Godless Engineer

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Godless Engineer



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In today's video, I dive deep into the problematic attitudes often propagated in religious circles, particularly concerning gender studies and personal choices. We explore the scenario where an individual faces social dilemmas upon choosing to follow religious teachings, specifically within the context of Christianity and its intersections with modern societal values like women's rights and LGBTQ+ rights.

I challenge the stereotype that gender studies and the people who opt for such courses are "weak." This perspective not only reflects deep-seated misogyny but also exudes toxic masculinity, which I will dissect and critique. Why is there a need to demean educational choices that aim to enlighten and advocate for equality? Why are these choices considered less valuable or an indication of one's strength?

Through this analysis, I aim to highlight the underlying prejudices that fuel such viewpoints and argue against the unnecessary stigmatization of educational pursuits that empower and inform on matters of gender and social justice. Join me as I unpack these issues, confront the uncomfortable truths, and advocate for a more inclusive understanding within religious and non-religious communities.

Make sure to like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon to not miss any updates on this series, where we challenge and rethink the narratives that shape our understanding of strength, education, and morality in contemporary society. Your thoughts are invaluable—drop a comment below to join the discussion!

Today, we're tackling a widespread misconception within religious narratives: the idea of divine intervention and giving credit to a deity for personal achievements and recoveries. In this video, I break down the concept of attributing successes to God—like overcoming illness or achieving individual goals—and argue that these are the results of human effort, medical science, and sometimes sheer luck, not supernatural acts.

Let's dive into the absurdity of some biblical stories and compare them to the idea that a god is intervening in our daily lives today. I mean, wouldn't we have more concrete evidence in the modern world if divine intervention were as theatrical as the stories suggest—like Jesus performing bizarre miracles right out of a sitcom? We're talking about an observable, undeniable miracle that would leave the world in awe, not just personal anecdotes that could easily be explained naturally.

Join me as I explore these themes, using humor and critical analysis to highlight the importance of recognizing human resilience and effort. Why should we diminish our achievements by crediting them to an unseen force? It's time to celebrate human potential and responsibility!

Be sure to hit the like button, subscribe if you haven't yet, and ring that bell to stay updated on all our discussions. If you've ever credited a personal success to divine intervention or enjoyed a good, thought-provoking debate, drop your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s get this conversation started!

Today, Dr. Joshua Bowen and I dissect and challenge the claims about biblical slavery and its supposed moral framework. In today’s episode, we deeply dive into the complex and often glossed-over passages of Deuteronomy and Leviticus, exploring the unsettling justification of slavery in the ancient texts.

We begin by scrutinizing Deuteronomy 15 and Leviticus 25, where it's argued that slavery, as depicted, is not only permissible but designed to be a permanent institution. We question the moral dissonance in these scriptures, highlighting the contrast between the treatment of "Hebrew" slaves versus "foreign" slaves. The text explicitly allows for the lifelong enslavement and inheritance of foreign slaves – a point I find morally and ethically indefensible.

Further intensifying our exploration, we analyze the implications of these passages not just in a historical context but in how they resonate—or clash—with contemporary values. Through a critical examination, we reveal the selective interpretation and cognitive dissonance that often accompanies apologetic arguments regarding biblical slavery.

Dr. Josh presented the exact Hebrew translations and discussed the nuances of the language used in these ancient texts.

Prepare for an enlightening discussion that challenges conventional interpretations and invites you to question the moral standings of such ancient mandates. Whether you’re a skeptic, a believer, or simply curious, this deep dive offers a comprehensive analysis to foster a more critical understanding of the biblical context of slavery.

Original Video: https://youtube.com/live/kgWZDXGwpvs

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In today’s video, we’re diving into the complexities of historical documentation and the credibility of sources, specifically focusing on the Gospel of Luke compared to ancient historical biographies. It’s a fascinating topic highlighting the stark differences in how historical narratives are constructed and validated.

Luke's Gospel admits using other sources, but unlike historical biographies, it fails to disclose who these sources are. This omission is crucial because it significantly impacts the credibility and scholarly evaluation of the texts. For example, let’s consider Arrian’s account of Alexander the Great. Arrian details his sources, including firsthand accounts from two of Alexander’s generals. This transparency allows historians to trace the origins of the information and assess its reliability.

