
channel image




In this video, I show you how to rice DWM in seconds.
Highly recommended you watch these:
pywal video:
feh video:

Ensure in your start up script for DWM you have one of the methods to reload the dwm binary instead of terminating on the mod+:shift+q command

My chosen method:
relaunch DWM if the binary changes, otherwise bail

new_csum=$(sha1sum $(which dwm))
while true
if [ "$csum" != "$new_csum" ]
exit 0
new_csum=$(sha1sum $(which dwm))
sleep 0.5

Follow my video on pywal setup.
**** If you dont have the dwm urgency patch ****
create the template to ignore urgency
fill and save with
static const char norm_fg[] = "{color15}";
static const char norm_bg[] = "{color0}";
static const char norm_border[] = "{color8}";

static const char sel_fg[] = "{color15}";
static const char sel_bg[] = "{color2}";
static const char sel_border[] = "{color15}";

//static const char urg_fg[] = "{color15}";
//static const char urg_bg[] = "{color1}";
//static const char urg_border[] = "{color1}";

static const char *colors[][3] = {{
/* fg bg border */
[SchemeNorm] = {{ norm_fg, norm_bg, norm_border }}, // unfocused wins
[SchemeSel] = {{ sel_fg, sel_bg, sel_border }}, // the focused win
// [SchemeUrg] = {{ urg_fg, urg_bg, urg_border }},

Create a new file for the script ie auto_rice:


[ "$UID" -eq 0 ] || exec sudo bash "$0" "$@"

sudo -u $SUDO_USER wal -i $1 ⋗/dev/null

USER_HOME=$(getent passwd $SUDO_USER | cut -d: -f6)

cd $USER_HOME/Sources/st-0.9 || exit 1
make ⋗/dev/null 2⋗&1 && make clean install ⋗/dev/null 2⋗&1

cd $USER_HOME/Sources/dmenu || exit 1
make ⋗/dev/null 2⋗&1 && make c..

Game runs alright. Half refresh rate because I experienced weird stuff with framerate uncapped but 85 HZ it's good. Not many noticeable issues.

Some minor bugs occasionally.
Optimization is not so great or maybe my GPU is too new.

Game is a bit slow but it's a story game.

Gamescope is active.

AMD [email protected] (undervolt-30, underclock)
AMD [email protected] (undervolt -70,overclock)
32GB DDR5 RAM @5200MHZ
850W PSU

Pls like + sub ;)))))))

in this video, I show you how to access NTFS files on Arch Linux.
Step 1: sudo pacman -S ntfs-3g

Start mounting ;))))
Pls like + sub ;))))))))))))))))))

Very interesting game. Kind of like Demon Souls + Ninja Gaiden. Combat is satisfying after learning a bit ;)))))))
Unfortunately, poorly optimized. The game doesn't look that great but requires good hardware.

Resolution scaling is active by default lol
Deactivate by using the bilinear scaling.
The graphics menu is terrible almost as if they don't want users to really control the settings. They suck, really.
I had a lot of stuttering when vsync was off. Enable to make it better.

Settings used shown at game launch.
Interesting behavior: Cutscenes are rendered @30 FPS but otherwise the FPS can be set to 120 max (from in-game options).

Gamescope is active.

AMD [email protected] (undervolt-30, underclock)
AMD [email protected] (undervolt -70,overclock)
32GB DDR5 RAM @5200MHZ
850W PSU

Pls like + sub ;)))))))

Prey 2017 Remake

How to Fix Prey (2017) FPS Stuck @ 144FPS

For Linux users:
Using your text editor ex Nano edit the game.cfg file
nano ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/480490/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved\ Games/Arkane\ Studios/Prey/game.cfg

Change sys_MaxFPS = [FPS_TARGET]
sys_MaxFPS = 162

Save and close. Reopen the game

For Windows users:
Open your saves config file at

Saved Games/Arkane Studios/Prey/game.cfg
Change sys_MaxFPS = [FPS_TARGET]
sys_MaxFPS = 162

Save and close. Reopen the game

AMD [email protected] (undervolt-30, underclock)
AMD [email protected] (undervolt -70,overclock)
32GB DDR5 RAM @5200MHZ
850W PSU

Pls like + sub ;)))))))

One of the few traditional JRPGs around today. The battle system isn't my favorite, I prefer turn-based, but as you can the game has a lot of story and dialogue as would an old JRPG.
The story is predictable...but I like it ;)))))
Kind of reminds of me Inuyasha, FFX etc...

