The Soul Matrix

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The Soul Matrix

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This remastered transmission (originally uploaded April 2019) assists Starseeds to incorporate light as part of their daily intake of energy. This is part of the shift from 3D density to a lighter 5D physical body. The body cannot get all of its nutrients from physical food. The soil of the planet is mostly too degraded. We need a higher frequency of light to start replacing the heavier aspects of our diet. Please note, this transmission is not intended to shift you into giving up all physical food. This is not the intention. Rather it will assist in shifting the diet to include more light.

There are a number of aspects to this transmission. First, we must reverse the Patriarchal myth that the sun is essentially masculine. The sun, like the earth, has both masculine and feminine poles. In ancient times the sun was believed to be feminine. When we return to this ancient understanding then we can view the sun as nurturer, as provider. Then we can align with this intelligent energy source and be fed by Her rays. We do this by aligning our Body Elemental/Body Consciousness so that it can drink in and absorb these rays.

Music by Michael Hammer and the track is called Waves of Light.

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Affirmations are one tried and tested way we can re-programme our unconscious mind with new possibilities. Affirmations can raise the level of our thinking which in turn increases certain feel-good hormones.

The Mother Wound typically occurs when a mother passes her unprocessed trauma down to her children. Signs of the Mother Wound include: feeling a lack of nurturing, love, and caring from the mother, difficulties in relating to the mother on an emotional level, challenges in friendships and intimate relationships later in life - including not feeling good enough and certain energetic boundary issues.

In this track we call on Mother-Goddess Isis and all helpful beings using affirmattions to clear all 'negative' energies and programming connected to the Mother Wound. And to open up all the gifts that the Mother Wound has to offer.

"I am healing beyond the mother wound. I am moving through and beyond the mother wound, beyond all resonance and limitations of that wound. Beyond all resonance and limitations coming from my bloodlines, beyond all resonance and limitations coming from other multidimensional lifetimes. There is a shining part of me that was never touched by the mother wound. This shining part of me was never touched by the pain and suffering of this wound. Its origins and its consequences. This shining part of me knows I am already healed, whole and complete. This shining part of me dwells in love. This shining part reminds me I am already healed, whole, complete and loved. That nothing in this world can harm my eternal bright spirit. This shining part of me is eternal, bigger and brighter than any pain and suffering generated within this world. This shining part of me is immortal, eternally connected to love, eternally connected to joy and bliss, eternally connected to Spirit, to Source Energy..."

Music by Rebecca Reads and the track is called Neptune Healing.

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Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

The Witch Wound is an inherited, collective trauma that is rooted in the dark history of the persecution of the Burning Times. Our ancestors who lived through those dark times passed on the memory of those events to us their descendants. The witch wound is a deep psychic trauma that women and some men carry due to a millennium of abuse, disempowerment, punishment, and suppression of the Divine Magical Feminine. The Witch Wound can manifest in our lives in different ways including the fear of:

• The Unseen Spirit Worlds,
• Expressing psychic gifts,
• Punishment and persecution,
• Being too weird or different,
• Being too bright, powerful, or successful,
• Being in the body,
• Speaking our truth,
• Trusting our intuition,
• Pursuing a spiritual or alternative lifestyle or profession,
• Identifying as a Witch/Medicine Woman/Pagan/Priestess.

Music by Rebecca Reads and the track is called Moon Healing.

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Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

The Mother Wound typically occurs when a mother passes her unprocessed trauma down to her children. Signs of the Mother Wound include: feeling a lack of nurturing, love, and caring from the mother, difficulties in relating to the mother on an emotional level, challenges in friendships and intimate relationships later in life - including not feeling good enough and certain energetic boundary issues.

In this decree we call on Mother-Goddess Isis and all helpful beings to clear all 'negative' energies and programming connected to the Mother Wound. This includes 'negative' energies and programs concerning the Mother, Motherline and women in the Fatherline. It also includes 'negative' energies and programming from other lifetimes.