In contrast, the Gospels, including Luke, lack this level of detail and verification, which raises questions about their historical accuracy and the intentions behind their compositions. This issue places scholars like Dr. Craig, who defend these texts, on the fringe of academic scholarship due to their acceptance of sources without the rigorous substantiation typically required in historical study.

Join me as we explore the implications of these differences for biblical scholarship and historical studies. We'll dissect how the absence of transparent sources in the Gospels compares to the robust methodology seen in classical historiography. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and drop a comment below with your thoughts. Can the Gospels be considered reliable historical documents, or are they a different breed altogether? Let’s get into it!

Today, we're dissecting a common tactic used in religious evangelism that I find particularly troubling. The advice often goes like this: "Start reading the Bible, start praying, come to church, and God will reveal all His glory to you." But let’s pause and think critically about what’s actually being suggested.

The underlying message here is to first believe, even without evidence, and then you will receive divine proof. This approach to conversion—believing first to see—raises significant concerns about the nature of belief and proof in faith contexts. It's a method that relies heavily on emotional experiences, which are subjective and not universally convincing.

This video will explore why such a methodology is problematic for anyone seeking truth. If faith truly represents reality, shouldn’t it be verifiable through more than just personal feelings? Shouldn’t there be tangible, objective evidence that can convince any rational observer?

Join me as we delve into the mechanics of this "faith-first" approach, discussing its implications for genuine belief and the potential dangers of indoctrination. We'll also examine how emotional experiences validate religious claims and why this falls short of providing credible proof of a deity.

Hit the like button, subscribe for more analytical content, and share your thoughts in the comments below. Is believing without seeing a viable path to truth, or is it a gateway to accepting unverified claims? Let's get to the bottom of this together!

There is no historical evidence that proves the crucifixion of Jesus Christ happened. A lot of people, including atheists, love to push back against the idea that it didn't happen. This is because they generally think it's one of the most verifiable things in history. We don't really have good information about any historical Jesus, and the idea that he was crucified by the Roman government is out of the standard operating procedures of the time. So, what evidence do we actually have for the crucifixion? We have no solid evidence; the only existing evidence amounts to scriptural references and hallucinations. Not something that we should believe without better evidence.

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Today, we're diving into some recent remarks made by Alabama State Senator Tommy Tuberville, who seems to generate more controversy than policy. Tuberville's statements about immigration and religion are not just misleading; they are wildly inaccurate and deserve a thorough debunking.

In a recent speech, Tuberville claimed that "we have a million people every couple of months coming to this country that know nothing about God," referring to immigrants at the southern border. Let's unpack this: not only are these numbers grossly exaggerated—the actual figure for border encounters in 2023 is around 2.5 million for the entire year—but his comments on immigrants' religious knowledge are baseless and frankly offensive.

In this video, I will break down Tuberville's statements against the actual statistics and discuss the harmful impact such rhetoric has on public perception and policy. We’ll also explore the broader context of how such narratives are shaped by and reinforce xenophobic sentiments under the guise of religious concern.

Make sure to like, subscribe, and comment below with your thoughts. Let’s get factual and push back against misinformation spread by those in power. Please tune in for a detailed analysis of why it's crucial to challenge these misleading narratives in our political discourse. Join the conversation!

In today's video, we're taking a critical look at a claim that's been circulating, which suggests that atheism is prevalent among 'weak' men, both mentally and physically. This assertion not only raises questions about the arbitrary measures of strength but also exposes underlying layers of toxic masculinity and misogyny.

First off, how is 'weakness' being defined here? The notion seems to stem from outdated stereotypes that equate physical strength solely with masculinity and overlook women in the conversation. This perspective is not only sexist but also diminishes the diverse experiences and strengths of individuals across the gender spectrum.

The idea that physical prowess correlates with religious belief is as absurd as scientifically unfounded. Moreover, the assumption that women either don't belong in the gym or should adhere to different standards when they are there reeks of misogyny, likely influenced by traditional, conservative religious teachings, which this individual appears to subscribe to.

