National Consensus Project

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National Consensus Project

National Consensus Project


Pastors today continue to support heliocentrism. The astronomical model in which the Earth spins on an axis revolving around the Sun. Heliocentrism is ultimately a result of the big bang explosion 13.8 billion years ago.

Those very same Pastors will use the modern Scientific discoveries to prove heliocentrism while denying the modern Scientific discoveries that are used to prove the big bang theory, the theory of evolution and that Earth is millions of years old!

They then will ridicule anyone who supports the biblical account of creation as it pertains to the firmament, Earth being created BEFORE the Sun & the Earth being still and motionless.

These interpretations are claimed to either be "prescientific", pure "heresy" or an attempt to make Christians seem "stupid", "uneducated", "obsessive", "irrational" etc.

This logic simply makes no sense. Christians must recognize the hypocrisy of that kind of philosophy.

*This video is no longer available on YouTube.

Even though I may or may not have taken a different approach to Pastor Jeff myself, I can understand and respect the intentions of the man asking the questions.

Lastly, I do believe Pastor Jeff could have been a little less dismissive and condescending but that is just my opinion.

Pastor on Call: Biblical Cosmology Episode 1 is on my BitChute page so check that out next!

FULL 10 episode series of Pastor on Call: Biblical Cosmology is on YouTube for better quality!


Created 4 years ago.

2 videos

Category Education

Does your Pastor know the truth of Biblical cosmology? I take a different approach by calling Pastors & Priests across the United States to discuss Genesis 1:6 and the firmament!

This project is not intended to mock, embarrass or harass the Pastors in this country but instead to shed light on the lack of emphasis as it pertains to cosmology that is found all throughout the Bible, not just in Genesis alone. Hopefully this will help individuals that follow Christ and those that do not see that the wonder and curiosity of the true nature of our world and how we came to be has not been settled so soundly as one might think.

The Copernican/Newtonian model of the universe is completely anti-scriptural and this fact must be expressed further within the Christian community. We mostly understand that Big Bang Evolution is contrary to scripture, so now it is time to realize that the model of the heavens and the Earth that has been presented and pushed so heavily by the "powers that be" is also contrary to The Bible.

Subscribe to NCP on BitChite & YouTube & follow the project on Twitter! Kick back and watch as we discover the National Consensus of this ridiculed topic from a biblical perspective.