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Serge Belobaba


In the 3rd episode of the Forgotten History series on the radio station GOVORIT MOSKVA (Moscow is speaking), November 28, 2015, Gleb Nosovsky talks about the End of the World and its calculation in the Christian Medieval tradition. What’s the New Chronology perspective on the Judgement Day?

In the 18th episode of the Forgotten History series on the radio station GOVORIT MOSKVA (Moscow is speaking), March 26, 2016, Gleb Nosovsky talks about the main milestones of our history from the perspective of the New Chronology. Since any historical reconstruction contains some conjecture, he also explains what is proven in the New Chronology and what is conjecture.

Egyptian zodiacs and their real datings. Dating of the Almagest. Application of mathematical-statistical methods for the analysis of ancient chronicles. Dependent and independent chronicles. The modern history textbook – how was it written? The lost millennium. What the true human history was like – the hypothesis of the authors.

The modern history textbook – how was it written? The official New Chronology website. Brief presentation of the essence of the New Chronology. Predecessors of the New Chronology. Criticism of the Scaligerian chronology by eminent scholars. Dendrochronological method of dating ancient events. Radiocarbon dating method and its criticism. The mystery of the movement of the Moon. Egyptian zodiacs and solar eclipses.

In the 5th episode of the Forgotten History series on the radio station GOVORIT MOSKVA, December 12, 2015, the discussion revolves around ancient China in light of the New Chronology. Are there confirmations of ancient Chinese history? In particular, astronomical evidence cited by historians is examined. Why is the history of China important to us?

In this podcast Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Gleb Nosovsky will discuss the following topics: Church Slavonic as a language of sacred writings, Russian language, Persian as a language for diplomatic correspondence, Latin to write the fake history, Greek language. He also explains the role new languages played in dividing nations in the 17th century and helping to brainwash them.

In this podcast Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Gleb Nosovsky will discuss the following topics: history of writing, Egyptian hieroglyphic writing, the Arabic language in the Great Empire and Arabic inscriptions on the Russian weapons.

This is a second part of the lecture by one of the founders of the New Chronology Gleb Nosovsky “The Defeat of Moscow Tartary”. Gleb Nosovsky describes the events of the late 18th century, the popular uprising in the Russian Empire during the reign of Catherine the Great, a.k.a. the war with Pugachev, from the point of view of the New Chronology and how it is connected with the history of the United States. It would seem that such a recent history, just 200 years ago, could not contain anything unexpected. However, that is not the case. It turns out that the end of the 18th century holds within itself the ESSENTIAL ENIGMA OF MODERN HISTORY. By understanding it, we begin to comprehend, for example, why it is believed today that historians of the 18th century "were largely mistaken," while their descendants, the historians of the 19th century, already "knew everything correctly."
Russian source:

This is a first part of the lecture by one of the founders of the New Chronology Gleb Nosovsky “The Defeat of Moscow Tartary”. Gleb Nosovsky describes the events of the late 18th century, the popular uprising in the Russian Empire during the reign of Catherine the Great, a.k.a. the war with Pugachev, from the point of view of the New Chronology and how it is connected with the history of the United States.
It would seem that such a recent history, just 200 years ago, could not contain anything unexpected. However, that is not the case. It turns out that the end of the 18th century holds within itself the ESSENTIAL ENIGMA OF MODERN HISTORY. By understanding it, we begin to comprehend, for example, why it is believed today that historians of the 18th century "were largely mistaken," while their descendants, the historians of the 19th century, already "knew everything correctly."

In journalist A. Karaulov's 2004 program Moment of Truth, about the discovery of supposed John the Baptist's cave, in addition to Gleb Nosovsky, the well-known traveler V. Sundakov and academician D. Likhachev also participated (recorded in 1994). Likhachev talked about the dubiousness of historical films and about the fact that the widely quoted words of Alexander Nevsky, "Those who come to us sword in hand, will die by the sword", were invented by the historian academician Pankratova.

The subject of the podcast: scholars of the 16th-20th centuries, whose research preceded the New Chronology of Fomenko-Nosovsky.

The Crimean Peninsula is the true birthplace of Christ. Delphi is Crimean Fiolent. Saint Basil of Chersonesus is another reflection of Andronikos-Christ.

The Crimean Peninsula is the true birthplace of Christ. The legendary Temple of Diana, the Jesus’ golden cradle, and the Holy Grail are discussed in relation to Crimean Peninsula.

