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This song was streamed live on November 12, 2019.

Sorry about the delay everyone, I've had trouble getting videos to upload lately!

This was a live recording released in 2013.

This song was released on the 1999 Compilation album, "Streams".

This song was released on the album, "A Million Lights", in 2018.

This song was released November 1 2019, on the album, "Broken Record".

This song was released in October 2019.

This song was released in 2014.

This song was released in October 2019, in the mini album, "Close".

This song was released in 2015, on the album, "Behold Zion".

This song was released in September 2019, on the mini album, "I Speak Jesus".

This song was originally released as a single, then on the album, "Trial & Triumph", in 2018.

This song was released in 2014, on the album, "Jesus Culture Reconstructed (Vol. 1)".

This song was released on the album "Anybody Out There?", in 1998.

This song was released in 1973.

This song was released in 2014, on the album, "Help". [POSSIBLE SEIZURE TRIGGER STARTING AT 2:40]

This music video was recorded live in 2014

This song was released in 2001, on the album, "Episode 2: Hypnocrite".

This song was released in 1982, on the album, "Lord, You Keep On Proving Yourself To Me".

This song was released on the album "Different" in 2017.

This song was released in 2018, on the album "Changed".

This song was released in August 2019, as a single.

This song was released in 2013, on the album, "Absolution".

This song was released in 1976 on the album "Born Again".

This song was released in 2004, on the album "I Speak Life".


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

132 videos

Category Music

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