Settings used shown at game launch.
Interesting behavior: Cutscenes using the game engine are rendered @60 FPS but otherwise the FPS can be uncapped. Most likely an engine feature and unrelated to drivers.

Gamescope is active.

AMD [email protected] (undervolt-30, underclock)
AMD [email protected] (undervolt -70,overclock)
32GB DDR5 RAM @5200MHZ
850W PSU

Pls like + sub ;)))))))

In this video, I show you how to free storage space by clearing cached packages in pacman and/or yay

To clear pacman cache: sudo pacman -Scc
To clear pacman & yay: yay -Scc

***Use at your own discretion. Sometimes packages are needed in emergency situations ie kernel***

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In this video, I show you how to make steam games run under a virtual compositor to stop the game video from crashing when changing tabs and follow tiling mode without any patching on DWM. Looks like this crashing issue is game-by-game dependent, but for me, it happened on several games.
Annoying issue with a straightforward solution ;)))))
**********This may be useful on other WMs & DEs.**********
Assumptions: steam is installed, drivers are installed for your GPU!!!!!!
I don't use Nvidia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, Valve!!!!!!!!!!

Step 1:
Install gamescope

sudo pacman -S gamescope

Step 2:
Call gamescope on the steam launch properties of the game;
specify your resolution (1920x1080p) and refresh rate (165)
f is the fullscreen flag(arch wiki warns that changing full screen mode during gameplay may harm performance and recommends setting fullscreen at boot during launch rather than toggling with the super+.f key. Currently haven't faced this issue)

ex: gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080 -r 165 -f -- %command%

Replace the resolution and refresh rate with your own.

Read more here:

Pls like + sub ;)))))))

In this video, I show you how to create a swapfile.

In the good ol days, we used to create a partition and mount that partition on boot as swap,, but timesachanging ;)))))))))))

Modern ssds are also super fast so swap is more welcomed now ;))))))

Step 1:
(Potentially Optional)
If you don't know the binary value of the MB you need, go here and use the calculator for the bin value:

Step 2:
Use dd to create a swapfile. I just wrote this on the top of the root directory. it's up to you, you can create sub directories on ROOT,name the file differently etc...

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=[/path/to/swap] bs=1M count=[swap size] status=progress
Ex 8GB, on ROOT

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=8192 status=progress

Step 3:
Set the permissions:
sudo chmod 0600 /swapfile

Step 4:
Set some swap file properties:
sudo mkswap -U clear /swapfile

Step 5:
Activate swap:
sudo swapon /swapfile

Step 6:

Confirm it is running you should see something like this after....:
free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 31247 7021 8282 644 17038 24226
Swap: 32767 0 32767

Step 7:
Add to fstab to automatically load on boot:

sudo nano /etc/fstab

[/path/to/swapfile] none swap defaults 0 0

/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0

Pls like + sub ;))

Source originally here:

Prey 2017 Remake

VERY UNIQUE and FUN game. Heavily influenced by Bioshock and Deus Ex IMO.

I played the original on the Xbox 360 ;)))))

Settings used shown at game launch.

AMD [email protected] (undervolt-30, underclock)
AMD [email protected] (undervolt -70,overclock)
32GB DDR5 RAM @5200MHZ
850W PSU

Pls like + sub ;)))))))

In this video, I show you how to configure pulseaudio to auto-switch audio output when a bluetooth device is connected
**** The assumption is the bluetooth device is already paired and Trusted****

Step 1:
Edit the pulseaudio config here: sudo nano /etc/pulse/

Add the following lines:
### Automatically switch to newly-connected devices
load-module module-switch-on-connect
Save and close

Step 2: Restart pulseaudio
pulseaudio -k
pulseaudio --start

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Step 1 :

Install picom:
sudo pacman -S picom

Step 2 :

create the config:

##perhaps not necessary to have backend and vsync
backend = "glx";
vsync = true;

## st-256color is the terminal name
##closer to 0 is more transparent, closer to 100 is less transparent
##focused is active windows
##!focused is for the inactive windows
opacity-rule = [
"90:class_g = 'st-256color' && focused",
"95:class_g = 'st-256color' && !focused"

save and close

Step 3:

Call picom at your session start of DWM, this depends how you configured your system ;)))))))

picom --config $HOME/.config/picom/picom.conf -b

Read more:

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In this video I show you how to enable parallel downloading to speed up your update process on Arch Linux.

