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subscribers Human Health Linkers Community:

Now...I get it. No one wants to put on a bunch of fat. That's out! In addition, I really don't think you all want to put on the type of muscle weight that would put in the same league as Lucy Lawless (Xena: Warrior Princess). If it weren't for the title of the show, I might have named it Xena: Warrior Prince! LMAO

Sorry, I just cracking myself up. Let's get to how you gain some weight so that you get heavier, so that you're not just a bio-mechanical paper weight. On the other hand, we're also going to show you how to put on muscle but not look like a trans-sexual wearing a bad wig. Not that there's anything wrong with that. LMMFAO

Here are the steps...

1. Put on muscle: Most women believe if they lift weights that they'll turn into a "fem hulk". Let's get into some human physiology here, women are smaller in frame, muscle tone, and muscle density. Thus, there is no way for you to "bulk up" by going to the gym and lifting as heavy as you can.

Food Label IngrdientsThe only way to achieve that would be to get on anabolic steroids, and I hope that's not the route you'd take to gain a little weight to make your ass look better. Stay away for artificial weight gainers also. These are nothing but weaker forms of steroids sold over-the-counter. We still don't know the long-term effects of these "supplements". Here are some things to look for on the package. If these ingredients are present then don't buy it!

A. MSG (MonoSodium Glutamate) - A brain neurotoxin/excitotoxin which kills brain cells, is linked to cancer, and induces you to crave more of it.
B. Soy (soy letchin or any soy derivative) - It mimics estrogen in the body, thus, causing you to stop producing your own estrogen. This is NOT good as artificial estrogenation products are foreign to your blood cells, leading to auto-immune reactions.
C. Carrageenan - A cancer causing agent used to preserve food. It restricts the formation of proteins in your body. (Hint: your DNA is made up of proteins...nothing good can come of that)
D. Sugar (processed sugar) - this sweetener rots teeth, adds pounds to your frame fast, and can cause diabetes in high, immoderate doses. Sugar in excess in the blood is a toxin (hyperglycemia) and can cause your body to go into emergency status. Experiment: The next time you eat a lot of sugar, notice how many times you have to go to the rest room. Just do it!

2. Eat more often: When we say "eat more often", women think of all the prep and time it takes to set this up. U 'em...listen carefully...SO WHAT! Anything worth doing is worth working for. Anyway, the more you do this, the easier it gets, then it's nothing. So get used to it and get some weight on your skinny ass! Here's the break down...

Wake up: Snack with water
Breakfast: Eggs, bacon, toast/biscuit, oatmeal, grits, coconut oil in sm What Is Eczema? Treatment of Eczema And Extreme Itching
Human Health Linkers Community:

EczemaThe hell if I know! Just kidding! I have to keep my since of humor. If you’re going to the doctor or hospital to take care of Eczema, you’re only asking for the condition to be considerably worse. All they know how to do is prescribe medicine and perform surgery, if that sounds good, I see you’re into S&M! LOL

Take a look at the astonishing effects coconut oil has on our bodies at this site including helping with weight loss, preventing cancers of all types, and providing essential Omega-3s for hormone production…

In truth, Eczema is a result of a modern day diet, with an emphasis on gluten consumption. When I was eating out everyday, I noticed I started to itch really badly. The itching was not localized. It was body-wide and I couldn’t get it to stop. Taking showers only made it worse!

Get this…once I was out of the shower for a while and the itching settled down a bit, once I applied my deodorant, the itching became unbearable! Application of my fragrant body-spray did the exact same thing. It seems that a gluten rich diet in combination for our modern hygiene products is enough to spur lengthy sessions of Eczema. I found the cause by observing what and when the outbreaks were at their worst.

We are all different human beings. Our medical system treats everyone like they came right of an assembly line. The medical establishment thinks one pill for Eczema will work for the vastly varying multiplicities of us. I call bullsh*t! Some of us are lazy, so those people might put their future health in the hands of systemized cretins only in the disease management racket to make a buck. I will NOT!

Human Health Linkers Community:

Epidural Injections: Pregnancy, Pain, and Pitfalls
An epidural is an injection used as an anesthetic to dull or eliminate pain in general or for a specific procedure, such as pregnancy. The word broken down literally means...

Epi - Above
Dur - Dura mater (the top, tough, fibrous layer of the meninges)
-Al - Pertaining to

Epidural - Pertaining to above the dura mater.

If you end up taking these injections on a regular basis, then it turns out you may be taking YEARS off you life! I don't think that's a trade that I'd want to make, seeing as how the injection itself could cause life-altering pain to the point where you may even think suicide is a more suitable solution. Now, that's pain!

There's been an abundance of discussion regarding the prolific spread and staying-power of AIDS. However, what has not been so prolific is the truth around it's cure (not treatment). There are facts that seem to elude the mainstream media, but I'm willing to say suppressed.

There IS a cure of AIDS and it was found in 1996 by Dr. Boyd Graves, who was able to cure himself of AIDS (documented), then do it for others. He didn't stop there. He actually compiled numerous real-life case studies to present to the world at a public forum. Unfortunately, his life was cut short days before this information was to be presented. Funny how the truth is always surrounded with violence in this corrupt scheme.

You may watch the video for the rest of the details.

Alvin J

Organic Coffee Beans:

Good day to you. If you are reading this, then you want to shoot coffee up your A-S-S! LOL Not really, unless you've got a fetish that I don't know about. In this case though, this video will show you how to perform a coffee enema, which in essence, gives you back a "brand new" liver. Don't take that literal...we're not doing a transplant. However, we are renewing the function of your prized liver!

You can't do any better than that when talking about the most important and resilient organ in our bodies! Have a good year, and thank you for watching.

Alvin J


Created 2 years, 3 months ago.

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