Gleb Nosovsky is a Russian mathematician, candidate of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow State University, specialist in theory of probability, mathematical statistics and other branches of applied mathematics. He worked as a researcher in the Russian Space Research Institute, in University of Aizu in Japan. He is a faculty member of the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics MSU. Since 1981 Gleb Nosovsky has been involved in the New Chronology project, a concept suggesting that the existing chronology of historical events is incorrect and requires a radical revision. He has been a permanent co-author of books on the New Chronology.
Russian source:
00:00 Introduction
00:18 How Gleb Nosovsky got involved into the New Chronology project
10:33 How to distinguish a legit researcher from a pseudo-scientist
12:48 Was there a doubt that Anatoly Fomenko might be wrong?
14:56 How to distinguish science from pseudoscience
27:42 Two parts of the New Chronology: analytical and reconstruction
32:25 Why historians don’t support the development of the New Chronology
48:38 Historical duplicates
53:20 About other alternative scholars
1:02:27 How can AI help in working on the New Chronology?
1:06:30 Can AI determine the real age of manuscripts?
1:07:53 Is it dangerous to question established historical facts?
1:17:21 Could young programmers help?
1:20:00 Could students participate in the New Chronology project?

Anatoly Fomenko is a Soviet and Russian mathematician, specializing in multidimensional calculus of variations, differential geometry and topology, group theory, Lie algebras, symplectic and computer geometry, and the theory of Hamiltonian dynamic systems. He has been an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1994. In 1996, he won the State Prize of the Russian Federation for excellence in mathematics. He is the founder of the New Chronology, a concept suggesting that the existing chronology of historical events is incorrect and requires a radical revision.
Russian source:
00:00 Introduction
01:09 What is the New Chronology
02:51 Why the New Chronology is important to us
04:16 Does history intertwine with politics?
05:52 How the New Chronology got started
10:54 How Fomenko coped with additional workload
11:39 If students have extracurricular scientific interests
12:31 Attitude towards criticism
18:04 What the work on the New Chronology involves
21:39 How a lot of calculations were accomplished back then
25:31 Is it worth integrating AI into the New Chronology?
26:53 Should young scientists go against classical science?
32:37 Reasons for negative reaction to alternative approach
39:19 Is it worth developing alternative approaches in science?
44:16 If the government prohibits revision of history
45:15 Why alternative approaches are frowned upon in science
48:23 Does patriotism influence the development of the New Chronology?
55:49 Should the government block some scientific topics?
58:31 How programmers can assist in working on the New Chronology
59:33 What scientific questions can be answered
1:00:23 Is it worth using AI tools in the New Chronology?
1:01:36 Assistance for those interested in studying the New Chronology

This podcast talks about Andrew the Apostle as one of the reflections of Christ, Osiris as a Christ's reflection in ancient Egyptian mythology, and a 1000-year chronological shift.

Anatoly Fomenko explains how the scientific theory the New Chronology appeared.

The topic of the podcast: Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky is one of the main reflections of Jesus Christ.

The Crimean Peninsula is the true birthplace of Christ. Where the Bethlehem Star led the Magi. Ancient depictions of the Magus Melchior.

How are the Trojan War and the Crusades connected? Why did the Crusaders believe that 1000 years after the crucifixion, they were directly punishing those who crucified Christ? Who were the Crusaders? One of the founders of the New Chronology Gleb Nosovsky will answer these and other questions in a webinar from the series Discoveries of the New Chronology.

Webinar featuring G.V. Nosovsky, Restored Chronology of Egypt and Europe based on Zodiac Dating. How old is "Ancient Egypt"? In which century was the last pharaoh buried? Find out the construction dates of the first and last pyramids in Egypt, as well as the real names of the pharaohs.

The topic of the podcast: the biography of the Byzantine Emperor Andronikos I Komnenos as one of the main reflections of Jesus Christ.

The founder of the New Chronology, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoly Fomenko explains applications of the method of form-codes to discover all the duplicates of the most famous character in human history, Jesus Christ, aka Emperor Andronikos Komnenos and Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky.

April 10, 2000. St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

In 2019, the Russian Chronicle was first published, a valuable historical source shedding new light on many events in Russian and world history. In particular, it contains a detailed description of pilgrimages to Jerusalem in the 16th century.
Careful reading of this description leads to an unexpected conclusion: the modern city of Jerusalem that we know today is not the same Jerusalem that pilgrims visited in the 16th century. The Jerusalem of the pilgrims was located approximately a hundred kilometers to the northeast of the current city of Jerusalem. Today, it is situated in Jordan and is called Jerash. When Europeans in the 19th century were searching for Jerusalem, they made a mistake, did not reach the place they were looking for, and stopped halfway.
The second astonishing fact revealed during the investigation of Jerusalem-Jerash is that it was not a genuine Jerusalem but a FAKE JERUSALEM deliberately created to channel the flow of pilgrims there. It turns out that the idea of religious tourism didn’t first appear nowadays but as far back as the early 16th century. In the phony Jerusalem, pilgrims were shown dozens of the most famous Old Testament and New Testament sanctuaries in one or two days at the same location. The pilgrims paid money, and a lot of it.


Created 12 months ago.

65 videos

Category Education