In our deep dive, we'll explore how these misguided views are linked to broader religious and cultural narratives, specifically within specific conservative Christian communities. We'll also discuss how progressive Christians and other religious groups challenge these outdated notions.

Join me as we unpack these stereotypes, challenge the toxic ideologies behind them, and advocate for a more inclusive understanding of strength and belief. Remember to hit the like button, subscribe for more myth-busting content, and drop your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s tear down these barriers together!

Today, we're embarking on a wild journey through the bizarre landscape of eclipse comments on social media! From high-profile personalities to the average Joe, people have had some outlandish reactions to this natural phenomenon, and I'm here to break it all down for you. Elected officials weigh in with their own conspiracy theories, while average randoms on Twitter doubt the moon even exists.

During my recent trip to Ohio for the total eclipse—an absolutely surreal experience—I was amazed not only by the celestial event itself but also by the ridiculous claims and theories it sparked among the masses. Some thought it was some mythical planetary body called "Rahu," and others didn't know what was in front of the sun, but they knew it wasn't the moon. Others claim some weird ancient conspiracy that sounds like a failed star trek movie plot.

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Hey everyone, Godless Engineer here! In today's video, we're diving into a topic that touches on workplace dynamics, religious beliefs, and personal choices—particularly around the seemingly innocuous preference for soy milk and its unexpected ties to broader societal debates.

So here's the scoop: someone expressed concern that choosing to drink soy milk—or changing one's religious beliefs—might affect their relationships at work, specifically at a soy milk factory. As a diabetic, I prefer almond milk due to its low-carb benefits. Still, I've never understood the stigma against soy milk or why any personal preference should impact professional relations.

Moreover, this conversation raises a crucial question: Why should converting to Christianity, or any religion, disrupt workplace harmony? In my own experience, being an atheist in a predominantly Christian workplace hasn't put me at odds with my colleagues. The problem isn't the faith itself but perhaps the perceived obligation within some religious communities to evangelize aggressively and alienate those who don’t share their beliefs.

In this video, I'll explore the idea that the tension between personal beliefs and professional interactions doesn't have to exist. We’ll discuss how reasonable and respecting boundaries can lead to a harmonious work environment, regardless of one's dietary preferences or religious views. Is the real issue the inherent pushiness of some associate with religious identity? Let's break it down and consider how everyone can coexist respectfully in diverse settings.

Don't forget to like, subscribe, and chime in with your thoughts below. Whether you're sipping soy, almond, or no milk, let's get to the bottom of this intriguing issue together!

Today's video examines a rather peculiar piece of legislation recently passed in the Tennessee Senate. State Senator Steve Southerland and Representative Monty Fritz have spearheaded a bill to stop the federal government from supposedly introducing chemicals into our skies to manipulate weather and temperature. This conspiracy ties into even wilder claims about mind control and sterilization.

Let’s dissect this: no credible evidence supports the implementation of such geoengineering practices, and the very notion borders on the absurd. Yet, here we are, Tennessee lawmakers prioritizing these fantastical fears over addressing actual, tangible threats to their constituents.

In this analysis, I’ll explore why focusing on such non-issues might appeal to certain politicians and how it distracts from more pressing problems—problems which, ironically, may include the actions and policies of these very same lawmakers. We're going to dive deep into the implications of this legislation and what it says about the current political landscape where, seemingly, Republicans pose a more significant threat to rational discourse and public safety than any contrived chemtrail conspiracy.

Join me for a critical look at this legislative maneuver and its broader societal implications. Don’t forget to hit that like button, subscribe for more no-holds-barred political commentary, and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Let’s get into it!

Today, I'm diving deep into a debate that spirals into an intense discussion on science, ideology, and the validity of transgender identities.

In this episode, I engage with a caller named Chuck, who begins with a controversial statement about gender identities, quickly shifting our discussion toward the scientific understanding of gender versus sex. Chuck challenges the current scientific consensus, leading to a heated debate involving biology textbooks, significant medical associations, and the evolution of scientific thought.

Join Forrest and me as we dismantle misconceptions and defend the rights of individuals to define their own identities against outdated beliefs. This isn't just about opinions; it's about what the evidence says and how science supports the diversity of human experience. Forrest challenges Chuck’s views with facts from leading health organizations and delves into why accepting modern scientific findings is crucial for individual rights and societal progress.

