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America Angry As Russia Leaks Classified Files About Gaddafi’s M*urder

The Khazars were a semi-nomadic Turkic people who established a powerful empire in Eastern Europe between the 7th and 10th centuries. They are notable for their multi-ethnic, multi-religious society and their strategic control over key trade routes between Asia and Europe. Unique among medieval states, the Khazar elite adopted Judaism as their religion. The Khazar Empire played a crucial role in the regional politics of their time, interacting with the Byzantine Empire, the Islamic Caliphates, and various Slavic tribes.

Trump must terminate what he started otherwise our World will not end well.

False Flag to commit GENOCIDE.

Sandy Hook, the ultimate false flag for gun control.

The Great Iby Jacobs and his continuance of the Blue Babies Legacy in Blaauw Baai... A GREAT Teacher of Life.. Thank You Dad..

The GREAT times... Before BlueBay... Oom Henk, Tante Lia, madrinha e padrinho... Wampi, Willem, Viola and Peter.. Missy (faithful friend of man)...

The last generation of Blue Babies from Blaauw Baai with RARE images of Shon We, Opa...


Created 2 years ago.

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