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Dr. Zelenko and Maria Zeee discuss the entire agenda linked to the COVID-19 injections, future plans of the NWO, and the devastating effects on the body of those who have been injected having vaccine-induced Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), and how to solve this problem.

Dr. Zelenko has saved thousands of lives through his Z-Stack protocol, and has recently launched Z-DTox which he advises will help prevent blood clots, and help protect those with a compromised immune system, including those who have been vaccinated. Dr. Zelenko has been exposing the agenda of the New World Order, push towards transhumanism and an obliteration of God in society. He is a good and faithful servant.

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: Rumble Channel, mariazeee Published March 21, 2022,

To order Dr. Zelenko's products today, visit the below link, and use referral code MARIAZEEE for 5% off your order:
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Uncensored on Telegram:

The Unholy Trinity of the U.S.—the Federal Reserve, BlackRock and the U.S. Treasury—all concur: it’s lights out for the U.S.

Unsustainable debt levels, check.
Runaway inflation, check.
Imminent loss of world reserve currency status, check.

These are the consequences of entrenched deficits, according to the criminal powers that be, as reflected in their documents and testimony.

What’s so astonishing about the imminent loss of world reserve currency status by the U.S. dollar is that the foregoing opinions were rendered BEFORE the Federal Reserve itself confirmed for all the world to see that the U.S. has no rule of law at all, but is instead ruled by out-of-control bankers who acted on what will prove to be a fatal whim by freezing Russian reserves without so much as the pretense of due process; the Fed just upped and did it, despite the fact that all monetary instruments in the U.S., regardless of who they belong to, are legal instruments.

Incredibly, the same Fed Chairman who presided over this idiocy then turned around and testified before congress that world reserve currency status HINGES ON the very thing he just destroyed, which was the rule of law.

And yet throughout this entire nuclear clown show, nowhere in any official discussion of what ails the U.S. does one find any discussion whatsoever of the actual root of the problem, to wit, a monetary system in which the nation-state host is now borrowing money from its lead parasite (the Fed) at interest, as opposed to bypassing that tapeworm and issuing money itself, ever addressed. Instead, the Unholy Trinity freely opines that the only remedy for the country’s ills is to work enormous austerity and tax increases on its inhabitants. The good doctors, in other words, are telling the stage 4 cancer patient that his only hope now is to subject himself to the massive atrophy of chemo treatments, but with the cancer itself shielded off from the radiation.

Meanwhile, the sedated patient is subjected to the full-on looting by more QE (inevitable) and a wild array of grotesque distractions, not one of which has the slightest chance of changing the inevitable outcome of the U.S. debt-based monetary system from its inevitable demise now that the country is past the point of no return with debt levels.

These and other cheerful topics are discussed herein.

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: Youtube channel Best Evidence, Mar 24, 2022, "Ur Federal Reserve Cancer Rx is ready for pickup"

RESOURCES: References:

[1] “The David Rubenstein Show: Fed Chair Jerome Powell,” Apr. 22, 2021,

[2] BlackRock, “Dealing with the next downturn,” Aug. 2019 •

[3] House Financial Svcs. Cmte, Hearing on Monetary Policy and the State of the Economy, March 2, 2022, at 1:05:40 (Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-NY),

[4] FY2021 Financial Report, U.S. Treasury •

[5] Luke Gromen, “Potential US Fiscal Path From Here, Is QE Money Printing or Not, & More,” Dec. 21, 2021,

[6] Tax Receipts vs. Budget Items, pct GDP, 1960-2020 • (GDP) • (tax receipts)

[7] Social Security, 1960-2020 •[8] Medicare and Medicaid, 1960-2020 •

[8] Interest payment on U.S. debt, 1960-2020 •

[9] “Has the Federal Reserve Kept 2 Sets of Books for the Last 50 Years?” (youtube) (odysee) (bitchute)

Desperately sad. March 2022. The evidence mounts. On with the bodycount. There is an incredible push to have every person completely focused and absorbed with Ukraine and Russia. This comes at the same time Pfizer was ordered to release report with over 42,000 adverse reactions and 9 pages (over 1,200) different types of adverse reactions - documented from 01 Dec-2020 – 28 Feb 2021.