Whether you're here to learn, support, or challenge your views, this episode is a testament to the importance of scientifically questioning and understanding the world. We're not just debating; we're revealing the deep-seated issues that influence public discourse on gender and identity.

Watch as we explore how ideologies can shape our perceptions and why it's essential to remain informed about the latest scientific research. Stay tuned till the end for an explosive conclusion that brings all these threads together in a call for empathy, understanding, and respect for science and human rights.

Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXB-h2l8oqE

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Hey there, Godless Engineer on the channel! Today, we're tackling a particularly thorny issue that's weaving through the fabric of American politics—dog whistle phrases that are not as innocuous as they appear. Phrases like "All enemies of the Lord will kneel" and "Christ is King" have seeped into political discourse, but what lurks beneath these words?

Let's delve into how these phrases, while seemingly benign, have been co-opted by extremist groups to signal and incite violence against non-conservatives and other targeted groups. Far from mere declarations of faith, these statements have evolved into a coded language that anti-Semites and neo-Nazis use to marginalize and intimidate. It's important to understand that these terms have been weaponized, transforming into dog whistles for deeply troubling ideologies.

In this video, I will unpack how these phrases are contributing to the rise of neo-Nazism within the American political landscape. This trend is alarming and poses real threats to our sociopolitical environment. We’ll explore the historical context of these dog whistles, their impact on our society, and why it's crucial to stay vigilant against such covert manipulations.

Prepare to dive deep as we dissect these phrases, expose their real-world implications, and discuss what this means for the future of American politics. Like, subscribe, and drop your thoughts in the comments below. Let's get critical and push back against the encroaching tide of extremism hiding behind veiled language. Join the conversation!

Tonight, Dr. Richard Carrier and I will discuss a recent livestream by @captu @CapturingChristianity and Dr. Andrew Loke, in which they discuss Carrier's responses to Andrew Loke. Loke claims that Carrier fails to respond to his argument and makes some errors in his analysis. We will discuss Dr. Loke's argument for the necessity of the Causal principle, which is the first premise of the Kalam Cosmological argument. Next is Loke's issue with Nothing in the absolute sense. He seems to totally misunderstand Carrier's point. Next, we will cover the causal principle and explain why the first premise of the Kalam argument fails. Finally, Loke's significant complaint is that Carrier misunderstands the idea of contingency.

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Today's video tackles the age-old question: Is God genuinely omnibenevolent? Why is an all-powerful, all-knowing deity allowing such suffering? Can a god who stands by during the Holocaust, starvation, and slavery indeed be considered good? This apologist seems to love to criticize a skeptical worldview for many things his own God has actively done to people. He seems to not understand that God commits the very atrocities he's addressing in his video. He claims that this atheist question about suffering in the world is not a problem for a Christian worldview, but it remains an issue.

He mentions chattel slavery like his God didn't directly command the Israelites to take chattel slaves. He speaks of genocide like his God didn't kill the entire population of the world and also ordered the genocide of multiple people groups. All in all, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about and definitely doesn't prove his god is good at all, let alone omnibenevolent.

Original Stream: https://youtube.com/live/Fw2f69YB-ew
Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l2JTfDgaGM

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In today’s video, we're diving deep into the latest legislative drama unfolding in Tennessee. State Senator Steve Southerland and Representative Monty Fritz have stirred the pot with a new bill to block the federal government from supposedly manipulating weather and temperature by dispersing chemicals into our skies. Yes, you heard that right—we’re talking about the infamous chemtrail conspiracy theory!

Now, let's break down the facts: airplanes can effectively disperse chemicals for geoengineering or weather regulation, which is a well-debunked myth. Experts have consistently pointed out that using airplane exhaust to release such chemicals would be highly inefficient and, frankly, pretty absurd. Contrails—those white clouds trailing behind jets—are nothing more than water vapor and are short-lived in the lower stratosphere. If there were any truth to these geoengineering claims, we would see evident effects like unusually colorful sunrises and sunsets, which isn't the case.

