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In part 1 "Henrys Funeral", Klaus Schwab's cat, "Rupert Von'Kittycox", begins his grand adventure with attending the funeral of his masters mentor, Henry Kissinger.

Keeping the sheep asleep. Tonight we have an exclusive look at the unrealeased , unheard of and unawaited, 2nd series of "Trump Cards".
Miss information herself -Janat Fulashit.
And Co-anchor
Mark Ovthabeest
bringing the freshest news straight from the pit....
Then Roiters.......
Then us......
Then you.

Janet Fullashit and Mark Ovthabeest brinking you the freshest bullshit from the pit. To keep the sheep asleep.
If you like it please like and subscribe and share. I think that the show is hilarous and informative. It is the best weapon I have right now.. Help me fight the NWO please.

This is something experimental. Or just mental. I find the state of the union in a state of decay. I am overwelmed And my dismay during this May influences a cocophony of juxtaposed an a cause of phony Huckster proes.Try to hide our Iight, still it glows and it grows and it shows who stays and who goes, now everyone knows, 13 loops for traitors..Time for reaping for what they've sowed.

Anyway I can not seem to run out of dark menacing poetry for them. So I am trying a dark version of Beat Poetry. "Undeadbeat Poetry"
With some entertaining visual ambiance enhancement. I recomend Good speakers or headphones...a joint or cigarette ( those are the least of my concerns) and a glass of -------(fill in th blank). I am going for a bit of Wild Turkey. I hear Whisky and graphine are like....liqour and pencil lead. But that is not the point. Point is take the time you got...make the most of it. Learn what u can. Prepare what you can . teach what you can. Create what you can. Love laugh and be there for everyone you can. This is not the end. This is just getting past the Forward, the dedication and 20% off for used books club membership if you join today! We shall not go gentlyinto that hive mind.. Hell no...everybody comnected when they hold me down and jam a spike in my brain....is in for a hell of a headache too..because I have wasted 15% of my brain on lyrics to songs that even I can not stand. So everybody in the hive mind is gonna be jammin with me to hits like Unskinny Bop by Poison and.... I only know the chorus ..so ill mumble the verses ...maybe ...and repeat the chorus over and over and over.......and the mind cannot run out of breath....or go hoarse...or thirsty...
..so you Unskinny bastards better put on your extra absorbent pads. You nano-tech, trans-human, spider-monkeys, better realize what your getting yourselves into. It is ON like nunchuck ping pong. ON!

(Warning Foul Language)
Hillary con-ducts an investigation.

A rare sin-ta-mental moment with Junior thinking about his dad. (Any moment he can be considered 'thinking' is rare indeed)
From Up4Dayz

Something New. Or Some thing knew, but I do not know that thing or how it knows. I knew some thing knew, because the nose always knows.
original score
with original art...
trying to keep humanity
and my sanity
from falling apart.

The Sammy Hain Show is
The latest Late Night Talk Show
This is a 1 man project working with a negative budget on my informative, hilareous, intelligent, satire making fun of the satanic main stream media and their obvious gas lighting and brainwashing( obvious to the awake) ,So I am trying to wake up the ones that have a dark sense of humour like myself. And piss off as many lizards, clones, cyborgs and witches as I can.
I am not asking for money, but If you like it , a thumbs up or comment really goes a long way
For encouragment to keep in the fight , Of this information war
and covert genocide.

Janet Fulashit and Mark Ov'thabeest
Bring you the most Shocking News
About Covid 19.

News anchor trans-human
Major Techno-Castration
Answering the questions
That did'nt need to be asked.

The diabolical duo Janet Fulashit and Mark Ovthabeest bring you Americas favorite gameshow, "LET'S ASK MOLOCH".

Another instalment of news straight from the pit. Delivered to the sheep by Miss-info herself: Janet Fulashit and co-anchor: Mark Ofthabeest. Satire delivered at it's most medicore (it's a 1 man operation with a negative budget to work with). Giving the fake news from the corprate controllers in a not so fresh, but still edible if you pick out the curdled parts, way to help you smile as the world falls apart around us. As always..keeping the sheep asleep. Cheers from Texas. By Tim

A final farewell . Johny was suicided in jail. But unlike Epstein, whos on his island instead of in hell. You pissed off the entire district of columbia with every interview you would tell. Now your with the angels, probably updating the pearly gates security.A hero truther farewell.I pray you dont give Saint Peter a virus, It was for a lesser offense,
that Lucifer fell. By Tim

Such a special guy, (I would say only comes along ever century, but we seem to be bloated with these "special guys", right now. Klaus cares so much about the planet, that he started S.P.E.C.T.E.R., (my mistake, wrong special guy), started "The World Economic Forum". One would think he would have chosen a name like, Captain Planet and the Planaters, I think that was taken, or "The League of Independent Aristocrat Resilient Saviors" or L.I.A.R.S for short. I really think that if we were all really really good this year and didn't fart and raise the carbon level , That the Climate Claus would ask us what we want for Earth Day. and I would answer, "To not be murdered by a bunch a rich psychos that think they have the only right to life, simply by declaration alone. Their certainly was no vote, and it was not an I.Q. test, or none of the royalty would be involved it. So, Klaus....since I will probably never get to thank you in person,...this video is from me to you. Enjoy