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: Part 1-14 can be found, respectfully on Bitchute, “Checkur6”,
Bitchute, “The Sixth Sense”


⚠️MORE CONTENT HERE:⚠️:$/invite/@SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs:0
📣NEW!! - Jab Centre Script & Documentation📣NEW!!
📣NEW!! - URGENT PUBLIC NOTICE: Covid-19 vaccines and various civil servants are now under criminal investigation - Case number: 6029679/21 PDF - PRINT/SHARE FAR AND WIDE! 📣NEW!!
🏥 Removing Nano Poisoning - REV3 - PDF Document🏥
🏥 How to detox graphene oxide 🏥
📣NEW!! - La Quinta Columna Infrographic Promo Flyer 📣NEW!!
📣NEW!! - Frontline Workers Testimonials & VAERS Reports - UPDATED 11th AUGUST 2021 - [PDF DOC] PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE!!! 📣
📣NEW!! - Covid "Vaccine" Casualties July 2021 - A4 DOUBLE LEAFLET FOR SHARING!📣
📣NEW!! - There is no variant... not novel... no p

TruNews, founder and host Rick Wiles is joined by disabled rights activist attorney Todd Callender, who is actively defending US servicemen from being forced to take the operating system jab. They also discuss the history of the development of mRNA injections, and their future in altering human DNA, ending in the nullification of human rights. The evidence mounts. On with the body count. Keep the faith.


1. End of private property rights
2. Deletion of international borders
3. Installation of control grid
a. COVID lies, PsyOps, mandatory digital ID
b. Introduction of cashless CBDCs
4. Population reduction

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: TRU NEWS, Todd Callender: Genetic-altering Vaccines Could Nullify Human Rights, Feb 19, 2022

Mirrored from Bitchute Channel,

Mike Adams interviews Bart Sibrel on US government's LAME, faked Apollo mission theatre, just one of the monumental deceptions of our shared generational memory.

- Bart Sibrel reveals photographic evidence that elements of the Apollo mission propaganda was FAKED
- NASA didn't count on modern tools to analyze archived video and audio recordings
- Now, much of what NASA and the media broadcast looks like a bad SNL skit!

The timeline of deception is long... our time of revealing is now... once we own it... we move on toward the better... that the "moon" landing was faked is vastly more profound than if the deed were actually done... knowing the difference between lies and the truth... aligning with the truth... confession... atonement... a:)

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: Brighteon, Interview with Bart Sibrel on US government's LAME, faked Apollo mission theatre, 17/03/2022

...“Karel van Wolfren is an author, journalist, professor, publisher and one of the most respected voices in the Netherlands on geopolitics. Last week I visited Karel for a wide ranging discussion on his views about events in the Ukraine and how they relate to the push for central control globally…” CAF

Deep research, economic history, insightful Geo political analysis.

The Solari mission is to help you live a free and inspired life. This includes building wealth in ways that build real wealth in the wider economy. We believe that personal and family wealth is a critical ingredient of both individual freedom and community health and well being.

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: SOLARI, Special Report: Reset in Ukraine with Karel van Wolferen, 15/3/22

Max Igan … Put ourselves into our hearts … and treat the person next you as though it were yourself … can you image the effect that would have on the world …

"The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa TURN OFF YOUR TELEVISION!

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: HATS Telegram Channel,

Yes, you CAN grow food! Which is a good thing to know. Marjorie Wildcraft intervewed by Mike Adams on emergency gardening
- How to grow food when your life depends on it.
- Marjorie Wildcraft is an expert in small-space "survival gardening"
- Many techniques require NO special fitness or mobility
- Marjorie's webinar starts tomorrow (Saturday) and is free to watch

Marjorie Wildcraft intervewed by Mike Adams on emergency gardening
NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: BRIGHTEON, 12/03/2022

Dr. Judy Mikovits... one the MOST important voices of the resistance... interviewed by Mike Adams... published 7 months ago by the Health Ranger himself…A bombshell interview … I repost this interview as timely reminder on the scope of the crime against humanity currently underway… the details of everything as relates to labs, Sars-Cov2, respiratory illness, virus cultivation and the PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION that surrounds us. A long timeline of career with Intimate professional detail only a highly qualified person may articulate. Judy makes the difficult to follow easier to grapple with. God bless Judy. A good and faithful servant.

NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world.

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: Brighteon Conversations,

Be inspired the NATURE OF OUR SHARED TRUER REALITY. Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger," is an outspoken consumer health advocate, award-winning investigative journalist, internet activist and science lab director. He is the founder and editor of, the internet's most-trafficked natural health news website. I am a subscriber and listen Mike religiously, consistently.

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

Listen to Mike Adams' 'The Contagious Mind' audiobook for FREE


Australian open source intelligence researcher Dale Holmes gives an up to date, 360 degree view of the Team Dark Agenda from the Great Southern Land. Buckle up... the storm is upon us.