In today’s analysis, we'll explore why this bill is not just a waste of legislative effort but also a distraction from more pressing environmental and political issues. We will also discuss the science behind contrails, why they can't be used for chemical dispersion, and why this conspiracy continues to capture the imagination of some legislators.

Join me as we unpack the science, debunk the myths, and shed light on what’s happening in the skies above Tennessee. Don’t forget to hit that like button, subscribe for more critical takes on outlandish claims, and let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Let's get started!

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Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1D2KzfoNB8&ab_channel=REALBibleBelievers

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Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1D2KzfoNB8&ab_channel=REALBibleBelievers

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Today, we're dissecting a self-proclaimed evangelist's bold claims from his car studio, where he insists he can prove the existence of God using four points: creation, design, art, and order. Spoiler alert: they don't hold up under scrutiny!

In this video, I critically analyze each of these supposed "proofs" and expose the flaws in these arguments. From the recycled and inelegant design arguments to the baffling assertion that art proves God, we will dismantle these claims individually. We'll explore why complex structures like the eye are evidence of evolution, not intelligent design, and why natural explanations far outweigh mystical assertions.

Ever felt frustrated by the assertion that you're "lost" just because you question the existence of a deity? I tackle that head-on, discussing why these labels are unhelpful and fundamentally incorrect. We'll also explore why the vast, primarily uninhabitable universe suggests a naturalistic rather than a theistic explanation.

Expect a journey through logic, reason, and scientific understanding that challenges mainstream religious narratives. Whether you're here to bolster your arguments, understand the opposing views, or enjoy an excellent analytical takedown, this video is for you!

Original Stream: https://youtube.com/live/CagZmHhS-F0
Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zj1mLYlLo8I

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In today's video, we're unpacking the often oversimplified narrative that becoming a Christian inherently leads to conflict and alienation. It's a familiar tale, suggesting that choosing to follow Jesus pits new believers against their previous social circles, but does this narrative hold up in the context of the United States, where Christianity remains the predominant faith?

As someone who engages critically with religious claims and narratives, I find it intriguing to examine the assertion that embracing Christianity is a challenging path fraught with social discord. Given that Christianity is the most prevalent belief system in the U.S., even among those who don't affiliate with organized religion, the notion that becoming a Christian is a radical or difficult choice seems out of touch with reality. Many Americans believe in God and Jesus without facing significant social backlash or isolation.

In this video, I delve into the reasons why the narrative of conflict doesn't necessarily apply to the American context. I explore the implications of claiming hardship for embracing a faith that is, in fact, mainstream within the country. We'll discuss the contrast between the perceived vs. the actual challenges of becoming a Christian in the U.S. and why it's essential to question narratives that don't reflect the broader societal acceptance of Christianity.

Join me as we navigate these complex discussions, challenging assumptions and broadening our understanding of religious identity in the United States. Remember, critical thinking is vital when dissecting the narratives we're presented with, especially when they seem incongruent with observable reality.

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more content that critically analyzes religious claims, encourages thoughtful debate, and promotes a rational approach to understanding belief systems. Let's dive deep into these conversations, using evidence and logic as our guide.

In today's video, we will examine people trying to prove the alleged crucifixion of Jesus. With an analytical eye, I will dissect the responses and so-called evidence that surface when I dare to question the historical integrity of this pivotal event.

In this detailed analysis, I confront the traditional narratives head-on, examining the sources often paraded as undeniable proof of the crucifixion. No stone is left unturned from the scriptural references that believers cling to the supposed secular confirmations by historians like Josephus and Tacitus. I dive deep into the murky waters of historical evidence, or the lack thereof, highlighting the reliance on dubious sources, hallucinations, and the problematic nature of using scripture as a historical document.

Furthermore, I tackle the often misplaced trust in historical figures and documents that supposedly support the crucifixion story. By applying the same critical standards used to scrutinize other historical events, I reveal the scant evidence that underpins this foundational Christian belief. This video isn't just about debunking myths; it's an invitation to question, think critically, and demand more than handed-down stories for such significant claims.

If you're tired of the same old apologetic arguments and ready for a fact-based discussion on what we genuinely know about Christian origins, this video is for you. Join me, the Godless Engineer, as we sift through the evidence, challenge the status quo, and empower ourselves with knowledge. Remember, it's not just about doubting; it's about seeking the truth wherever that leads us.

