Hyperborean Research

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Hyperborean Research

White Mage


In this documentary, we'll lay the foundation for understanding the good, the bad, and the (((ugly))) sides of Eastern spirituality. While many are eager to prescribe 'dharmic' religions to pro-white pagans, none are willing to answer why these same belief systems are also classified as Noahide compliant by Israel's top Rabbis. Nor why many pushers of 'Vedic' thought just so happen to have Sephardic Jewish last names...

Starting from the modern era, we'll look into the close connection between Israel and India, and the surprising lack of any historical antisemitism in the subcontinent. We'll then journey backwards through time and explore a side of Eastern spirituality, more specifically Hinduism/Vedicism, from a never seen before lens. From subversive Yogis and their occult influences in World War 2, to medieval-era crypto-rabbis, and finally exposing the very source of some unusually subversive ideas present in the Vedas. This might be a bit more of an "advanced" video, but hopefully you won't find the material too dry.

Although many in the esoteric hitlerist-aligned scene are quite positive towards some of the religions mentioned in this video, this video isn't meant to be an attack on them, as much as it is an attempt to begin to present a more nuanced, refined view on this topic. You're welcome to disagree with these ideas, but I encourage you to at least give them some thought.

Lastly, this video is the first half of a larger documentary that I cut in half due to it taking too much time. A more thorough conversation of the spiritual ideas alluded to in this video (racial reincarnation, yuga cycles, etc) will be tackled in the second half, along with some other Eastern religions including Buddhism, Taoism, as well as surviving examples of what true Aryan occult spiritual should look like.

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A quick discussion on the fake nature of these so-called alien bodies, the shady characters and fallible scientists who either fall for this stuff or push it as a business, and how it all ties in to the controlled UFO psyop and other kosher smokescreens.

When I saw this on the news, I realized these were the same exact same bodies I researched many years ago. There's all sorts kosher-approved UFO nonsense out of South America, partially because there are real archeological anomalies that are covered up.

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What started as an innocent investigation into global weather patterns turned into a strange discovery about supercomputers modelling mysterious wind currents over the poles. Is this just a glitch? Or is this further evidence in favor of a possible hollow earth?

Bit different from my normal videos, but thought it might be an interesting topic. More videos coming soon. Will respond to backlogged emails shortly.

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Continuing from the first volume of this series, here's a further list of resources and websites for those interested in learning more about WW2, alternative history, aryan occult practices, psi research, astrology, reincarnation, runes, hollow earth, and many other topics. Full list in the comments section below.

Considering how much I've slowed down in video production, it's better to give these resources to you now and let you do what you will with them, rather than keep them hoarded to myself.

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Just letting everyone know that, given the potential problems Bitchute is facing funding-wise, I've finally created a backup channel on Odysee. If anything happens, know you'll be able to find all my past (and future) videos over there. https://odysee.com/@WhiteMage

Also, thank you to everyone who has subscribed and shared my content around. It's much appreciated.

A few months ago in one of my documentaries, I featured clips from a Greek occult master and martial artist who exhibited telekinetic ability, making things float, move, and other strange abilities. As it turns out, scientists from around the world recently went to investigate him. Here are their published findings...

Most of this video will be dedicated to these scientists presentation on what they observed. However, I've also included some "big picture" commentary and analysis towards the end about why this is important for pro-whites. This will tie into the story of Jost Turner, whom I spoke about before, as well as how top figures in Judaism used similar techniques to fight against Hitler in WW2.

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How could I resist making a quick, low-effort meme video on the topic everyone's been talking about?

Feel free to leave a comment, share this video around, and subscribe. A more serious video should be coming out soon.

For the first time ever, the dark secrets behind Judaism and the Jewish religion have been revealed. Straight from the mouths of top rabbis, you'll learn the truth about the reality of psychic development, the existence of reptilians and other cosmic horrors that work with Jewish adepts, and the horrifying Lovecraftian dystopia they're trying to manifest on this planet (and how to stop it).

