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Emil Maurice was for a time one of the highest ranking members of the NSDAP and a close friend and confidant of Adolf Hitler. He was also Jewish.

Displaying the stark difference between Benevolent Leaders and Evil Dictators.

Mainstream historians would have us believe that Adolf Hitler was a bitter and talentless failed artist, and point to his rejection from the Vienna Academy as evidence. Let's compare his work to another applicant who was accepted, and see if that claim holds up to scrutiny.

You've undoubtedly heard of the German invasion of Poland in the early days of World War II, but did you know that the British actually invaded and occupied the neutral country of Iceland in May of 1940?

Mainstream historians have for years claimed that the Germans burned Caligula's "Nemi Ships", but a new investigation says otherwise.

The mainstream media says Hitler and the National Socialists were rabid bigots. What do black people who actually visited Hitler's Germany have to say?

Today we take a look at the careers of the two foremost military commanders of the ancient world: Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar. As we compare their accomplishments and legacies, we'll try to answer the question: Who was the greatest?

ancient history / military history / Alexander the Great / Julius Caesar / great generals / roman history / greek history

This is the story of Viriatus, a shepherd turned soldier who defied the most powerful empire in the world. Though he isn't nearly as well known as many other rebels who fought the Roman Empire such as Spartacus or Vercingetorix, Viriatus and his rebellion managed to hold out against the Romans for over a decade, and inflicted more defeats on his enemies than any of his more famous counterparts. In this video, we'll show you why Viriatus was arguably the greatest barbarian ever.

An overview and history of the Viking Age, their culture, character, and fearless warrior ethos. With a few enlightening quotes thrown in.

vikings / history / medieval history / norse history / nordic culture / medieval quotes

A look at the Thugs, the deadliest gang in the history of India, who carried out robberies and brutal crimes for hundreds of years. And all of it was in the name of the fierce goddess Kali, to whom they believed they were sacrificing their victims.

assassins / Indian history / gangs / medieval history / thugs

A look at 8 impregnable castles from across the globe that defied capture throughout their history.
1. Krak des Chevaliers
2. Edinburgh Castle
3. Himeji Castle
4. Malbork Castle
5. Bamburgh Castle
6. Chateau de Queribus
7. Gwalior Fort
8. Castillo de Belmonte

medieval castles / medieval battles / japanese castles / siege warfare / military history / medieval wars / famous battles / famous sieges

Centuries before the tales of Robin Hood, a courageous Saxon nobleman turned outlaw dared to defy the infamous William the Conqueror, fighting for a lost cause against the Norman conquest of England and the very tides of history. Hereward the Wake led a rebellion that championed the dispossessed Saxons against their Norman overlords, standing for the weak against the might of William the Conqueror. For years he held out in the English countryside, waging a successful campaign of guerilla warfare, one that perhaps provided inspiration for folktales of England's most famous rebel and outlaw. Could Hereward the Wake be the real Robin Hood?

medieval history / English history / British history / dark ages / Robin Hood / Hereward the Wake / ancient history / rebellions / insurrections / British legends

Discover the captivating history of Vlad III, better known as Vlad the Impaler, the infamous ruler of Wallachia and the inspiration behind Bram Stoker's legendary character Count Dracula. Set against the eerie backdrop of medieval Transylvania, this video unravels the complex tapestry of a man caught in the tumultuous crossfires of morality, battle, and political intrigue. As the Ottoman Empire relentlessly pressed into Romania, Vlad's strategic genius and brutal methods of defense became the stuff of legend. While the line between myth and reality often blurs, the tale of Vlad serves as a testament to the enduring power of stories that shape our understanding of history. Journey into the heart of darkness and witness how the legend of a real-life prince gave rise to one of the most iconic figures in literary lore.


Created 8 months ago.

19 videos

Category Education

“Truthfully, in this age those with intellect have no courage and those with some modicum of physical courage have no intellect. If things are to alter during the next fifty years then we must re-embrace Byron's ideal: the cultured thug.”

I try to the best of my abilities to present lesser-known facts, figures, and narratives from history, which apparently ruffles some feathers on occasion. As such, YouTube has demonetized most of my videos and (I suspect) begun algorithmically throttling my content. Uploading everything here for the inevitable day when YouTube deletes my channel. If you like my work, any donations would be greatly appreciated, and would most assuredly not be spent on hookers and blow.

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