🔍 What's Inside:

A critical examination of the evidence for Jesus' crucifixion.

Insights into the historical methods used to validate ancient events.

A discussion on the reliability of scriptural and secular sources.

An exploration of alternative explanations and the importance of historical scrutiny.

Original Video: [Video Link Here]

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In today's deep dive, we're tackling William Lane Craig's assertion regarding the historical accuracy of the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel of Luke. Craig suggests that the overlap between these biblical texts and secular history lends credibility to their narrative. However, this argument falls prey to what is known as a composition fallacy.

A composition fallacy occurs when one assumes that what is valid for a part of something must also be true for the whole. In the context of Luke and Acts, Craig points to the accurate depiction of specific background details within these texts as evidence of their overall historical reliability. Yet, this leap from specific accuracies to general truthfulness is misleading. Just because Luke might accurately describe a few historical or geographical details does not mean the entire work is historically accurate in depicting events, miracles, or theological claims.

In this video, I will dissect the composition fallacy inherent in Craig's argument, illustrating why the correct depiction of specific details in Luke and Acts does not validate the entirety of these texts as historically accurate. We'll explore the nuances of evaluating historical texts, distinguishing between historical facts and narrative embellishments, and why critical thinking is crucial when assessing claims of historical reliability based on partial accuracies.

Join me as we navigate the complexities of biblical historical claims, the pitfalls of logical fallacies, and the importance of a nuanced approach to historical texts. This analysis is not just about debunking faulty arguments but also about fostering a more informed and critical examination of historical claims, especially those with profound implications for our understanding of history and religion.

Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more content that challenges conventional narratives with rigorous analysis and a commitment to truth. Let's delve into the intricacies of historical c..

Today, we're diving into the intriguing world of near-death experiences (NDEs), a topic that straddles the line between the scientific and the supernatural. Many claim that NDEs, where individuals report seeing events outside their bodies that they couldn't possibly have witnessed from their physical location, are proof of a soul or some supernatural aspect of our existence. However, we find a different story as we explore the scientific investigation into these phenomena.

Despite the widespread anecdotes and claims made by religious apologists, rigorous scientific studies have yet to validate the reality of near-death experiences in a way that would substantiate the existence of a soul or confirm any supernatural dimension to our world. One particularly famous study sought to test the claim that individuals experiencing NDEs could observe their surroundings from a perspective outside their body. Researchers placed a message on a piece of paper positioned in such a way that it could only be read if someone were looking down from above, simulating the out-of-body component of many NDE reports. The results? No participant in the study under controlled scientific conditions has ever been able to report the content of the message, casting doubt on the literal interpretation of these experiences.

In this video, I, Godless Engineer, dissect the intersection of science, spirituality, and the search for evidence of the afterlife through the lens of near-death experiences. I break down the methodologies and findings of scientific studies on NDEs, offering insights into how these experiences can be understood without resorting to supernatural explanations. Join me as we navigate this complex topic, examining the evidence (or lack thereof) behind one of the most fascinating phenomena attributed to human consciousness. Whether you're a skeptic, a believer, or simply curious, this discussion promises to enlighten and challenge your perceptions of life, death, and what might ..

This video exposes why Christianity is ridiculous and shouldn't be taken seriously.


Created 5 years, 4 months ago.

413 videos

Category Entertainment

I am an ex-Christian. There was nobody around to point me in the correct direction as far as thinking critically about what I believed. I was allowed to believe ridiculous things like that Adam and Eve were real people and a global flood covered the earth. I felt stupid believing those things when they didn't make sense but I was told that was what I was supposed to believe.

When I started thinking and realized I didn't buy the bullshit they were selling, again I had no one to turn to. I felt alone.

I don't want anyone else to feel like that. I don't want people to feel alone in questioning religion or in being irreligious. If I can help someone to not feel so alone because they aren't religious anymore, then my efforts are more than worth my time.

To me, godless signifies that religion is part of our past, a fact of which we shouldn't be ashamed.

I hope you will join me and use your voice.

Godless Engineer
P.O. Box 425
Madison, Alabama 35758