This is going to be a pretty theoretical, "out there" kind of video, but I think its essential to know what your enemies are up to and believe in, especially when it confirms long-held suspicions about the true nature of reality. You don't need to agree with everything that they say, but it's undoubtedly true that many in the top echelons of the JWO do.

Feel free to share this video around wherever you'd like, as well as comment below and subscribe.

If you reached out to me over the past weeks, I'll eventually get back to you within the next couple of days.

There's a strange trend of German scientists, physicists, and similar experts quietly "disappearing" around the world. What's more, almost all of them chose to go hiking all by themselves in the remote, arctic wilderness, specifically surrounding mountains named after Norse Gods. A coincidence? Or is something much more shadowy going on?

The following video will look at these strange cases, as well as how it ties back in the to the Third Reich origins of the UFO issue, what have these remnants been doing in the decades since Operation Highjump, and how it seems that some German scientists are specifically being "recruited" to join this "invisible reich" that's been growing in power behind the scenes.

Sources referenced in this video:
Operation High Jump: Americans Repelled By Third Reich Forces in Antarctica [2006 Documentary] https://www.bitchute.com/video/Qrf1McFaeNBt/
Also, if you're interested in learning more about the UFO topic from a pro-NS, anti-JWO perspective, then check out entityart.co.uk

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An interesting video that's been floating around for a while, but felt deserved a reupload on this channel as well.

Here's a link to that article featured in the second clip; https://www.jcpa.org/jpsr/gersten-s99.htm

"Nothing good for the Jews -- nor for (((society))) at large -- can come out of a worldwide strengthening of paganism. The same goes for a distorted emphasis on the importance of nature."

Reminds me of a quote from AH about how (((they))) hate nature and the natural world.

"The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature...Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her commands." - Austria's most famous painter.

Mirrored from F_ZION https://www.bitchute.com/video/8Xa7IPxXLpmq/

The following video will go over and investigate the phenomenon of telekinesis, specifically as a sign of occult development, whether from energetic practices (chi gong, kundalini, mo pai) or psi practice (CIA-style projects).

Think of this video as a continuation of an older documentary I did on Occult Powers. I recommend you check out that video first if you haven't.

Past videos referenced in this work;
The Truth About Occult Powers - What They Don't Want You to Know
The Truth About Jost Turner: The Aryan Occult Master Who Freed Ernst Zundel
Exposing the James Randi $1 Million Prize - Proof that Occult/Paranormal Powers Exist
Top Rabbi Makes Stunning Confesion: "We Are Aliens Sent to Conquer Earth"

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A quick follow-up from my last video, as well as some brief commentary/clips about the direction the conflict is going, the narratives and false-dichotomies being set up, and how pro-whites need to recognize both sides are just two manifestations of the same JWO that rules us.

Probably won't do any more content on this whole situation. More videos on spirituality coming in April.

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An analysis from Russia and Ukraine from a third-position, pro-white perspective. Neither Putin and Russia, nor Ukraine and the West, are necessarily the "good guys"...

If you've followed my content before, you probably already know the position I'm going to take on this subject. TLDR: Pro-whites on both sides end up the losers, the only winners will be the (((tribe))).

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Here are a few interesting clips describing how Wall Street (((internationalist))) bankers directly financed and propped up the Soviet Union, using their connections in the American government to back up the Soviets from collapse. There's also some material about how capitalism and communism are two jewish extremes, and how NS and third position politics differs from this.

Wanted to upload this last week, but real life got in the way.

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An interesting clip on the news that I felt was worth commenting on. Perhaps some people are actually putting the pieces of the puzzle together (assuming this fellow is legit).

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The following documentary will explain exactly how Akhenaton, the strangest pharaoh of ancient Egypt, was operating as puppet to destroy the Indo-European spirituality and culture of that region.

You'll also find out how the (((tribe))) how consistently pushed spiritual revolutions like Atenism, Zoroastrianism, and Christianity, all as a way to usher in their eventual domination of society, similar to the NWO we live under nowadays.

