Gain Of Function

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Gain Of Function



The Fear (PSYOP)

Eyes Wide Open

“'Never in my life have I had to ask a patient to get off the telephone because it was time to put in a breathing tube,' said Dr. Richard Levitan, who recently spent 10 days at Bellevue Hospital Center in Manhattan."

I am trying to get a handle on how many patients like this - ie well enough to be on the phone or similar - ended up being ventilated in

The vaccines

The Unvaccinated

UK Covid - 1984 Step 3 - The Vaccine Can Save Us

UK Covid-1984 Step 2-The Lockdown

UK Covid-1984 Part 1 - The Fear

The Godfather of coronavirus engineering

Dr. John Campbell a life long servant and teacher to the medical profession who always followed the science. Gets red pilled by the #pfizerdocuments and Operation warp speed, what could possibly go wrong.

A Fly on the wall insight into the #DRASTIC scoop on the Ecostealth Alliance DEFUSE project.

#drastic is evolving and moving forward with new members and papers. With the original name and original website & contact details.

"Actively seeking new viruses in remote places and bringing them back to labs in densely populated areas is like looking for a gas leak with a a lit match"
- Richard Ebright



Its a shame the #WHO could not replicate the investigations done at by #drastic


Covid19 Top ten

A peek into Gain of Function research. Research and findings mostly the work of the twitter #DRASTIC investigation team


Created 4 years ago.

24 videos

Category Science & Technology

Content creator giving a alternative visual peek into some dubious science.