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In this transmission, the Guardian indicates he is going temporarily off-line but will return when he can. He calls on Patriots to wait and have faith. In time, the President will return to lead them against the Cabal. However, until then, all those who love liberty should wait and conceal their true opinions. He also restates that the Republican Party has been taken over by the Cabal and that Patriots should not vote for it in its present form.

The Institute will make any additional transmissions available when it receives them.


1. In this transmission, the Guardian indicates that humans can fight the alien invasion fleet by means "creative visualization" and "psionic powers."

2. "Psionic" is word meaning the scientific use of psychic powers. It was fashionable in the 1960s, but has largely fallen out of favor. Clearly, though, the Guardian's culture uses the term regularly and regards psionics as a legitimate technology.

3. "Psychic weapons," the Guardian here indicates that if enough people focus their mental energies on the invasion fleet, it can be destroyed. Such weapons have been proposed from time to time. Even the U.S. Military toyed with the idea, see here: https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/FOID/Reading%20Room/International_Security_Affairs/paranormal_briefing.pdf


The Guardian again warns against "body doubles," in the Republican Party. He says that the Republican Party has been taken over by the Cabal. He says that patriots should avoid the GOP entirely and vote for anyone else.

In this transmission, he does not mention the President by name, but clearly implies that that the man who says he is the President is not who he thinks he is.

This is the third transmission. It is extremely complicated and seems to indicate that there are ways to receive the vaccines without endangering yourself.


1) It is not clear from the context when the President was taken to safety. However, there is some evidence that this transmission was made in October of 2020, which would be when the President was supposed to have gotten Covid.

2) "Occultation," this unusual word means "Hidden" but with the sense of being hidden for safety's sake.

3) "Doubles," the Guardian seems to imply here that these doubles are not actual "clones," grown from tissue samples, but rather human beings who have been modified to look like the people they have replaced, and have been hypnotized so that they genuinely believe they are those other people. When they are released from this state, they would be understandably furious and would fight those who harmed them in such a way.

This is the first transmission of the Guardian.


1. "The Seven Sisters" is a name given to the Pleiades star cluster.

2. "Sons of Darkness" Apparently this is a name for a shadowy organization doing evil things in the world. The name may be reflected in the "War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness," a mysterious book found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. For more information on the topic, see this Wikipedia page:



Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

6 videos

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Das Institut für psionische Studien