"I call upon God/Goddess All That Is. I especially call on the aspect of the Divine we know as Mother-Goddess Isis to be present during this decree. I call upon my OverSoul, my Higher Selves, and Teams in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, assist, and activate this decree. I call upon my Body Elemental to be present and open during this decree. I call on my Deep Ancestors to be present during this decree. I call upon on my Star Family across the Universe to assist me in this decree. I call on all Archangels of the horizontal and vertical force planes to be present during this decree. I call on all Recording Angels of the Akashic Records. I call upon Angels of Light, Angels of Healing, Angels of Love. I call upon Cosmic Christ Consciousness and the Christ Grid, and all asce..

This remastered transmission (originally uploaded January 2018) is designed to help you experiencing becoming a clear and pure channel for healing energies. These healing energies are transmitted through you and come from the Cosmic Christ Grid which is held by Archangel Metatron and many angelic beings. The space is also held for you by your Higher Self and I Am Presence (Spirit).

Since this is a remastered meditation please be aware that the symbol of AA Raphael is now a crystal wand.

You can use this transmission to send healing energies to another person no matter where they are in the world. This transmission is designed to send healing for another person who is incarnate. It is better that there is no major emotional issue going on between you, if so then another transmission such as the Ultra-Violet Angelic Transmission would work better. You can use this for a loved one who needs healing. For instance, you may have a good friend or relative who needs healing. You may be a parent of a Starseed who needs some healing help. It is better that you have some emotional connection to the person rather than someone you know through another party.

Before the healing work can begin it is important to ask permission of the other person’s Higher Self. This part is included before the transmission to the other begins. You need to tune in and get a sense whether or not you have permission. If you get a sense of no then do not proceed otherwise if the response feels neutral or positive you can go ahead.

The work focuses on clearing low frequency energies in the physical body and also the energy fields of another person. This transmission includes space for healing two other people. You can repeat this transmission as often as you wish with as many people as you wish. As you work to clear others you also receive a healing and clearing in the process.

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The star Aldebaran can be seen as the fiery eye of the Bull in the constellation Taurus. Aldebaran is easy to find in the night sky using the three stars of Orion’s belt as a guide. Imagine a line from this belt to the right, the first bright star you come to will be Aldebaran with its distinctive reddish-orange glow. Aldebaran has guided many on Earth for centuries. This star was named in Arabic “The Follower” because it rises after the Pleiades cluster of stars. Ancient Persians honoured Aldebaran one of the Four Royal Stars. In some astrological systems Archangel Michael is linked to Aldebaran (with Gabriel linked to the star Fomalhaut, Raphael linked to the star Regulus, and Uriel linked to the star Antares).

In this transmission Archangels from Aldebaran call down a column of light from the star Aldebaran. This column of light has a orange-gold and red centre and the outer layers of the column of light are a beautiful amber, gold, peach and pink light. This column of light surrounds you and your energy fields and goes deep into the crystalline grid, anchoring there. This spherical field of light is further reinforced by a layer of golden-solar light from our sun.

In this transmission we call on Archangels of Aldebaran along with ascended beings from the star system of Aldebaran. We also call on Archangels of our sun, angels of violet and ultraviolet fire, angels of abundance to assist in this transmission.

We call on all beings of light to create a safe space and within that a body of water that reflects your current reality of abundance. We then work to expand this body of water in vibration and light to shift your current experience of abundance in all of its forms.

Music by Chris Collins and the track is called Beyond the Stars.

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The star Aldebaran can be seen as the fiery eye of the Bull in the constellation Taurus. Aldebaran is easy to find in the night sky using the three stars of Orion’s belt as a guide. Imagine a line from this belt to the right, the first bright star you come to will be Aldebaran with its distinctive reddish-orange glow. Aldebaran has guided many on Earth for centuries. This star was named in Arabic “The Follower” because it rises after the Pleiades cluster of stars. Ancient Persians honoured Aldebaran one of the Four Royal Stars. In some astrological systems Archangel Michael is linked to Aldebaran (with Gabriel linked to the star Fomalhaut, Raphael linked to the star Regulus, and Uriel linked to the star Antares).