The Diabolical duo are here bringing the freshest news from pit. This episode Channel 666 attorneys have advised a one time disclaimer, for legal reasons in this realm and spiritual reasons in the next.Apparently the small print on spiritual currency says that in order to collect full recycling fee the doner must have been made aware of the collectors actions, or the soul will be considered innocent and be granted safe passage to the next level. The collector must provide evidence and methodology in some form of medium, books, news paper, video, songs, or very well written agenda. Donor is considered for warned and compliant, as long as information is available. Willful ignorance and blind trust are in abundance and for the more savoy, the higher ups (Lower-downs) have authorized a demonic legalese language to be used. Where all definitions are secretly re-written to mundane seemingly innocuous words, such as Sustainability, or Resilience. Ignorance of the spiritual laws is no excuse. So we are giving the one time disclaimer...so we get our bonus at the end of the age.

In another instalment of CHANNEL-666-NEWS
Mis Info herself Janet Fulashit and co-host
Mark Ovthabeest bring you News about the Brand New Theme parks in the E. U.

In this edition the diabolical duo discuss the Biden administrations plan for door to door vaccinations and warn about misinformation.
( satire at its most sarcastic)

This showcase is singling out one of the hardest working crisis actors in the buisness, and also a new up and coming one.
(I wonder...do agents need agents?)
Join Janet Fulashit and Mark Ovthabeest as they host The CAG Awards.
And thanks to RIGGED REALITY for the original research and footage of Ms. Waynel Sexton..

This is a bit of my art mixed with some funny stuff and put to the music of The Cloud Nothings. Song is called You are Opening. As always Doomtrippers are Ambiance enhancers for the chemically enlightened. If you like it please give a thumbs up, comment or subscibe. Screw the New World Order. NO COMPLIANCE.

The freshest news from the foulest source. Award winning reporters JANET FULASHIT and MARK OVTHABEEST are back , keeping the sheep asleep.
Episode 8 picks on Dr. Fauchi and also the.
WAL MART/FEMA partnership.

ANTI-FLAG. _1984

This is a great song by my favorite Awake Artist. The best and brightest rapper/metal singer that is fighting on the side of the people and is not just another mainstream media mouth piece. Check out "Tom Mcdonald on "Hangovergang.com".
and as always DOOMTRIPPERS by Tim- I deviated from the formula from this one because,...It just felt right. People need to see this content. If you have any questions,..leave them in comments.
If you like it or don't ..please say so.
Cheers from Texas

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck , smell it before you decide it is a duck. Because it might smell like bullshit

The public's most influential News team from the pit. Fox News only wishes they had this kind of coverage from Ms.Info herself- Janet Fulashit and Mark Ovthabeest.

In this news story I am doing satire about Project Bluebeam. If your not familiar with this, I strongly suggest looking into it. I am in no way picking on anyone's religious beliefs with this video, only the Governments plan to use giant holograms to deceive the world into a one world order. with a one world religion. With the gov coming out with UFO disclosure it seems they are preparing the USA for this. Funny how this disclosure doesn't say anything about the government being the ones flying these UFO's. The science goes back to project paperclip and even before. Experiments with magnetics and other bio-batteries have given them the ability to develop amazing tech , but they are keeping it all very classified, so they can pretend aliens gave it to them as part of a galactic agreement also being used to manipulate us into a one world government.

The 6th installment of the news crew from the pit. Janet Fulashit and Mark Ovthabeest. (I'm still trying to get the audio right)


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

68 videos

Category Entertainment

DOOMTRIPPERS are a combinuation of great music that has an edge, along with my original art that Is inspired by my sarcastic opinion on how the bullshit global warming lie is THE EXCUSE for unprecidented attacks on our very lives and the future of the entire world. By World banker,secret societies and a state with a big ego and a treasury to match.Cults WHO want to become cyborg demigods and make the rest of us their mindless slaves.
Their plan is working because the majoriy of Earth is in a cocoon..slowly being transformed like a catapillar. as they sleep walk through their virtual lives acting out the script written for them by the same controlers running Hollywood.
But they will not emerge majestic butter flys. No. They will be bio-sevice-drones with wifi.. Unless God intervenes this looks like it is gonna happen. So Damn the torpedos. Our lives are not worth saving if we go down without a fight
. I was just trying to make cool ambiance enhancers for people tripping.
But then the plandemic happened. My friend Scott helped wake me up to what was really going on and what was at stake. This is world war 3. Its not like we expected though. So now Doomtrippers has been drafted into my way of fighting tyranny and the massive media blackout on truth. You will see that I have stuff promoting anarchy. That was only to say we dont need governments dictating our lives. I loveGod .America.and my family. I love freedom.Liberty. Truth. And Justice. I do not love the mockery of these ideals that now sit in control.
I want to expose them all.
And if your republican or democrat..you may as well say your on Team Edward or Team Jacob, because they have as much relevance to what is really going on.
And now I have my creation
I Really hope to go somewhere with this show.
The ideas are all original. I maintain all rights to "Channel 666 News" and
"The Sammy Hain Show" but I am looking to expand and colaberate with like minded content creators. I would love to talk to a studio like Adult swim . If interested or have any ideas, request or constructive critisisms, please, leave a comment. If you are just an agent or freelance troll ...just leave.