..."The climate hoax is absolutely central to implanting full scale human slavery through the agenda 21 blueprint. Everything rides on it, they cannot achieve the NWO without climate change hoax. We are entering the next stage Again it will play out but won’t be achieved"...

For anybody still questioning that our weather is indeed manipulated, feel free to check out this extensive list of patents, all to do with weather modification-

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: DaleHolmes Published March 2 2022,

David Icke Wembley 2012 (Part 3)
"The Australia Companies, Manipulating our weather"

Situation Update, Mar 9, 2022 - The STARVATION MATRIX decoded: Russia, fertilizer, hydrocarbons, CO2 and crop yields explained
- How globalists are shutting down fossil fuels to destroy FERTILIZER production
- Why 1-2 billion people now face real starvation over the next 2 years
- How food inflation and rising fuel prices will push low-income earners into REVOLT

4:35 Economic News
14:25 Fertilizer Shortage
41:20 Important Equation

Climate Change is a HOAX, let Mike Adams use the basics of chemistry to explain how we have been deceived.

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: Situation Update, Mar 9, 2022,
For more updates, visit:

Interviewed by Dr Naomi Wolf, former BlackRock Portfolio Manager, Investor Edward Dowd, Explains Bombshell ‘Fraud’ Charge re Pfizer Hiding Deaths Data; Many Media Outlets are ‘Accomplices to Murder’ DO NOT MISS. Historic.’ Edward Dowd believes Pfizer knew their vaccines were causing harm, and it is likely blame will shift to Trump soon enough. He is not alone in this analysis. This man knows the markets, and as they say, “the money talks and the bullshit walks” … so when he tells you the markets are shifting, it is wise to pay mind…

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: DailyClout Published March 4, 2022,

Catherine Austin Fitts is an investment banker with a twist. She is one of us. She previously worked in the Bush (senior) administration and was a banker on Wall Street. She currently runs the Solari Report. She explains why democracy, as we see it, is an illusion, and how invisible wars are great for mass control.
Catherine further discusses her Rockefeller background; the secrecy in the central banking cartels; the importance of being rightful; the mass control and surveillance coming; why we should not get sucked into the digital world; plague laws; and knowing that we're in a spiritual war.

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: Odyssey Channel, Jerm Warfare, 18/12/2022, PLAGUE LAWS AND SPIRITUAL WARFARE

In the context of the “The Great Reset”, author, podcaster, expert commentator on matters of political ideology, Maajid Nawaz BLOWS Joe Rogan's Mind Explaining Klaus Schwab's Agenda. The social contract with Governance is broken. A short, sharp look, put together by US Christian peeps, at the major players currently puppetting about in contrast with US. What are we going to choose. The Sacred, or the profane? I choose the latter. Love wins. It is in our Nature. God Bless.

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: Brighteon Channel, Excellent PODCASTS & Real NEWS,

Correct. No group of people has ever complied themselves out totalitarian control. Robert F Kennedy Jr at his absolute best. Inspiring. Filmed at the Washington "Defeat the Mandates Rally", Late January 2022

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: Brighteon Channel, The Big Logic
Original from The Highwire:

Maajid Nawaz explains why the people in power shutdown debate during the covid-19 information war in order to create a void where reason and logic no longer exist, but where power gets to step in and define reality.
"When there is no such thing as truth because everything is relative the only thing that matters is power because power gets to define reality... And that's why people that are in power, who are seeking a specific outcome from the world, want to shut down debate. What they are not interested in is seeking truth. What they are interested in is shutting that debate down because power steps into that void when reason no longer exist and gets to define reality for you from up above."

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: Rumble Channel, KanekoaTheGreat Published February 20, 2022,

(Excerpt from Joe Rogan podcast #1780)

…“I also have a thesis as to what is going on at Pfizer and Moderna, and how those companies are probably fraudulent,” Dowd explained. “These vaccines were pushed through and I think the clinical trial data is fraud".

Edward Dowd is a member of the global investment community and is a former Blackrock Portfolio Manager. He exposes the clear Pfizer & FDA fraud that is taking place now.

The plandemic measures are just a cover story for the financial situation that was never resolved after the 2008 crash. The can was just kicked further down the road and now that it is all about to unwind, the system has been teed up to make “Covid” the scapegoat. Those who remember the 2008 situation may recall that third-party agencies were applying fraudulent ratings to financial instruments. It turns out that the same thing is happening again, except this time Big Pharma and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) appear to be the culprits.