In this transmission Archangels from Aldebaran call down a column of light from the star Aldebaran. This column of light has a orange-gold and red centre and the outer layers of the column of light are a beautiful amber, gold, peach and pink light. This column of light surrounds you and your energy fields and goes deep into the crystalline grid, anchoring there. This column of light is protective, helping to clear any fear around the momentous shift the earth is experiencing right now. It is also there to remind you of your stellar origins and give you a sense of the future of humanity as an ascended race.

Music by Rebecca Reads and the track is called Journey Through the Milky Way

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At this time, we have the opportunity to clear much old dense karma in ourselves. Actually, there are different spiritual dispensations that have been granted by the spiritual hierarchy that allows for personal karma spanning many lifetimes in the multiverse to be dissolved. For a number of years, we have had the Violet Flame dispensation. In this time of ascension and global shift there are a number of new dispensations that we can call upon. One of these is the Diamond-Violet Ray.

This ray combines the Violet Flame which holds the energies of freedom, transmutation and forgiveness with the energies deep cleansing, purity and clarity of the Diamond White Ray. This new ray is held jointly by Archangel Metatron (of the Diamond White) and Archangel Zadkiel (of the Violet Fire).

In this remastered transmission (originally uploaded November 2017) we invoke the Diamond-White and Violet Angelic Fire to transmute any lower energies in your energetic space, then clear any lines of difficult communication between you and another and finally the transmission works to clear your path (both past and future) so that you can step more joyfully towards your soul’s highest choice and destiny.

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The star Aldebaran can be seen as the fiery eye of the Bull in the constellation Taurus. Aldebaran is easy to find in the night sky using the three stars of Orion’s belt as a guide. Imagine a line from this belt to the right, the first bright star you come to will be Aldebaran with its distinctive reddish-orange glow. Aldebaran has guided many on Earth for centuries.

Ancient Persians honoured Aldebaran one of the Four Royal Stars. This star was named in Arabic “The Follower” because it rises after the Pleiades cluster of stars. In some astrological systems Archangel Michael is linked to Aldebaran (with Gabriel linked to the star Fomalhaut, Raphael linked to the star Regulus, and Uriel linked to the star Antares).

In this transmission Archangels from the star Aldebaran create a light sphere around you that is many faceted like a great faceted jewel. This energetic structure helps to connect you to the star system of Aldebaran. There you meet ascended light beings within that system who transmit light to you reminding you that there are many ascended civilisations around the Universe, and this is the highest destiny of humanity at some point in the future.

Perhaps you have been called to this transmission because you have a connection to the star system of Aldebaran. For any Starseed who has a strong connection to the star system of Aldebaran there is a natural empathy, a natural desire to live cooperatively and in peace with others, a natural creative spirit. Aldebaran Starseeds radiate beauty and harmony which is their natural default state of being.

Music by Chris Collins and the track is called Beyond the Stars

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Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

This decree is designed to clear all negative agreements, programming, cording and all forms of toxic interference and psychic manipulation within the crown chakra (top of head). Promoting a greater sense of radiance, illumination, clarity, insight and wisdom, along with healthy energetic boundaries.

"I call upon God/Goddess All That Is. I call upon my OverSoul, my Higher Selves, and Teams in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, assist, and activate this decree. I call upon my Body Elemental to be present, open, and receptive during this decree. I call upon on my Star Family across the Universe and Multiverse to assist me in this decree. I call on all Archangels of the horizontal and vertical force planes to be present during this decree. Especially, I call upon Archangel Metatron to assist me in this decree. I call on all Recording Angels of the Akashic Records. I call upon Angels of Forgiveness and Release, Angels of Healing, Angels of Love, Angels of Colour, Angels of Solfeggio Frequencies. I call upon Cosmic Christ Consciousness and the Christ Grid, and all ascended beings within that grid to assist me in this decree. I call upon and invoke the Crystalline Grid of Gaia for assistance and support during this process. I call on all Angelic beings within that Grid for assistance and support during this decree......"

