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Victoria's Secret gives us secret Transgender, fake females. They try to programm our mind. For pushing subliminal their satanic Message and manipulate our Mind about the look of a Woman and creating a new culture. Enjoy the Video and the Information. #Transvestigation #Investigation #SatanicHollywood #SatanicTransgenderism #Baphomet #Satanism #HollywoodisEvil #ThinkforYourself

Let us get a deeper Look at Disney's Programming. Enjoy the Video and don't fall for the mind control of Disney and Hollywood. Hopefully this might open your eyes.

Transvestigate Emily RATajkowski. One of the many gate keeping Manipulators in Hollwood. Transgenderism is a subliminal way to push Satanism into the Humanity. It's the teaching of Baphomet, a Creature, which is partly constists of a animal, a human Woman and a human Man. This is called Occultism. Don't fall for Hollywood's Mind Control.

Enjoy, Copy and Share the Video if you like!

#SatanicHollywood #SatanicTransgenderism #MindControl #Transvestigation #Investigation


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

3 videos

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