Step 1:
sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf

Find this line: ParallelDownloads under [options]
Uncomment and set to a positive interger value.

I use 5. Choose your value. I doubt many connections will have a problem with this.

Save and exit.

Happy Updating ;)))))))

Pls like + sub


Following the following instructions:

AMD [email protected] (undervolt-30, underclock)
AMD [email protected] (undervolt -70,overclock)
32GB DDR5 RAM @5200MHZ
850W PSU

Pls like + sub ;)))))))

Forspoken Demo.

Usually I use this game just to test features and sort of benchmark. It's not that fun for me. I think it's quite boring.

Settings used shown at game launch.

AMD [email protected] (undervolt-30, underclock)
AMD [email protected] (undervolt -70,overclock)
32GB DDR5 RAM @5200MHZ
850W PSU

Pls like + sub ;)))))))

In this video, I show you how to overclock your AMD graphics card on Arch Linux. Since this is just adjusting GPU settings, it will most likely work on other distros as well.
Good luck finding the sweet spot;)))))))))))

***I don't use the fan curve controls because I am water cooled that's why my fan showed 0 rpm. The stock fan is not installed***


1: Read
2 Install: yay -S lact
3 Start the service: sudo systemctl enable --now lactd

Pls like + sub;))))

In this video, I show you how to fix the black screen on Slick-Greeter after configuring a wallpaper.
The wallpaper cannot be in the (~) /home directory.
I store it under /usr/share/backgrounds/ directory
Although it is documented, it's a configuration that can be missed. The wallpaper may appear to never update and it's most likely because of the directory not being accessible to LightDM.

More here:

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Robocop Rogue City

AMD [email protected] (undervolt-30, underclock)
AMD [email protected] (undervolt -70,overclock)
32GB DDR5 RAM @5200MHZ
850W PSU

Pls like + sub ;)))))))

In this video, I show you how to enable VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) for your AMD GPU on Arch Linux ;)))))
The assumption is you're on Xorg.....

Step 1 Install the Xorg Driver:
sudo pacman -S xf86-video-amdgpu

Step 2 Create the Driver Config:
nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-amdgpu.conf

Section "OutputClass"
Identifier "AMD"
MatchDriver "amdgpu"
Driver "amdgpu"
Option "VariableRefresh" "true"

save and close

Step 3 Restart your pc or session (use the command below for session):

sudo systemctl restart lightdm
(replace lightdm w/ your own manager)

Step 4 login and start gaming :)))

You can check Xorg log files to ensure VRR is enabled with this command:
grep VariableRefresh /var/log/Xorg.0.log

Good output should return something like.....
[ 26417.508] (**) AMDGPU(0): Option "VariableRefresh" "true"
[ 26417.529] (**) AMDGPU(0): VariableRefresh: enabled
[ 26417.552] (**) AMDGPU(G0): Option "VariableRefresh" "true"
Bad output is like.....
AMDGPU(0): VariableRefresh: disabled
*******Your output may look different*******

Pls like + sub!!!!!!!!:))))))))))


Just a quick demo of The Witcher 3 on Arch Linux.
Recently added water cooling to my GPU + CPU on the gaming pc.
Temps are amazingly low on Linux. Tested on Windows and they are higher indeed XDDDD.

AMD [email protected] (undervolt-30, underclock)
AMD [email protected] (undervolt -70,overclock)
32GB DDR5 RAM @5200MHZ
850W PSU

The game is running in VLK(DX11).
Both APIs look similar with the exception of 12 having ray tracing but is it really that important ;)
DX 11 appears a bit more stable.
Framerate is locked to 120.
Freesync is active.

Pls like + sub.

CS GO 2 can be downloaded on Linux and it runs very well. The only problem is the default refresh rate. At least for me, when I installed Linux, the CS GO 2 default refresh rate was locked to 60HZ

The fix is very simple. Find your display properties (in this case it is for the mate desktop but you get the idea if you're on a different DE or WM) and set the global display refresh rate to whatever highest your monitor supports. In my case it's 165.

Pls like + Sub ;)))))))))


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

24 videos

Category Science & Technology

A giant, fluffy hamster that has a love for technology....mainly Linux :)