Music by Rebecca Reads and the track is called Jupiter Healing.

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This transmission was downloaded in my consciousness on the 22/02/2022 portal and then recorded/uploaded. It was then remastered April 2024.

In this transmission we invite those angels holding the Gold-White fire to begin to transmit this light deep into the heart, all layers levels and dimensions. To also open a portal of light to assist the heart in releasing all toxic programming such as heartbreak, betrayal and co-dependency out of your field. This Gold-White light is invited into the physical body, bones, blood and all cells. This Gold-White light is invited to flow into the Astral Body in the auric field clearing, uplifting and sealing this layer of your energy field.

Next we invite those angels holding the elemental energy of Deep Rose Pink (the Garden Rose) to begin to transmit this light deep into the heart, all layers levels and dimensions. Allowing the energies of gentleness and love into the heart. This light is invited to merge with the Gold-White at every level of this transmission. This elemental light is invited into the physical body, bones, blood and all cells and also into the Astral Body. The merging of these energies opens a gateway to the experience of Heaven on Earth in your reality.

Music by Rebecca Reads, Heart Chakra.

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Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

This decree is designed to clear all negative agreements, programming, cording and all forms of psychic interference within the third eye chakra. Promoting a higher vibrational alignment with your Higher Self and Guides. Allowing for a greater connection to your innate wisdom, imagination, vision and ability to receive intuitive guidance.

Music by Rebecca Reads and the track is called Journey Through the Milky Way.

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This video is currently only for Members of the 5D School to view. This transmission will be released to the general channel in a few days.

The Arcturians are ancient race of higher vibrational beings who live on their home planet, Arcturus, which orbits the Red Giant star known by the same name. The Arcturians are one of the Stellar races interested in Earth at this time of ascension. They are here to help humanity attain 5D consciousness. They possess advanced technologies to assist us in the ascension process.

In this transmission we call upon ascended Arcturian beings to create a blue sphere of light around you. This sphere transports you to one of the Arcturian space ships. Within this ship is a healing chamber. In this Healing Chamber Clear the Arcturians work to clear and reabsorb into light all shock held within the Body Consciousness. Also, they assist in clearing and reabsorbing into light all imprints of shock and trauma that have been inherited through the bloodlines and from other lifetimes. The healing includes a recalibration, regeneration, and regulation of your physical systems and energy fields.

Music is by Rebecca Reads and the track is called Jupiter Healing.

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Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

This decree is designed to clear all negative agreements, programming, cording and all forms of toxic interference within the heart chakra (centre of the chest). Promoting a greater sense of compassion, empathy, gratitude, intuition, love and spaciousness along with healthy energetic boundaries.

Music by Matías Romero Acuña and the track is called Mystic Flow (Binaural Beats Delta)


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Whereas Solstices are when the Earth’s axis tilts toward or away from the sun (days and nights are longest or shortest) on equinoxes, days and nights are equal in all parts of the world. Seasonal celebrations of most indigenous and pagan cultures centre around these natural turning points.

After the long winter of grey skies and barren earth as Spring dawns gradually the sky becomes brighter and the earth comes alive once more. This transmission welcomes in the new energies of Spring.

There is a transmission of light from the earth into the feet, base and heart. This is mirrored by a transmission of light from the sun and stars into the crown and heart.

"You are held by the earth and the Universe. Many Angels, Star beings, elemental beings and nature spirits are supporting your journey. The heart opens like a flower, allowing light codes from the earth, sun and stars to infuse your heart with new growth and magical and miraculous possibilities."

Music by Music by Matías Romero Acuña (Aural Sounds) and the track is called Stellar Navigation (Binaural Beat Theta)

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This transmission calls on Herkimer Diamond Angels and Archangels from the Great Central Sun holding an intense White Fire. In this track we call on this combined angelic light to clean and purify the chakras from the crown down to the heart. This transmission complements the Rose Quartz Crystalline Angelic Light Transmission that clears all chakras from the heart down to base.