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The following clip is from a radio show made by a person called Mike Sledge, who has now disappeared from the internet after having a personal breakdown of sorts. The following clip, which I downloaded for myself a while ago, goes into detail regarding the various Jew World Psyops and how this JWO system operates - includes Christianity, Islam, 9/11, veganism, JFK, and the need for legit aryan spirituality.

I'll upload the second half of this broadcast a bit later.

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The following video will shed some light on the umbrella of new age spiritual philosophers, including wicca, angels, freemasonry, even satanism, all as a means to either keep one plugged into the prevailing paradigm, as well as a way of pacifying people against this NWO/JWO.

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The following clip is from an occult author called Thomas Sheridan, who goes into details about the Thule Society, how it beat the Bavarian Communists in 1919, and how Jewish Christianity effectively weakened the white race psychically against the upcoming Jew World Order.

In all transparency, I think this author is wrong about a lot of things, and might even be a tad mentally ill. This video is a collection of heavily edited clips, filtering out what I consider to be stupid nonsense. The poor audio quality was on his end, not mine.

Please feel free to share this around, comment, and subscribe. Hyperborean Research is banned across most of Europe. I can be reached at [email protected]

What's the easiest way to spot a kosher-approved, (((fake))) pagan vs a true adherent of authentic indo-aryan tradition? How they answer the race issue is the easiest way to tell.

Besides the first two silly clips, the main speaker is a Asatru writer called Stephen McNallen. He has a YouTube channel.

Don't forget to subscribe, comment, and share this video around. October's been a busy month, but I have more videos planned for November/December. For more serious questions you might have on anything I've put out, you can reach out to me at [email protected]

Are pre-Christian, pagan gods simply archetypes? Aspects of your subconscious mind? Symbols? The following clips will go into this subject in more detail, alongside the flaws of atheistic paganism, and how the New World Order pushes this type of pasteurized form of spirituality to disempower Europeans.

Originally this was going to be a short clip, but it just continued getting bigger and bigger as I thought about it.

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Here's another really interesting video that deserves a repost from Apollonian Germ on the topic of how Jewish Mystic sects corrupt and subvert Western European elites. Notice how similar these groups behave in the past compared to nowadays, encouraging politicians to engage in degenerate behavior, then using that information to blackmail them (the Epstein approach).

Feel free to check out his YouTube channel, where I found this video from.

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The following are a short (and incomplete) list of recommended resources for people interested in learning more about WW2, Aryan spirituality and mysticism, good health, and other topics. Considering I barely have enough time to make a few videos each month, I figured I might as well share some of these resources and this information that I've been sitting on for a while.

Also, I wanted to test out a new AI voice tool I've been using. Let me know what you think.

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Just so we are clear, I don't agree with everything Rudolf Steiner has said in the past. Despite his ariosophical leanings, he couldn't free himself from his attachment to Jesus, as well as his eventual disapproval of the Third Reich. However, I do think he got some things correct, and this passage of his is an interesting quote that I thought I should share, provided you listen and read between the lines of what he says.

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The following clips explain just how easy it is for people to form ideological bubbles around the (((mainstream))) ideology, and how conspiracy deniers are actually victim of the very same lack of critical thought that they accuse conspiracy theorists of lacking.

I mean this primarily in the context of Covid, events surrounding WW2, etc. There is a point where conspiracy theory gets out of hand, like holograms in 9/11, and flat earth.

Courtesy to Apollonian Germ for the second clip in this video. Don't forget to subscribe, leave a comment, and share this video around.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

88 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Hyberborean Research is an independent bitchute channel with no affiliations to any other groups or individuals. The purpose is to help reconstruction authentic, indo-aryan spirituality and occultism, while also disseminating high level political analysis and other quality content found online.

Hyperborean Research officially rejects violence, and instead believes in sharing knowledge, wisdom, and information as a means of peacefully changing the world.

Official Odysee back-up channel is now live. https://odysee.com/@WhiteMage