fears! Gaze upon Him, join your life to His, & joy will come. Humiliate those who seek my harm. Defeat them all! Blow them away like dust in the wind, with the Angel of Almighty God driving them back!”

On another subject, Pastor Dave mentioned something on His Glory News yesterday that if true would be a lot of bombshell exposures. I have no way of checking it out and wondered if you might be able to. He said he had a report that there had been another massive Wiki Leaks drop exposing all HRC emails and tons of other stuff.


"Your calendar may say that Passover is finished but I say that your Nation is still in a PASSOVER SEASON until you see the enemy PUSHED BACK from pursuing the life of your Nation and those partnered with darkness DROWNED in the flood of My EXPOSURE, JUDGMENT, AND JUSTICE. When you see President Trump installed as the RIGHTFUL LEADER of your Land, then you will know that Passover has ended and you are now FREE to enter the PROMISED land that I have declared over your Nation. There will still be SKIRMISHES to fight and CLEAN-UP operations of evil will continue, but you will know that the TIDE HAS TURNED and that we have OVERCOME the plan to DESTROY America and that FREEDOM, JUSTICE, and RIGHTEOUSNESS are being RESTORED. My calendar trumps all other calendars."

Wanda Alger on Elijah Streams as Diana mentioned (same day):

Link to Word Monday 6/14, "EXPOSURE WEEK":

Arlen Williams - and Twitter @ArlenWms, Telegraph @ArlenWilliams, LinkedIn in/arlenwilliams, MeWe i/ArlenWilliams, Gab @ArlenWilliams, Xapit profile/63994, Facebook @ArlenWilliams

Facebook user "Sara NP" posted this video on Saturday night, April 25, 2020, asking others to spread the word about severe COVID-19 patient abuse. She relates that she speaks for a friend, also a nurse, who went to a New York hospital to treat COVID-19 patients.
Article in Gulag Bound:
Her post in Facebook:
This account makes no claims as to this person's statements.


Created 4 years ago.

23 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

By God, America is reemerging.