This track clears all psychic-energetic toxicity and interference. Cleaning all the subtle channels, meridians, nadis, acupressure points. Clearing any psychic interference, from any spiritual teachers, spiritual groups from this lifetime, other lifetimes. Calling on angelic light to clean and clear this chakra from any influence or interference from false light beings. Clearing any hindrances or blockages that currently prevent the full activation of these chakra to fully awaken to my true path, true soul mission. Restoring the full connection between these chakras, and the highest light, highest guidance from your Higher Self and your connection to Source Energy.

Music by Chris Collins and the track is called Absolute Infinity.

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Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

This decree is designed to clear all negative agreements, programming, cording and all forms of toxic interference within the solar plexus chakra (just below the ribcage). Promoting a greater sense of vitality, personal power, excitement, freedom, happiness, joy, inner strength, playfulness, fun, spontaneity, courage, and resilience along with healthy energetic boundaries.

Music by Rebecca Reads and the track is called Solar Plexus Chakra (Note E).

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Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

This decree is designed to clear all negative agreements, programming, cording and all forms of toxic interference within the sacral chakra (lower belly). Promoting a greater sense of emotional, creative and sexual liberation along with healthy energetic boundaries.

Music by Rebecca Reads and the track is called Venus Healing.

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Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

This decree is designed to clear all negative agreements, programming, cording and all forms of toxic interference within the Earthstar chakra (beneath the feet) and the root chakra (base of spine). Promoting a greater sense of personal wellbeing, vitality, self-care and healthy energetic boundaries.

Music by Rebecca Reads and the track is called Earth Healing.

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In this transmission we invoke Angels of Rose Quartz Crystalline Light through the Crystalline Grid of Gaia into your space.

The transmission begins into the base chakra and from there into the bones and blood. Then into the sacral chakra and from there into the reproductive system, digestive system, and urinary system.
Then into the solar plexus chakra and from there into all organs in the lower torso. Then into the heart chakra and from there into the physical heart, lungs, and then the nervous system. Then this angelic crystalline light is sent out into the aura.

Then the light is sent back in time to the aspect of you that is still connected to the womb of your mother. Also, to all aspects of your inner child in need of love, support and safety.

Music by Chris Collins and the track is called Absolute Infinity.

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Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

This decree is designed to clear all negative agreements, programming, cording and all forms of toxic interference with any other being, group or organisation. Promoting a greater sense of personal wellbeing, healthy boundaries, self-love and self-care.

Music by Loula Love and the track is called Inner Light
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This transmission can be used to create a protective field of light around you to move with you throughout your day. It can also be used to create a protective field of light around a building or a particular room such as a bedroom. Before starting this transmission, you need to choose which of these is the focus.

"Whatever space or room you are in, call to the Goddess in the place of the rising sun. The Archangel holding this direction steps back to allow her the space. See or sense her as a tall presence, perhaps several feet. Head of a lioness and body of a woman. In her hand a staff, at the top a glowing fiery red crystal. Her eyes begin to shine with a deep ruby red light. Feel her presence radiating a strong protective presence....."

Music by Chris Collins and the track is called Living Meditation

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Originally created December 2018 and remastered February 2024, this transmission attunes you to the love and support of the angelic kingdom and opens the way for more peace, harmony, joy and love to enter your life. (Archangel Haniel is associated with the planet Venus).

At this time of volatility on the earth-plane it is important to call on the angels to restore a more harmonious vibration in your reality. 

This archangel's presence can be felt as calming, peaceful and serene energy which can assist us in clearing out any lower frequency energies that run counter to peace and serenity. This Archangel can also assist us in bringing in the higher frequencies of harmony, joy and love into the cells and structures of our physical body as well as our emotional and mental bodies. In this transmission we send a higher light also to our personality selves and then outwards into multidimensional realities, along timelines and also to Starseeds and the Collective Consciousness into this material plane.

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Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

64 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Ascension News that covers various aspects of the spiritual awakening and ascension process.
Meditations and Transmissions for ascension and spiritual awakening.
Affirmation tracks and Higher Light Decrees to increase your light quotient and expand your consciousness.