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

The rebellion in full swing. Every single day we get stronger. Chris Sky joins Australian Independent Media Maria Zee for a live update from Canada. On the ground. February 18 2022. HUGE EARTH WIDE SIGNIFICANT Peaceful protest of fringe minority (that’s you and me) lead ably by Canadian truckers, there families and all walks of supporters from all over Canada. He takes us through what is happening on the ground with the protest, bombshell revelations about Trudeau's illegal monopoly and shares in Acuitas, and more.


World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK Rumble Channel Mariazeeee

Chris's website can be found below:
Website for Maria Zee:
Regular Live News Broadcasts on my Instagram:
Uncensored on Telegram:

Dr Mike Yeadon presents the hard data from his empirical scientific community exposing the heart of this war we are in both scientifically and existentially terms. Former Pfizer VP of R&D (who we all very much respect), shows scientific data exposing the reason for the large variation range of Injuries & Deaths from the experimental injections. There is clear evidence that the Batch contents are different!  He describes this deliberate difference between the batches as ‘The Calibration of a Killing Weapon’.

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

Deep Roots at Home pray that the truth will be revealed so that we will not be deceived. I also encourage you to consider sharing these insightful videos with your older children/family so your family will more likely be united rather than divided.

We remain faithful when we are devoted to prayer; we are told to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).  

MIRROR LINK: February 18, 2022

The world is under the control of several trans-generational crime syndicates and elite death cults who merged in recent years under the common goal to impose one-world despotic government and population reduction to the tune of 90%….They all hate us and could care less if we suffer horrible deaths as long as they get rich…How do we respond? Live with good intent, ride the wave. And know that the wave is literally biblical in size.

Images: Martin Geddes, Mark Pasio, Charlie Freaksense, Music: AOA, “Passport for life”

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

Situation Update, Feb 4th, 2022 - How to DEFEAT micro blood clots and BLOCK the spike protein
Doctors and researchers are now confirming that nearly all the negative side effects and deaths stemming from covid vaccines are the result of blood clots. Many of those clots are very small and unable to be easily detected with standard medical imaging equipment. These clots, called “micro blood clots,” can cut off the blood supply to small regions of the brain, organs and tissues throughout the body.


0:00 Silver
14:10 Sat Phone Webinar
16:40 Sherri Tenpenny
19:19 Prepping
25:05 Good News
32:40 Dawson Knives
35:00 Joe Biden's Gun Control
42:45 Blood Clots

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: For more updates, visit:

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Happy New Year indeed… “GLOBAL ALERT: An estimated 10 million people PER DAY are set on irreversible countdown to vaccine death that could exterminate BILLIONS if not stopped in the next year. This is a red alert for humanity. We have less time remaining than you might think…. I’ve done some rough math, and it’s beyond alarming. It spells the end of human civilization if we don’t stop the vaccine holocaust in the next 365 days.

As estimates and projections show, as long as “clot shot” covid vaccines are being administered around the world, about ten million people each day are being put on an irreversible countdown to vaccine death. For each day that these vaccine shots continue, in other words, roughly 1.4 Billion people will likely die over the next decade, based on these projections… this an extinction level event if we let it happen…” Mike Adams ...

World War We. We are not alone Our numbers grow daily…our numbers are our weapon...They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and also our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight hard with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: Brighteon,
Info Wars,

The term Mass Formation or Mass Formation Psychosis was recently popularised by Dr Robert Malone on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast. Prior to this Robert Malone had previously shared this episode with Mattias Desmet as the best introductory podcast on the topic of Mass Formation. Please help us to share this in depth overview of Mass Formation Psychosis.

You are not alone Our numbers grow daily….They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our long term strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram

LINK: WHY DO SO MANY STILL BUY INTO THE NARRATIVE? #MassFormation with Prof Mattias Desmet,

Dr. Martin has publications in law, medicine, engineering, finance and education. He maintains active research in the fields of linguistic genomics, fractal financial risk modeling, as well as continuing his over 15 years of research in cellular membrane ionic signaling. A good and faithful servant.

Know how to exercise your rights… end this grotesque plunge into devolved paganism, end the negative mass formation

You are not alone Our numbers grow daily….They fear the truth…It is the greatest enemy of governance’… and our weapon… if we a going to win the propaganda war we have to fight hard..and fight with determination and fight with the truth… Distrust the government… Avoid the mass media … Fight the lies.

Peaceful non-compliance is our long term strategy. Create the friction of resistance as one, consider the many. With patience and persistence we build our numbers. We are bound to succeed. It is the will of our nature. Live with good intent, ride the wave a:)

More like this can be found on our daily news aggregator on Telegram



Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

59 videos

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