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Not My Video! Not me!
This is what happened at HCA Brandon Hospital in Brandon FL.
My friend from Florida asked me to post this. His wife has kidney cancer. The guy in the car had a medical emergency and was grabbing the steering wheel. The woman driving the car asked my friend for help. So, my friend got a security guard to come helps the woman. The video is what happened next. The nurse and security guard had a issue with my friend filming and called the cops. He was not filming in the secure area of the hospital, so they had no right to ask him not to film. He wants them exposed and this video shared.

I filmed this. This is my version

I filmed this. This is my version

I was at the Alex Jones press conference and got into an argument with the fake news over rights. They want the first amendment, but they do not want it for Alex Jones

John Flynn for Us Senate.
I went to Waterbury CT to see what is going on outside the show trial for Alex Jones sandy hook case. John Flynn was supposed to join me but could not show up because of traffic.

Did you know that HR software spies on you, and when it does you can and will be denied a job. Did you know that a stock android phone or ios can track your location to be sold to the highest bitter

Yes, you read that right two people me and the guy in the purple brown shirt had footage of the arrests that day and were willing to sell it to the media as well as the events leading up to that day. News12ct lied and said they did not want the footage and they don't buy footage which is a lie. We were here standing up for Andrew Prichard's who had his property stolen by the Norwalk CT Police Department and a law group in Milford, CT

Lady in pink I was told is an agent and was told she and others were walking around lying to neighbors about Andrew's arrest and the reason. They are suposibly lawers connected to the milford ct lawfirm

Yup this is what happened, and Deputy Chief James Walsh was there to oversee the raid and corruption

This is the only video of Andrew Prichard false arrest by the Norwalk PD. Andrew was arrested for trespassing on a public street. Andrew had his house and property stolen and his son who rented a room in the home was also evicted illegally. Peaceful protesters and bystanders were threatened with arrest. At no point did the NPD attempt to deescalate the situation, like they claimed. The family was not allowed to see where their property was taken too. As a result of this situation, I am attempting to launch a meme campaign with the slogan Justice for Andrew and the NPD. Look for it in the next couple of days. I hope they don’t put Andrew and the landscaper in Gardiner because they will claim that they are crazy to make sure that no feds investigate. We need a viral movement.

Norwalk CT Police Stole Andrews Property and the Lieutenant Chief of police was involved and participating in the siege of Andrew's Property in Norwalk. Fakenews12ct will not talk about it or look at the video. This makes them complect participants in this crime.

The landscaper was not part of the protest. He was arrested for trying to do his job. The fakenews12 said that he was menacing police. The cops illegally shut down the road and as a result an innocent man was arrested

Andrew Prichard Did nothing wrong. The Norwalk CT Police Department and Stamford Norwalk Court stole Andrew's home that he owned and threw him in prison for trespassing on a public sidewalk. Andrew is a patriot and is not crazy he did own his home with no mortgage. Norwalk PD lied to the media about the incident and the media refuses to look at our video. Andrew stood up for people including minorities who had there homes stolen. Andrew Needs our support I will try to launch the justice for Andrew & NPD meme in the next couple of days

Houses were bult on a toxic waste dump and people are getting cancer and the CT gov is covering it up

Black lives matter does not care about black people

It starts with a bat a tree and a boy named Emile The tree is the tree of knowledge of good and evil refenced in genesis kjv. It also represents the seed of the serpent (Satan)
Link to video
Davos is the legion of doom and the injustice league.
Davos 2017 on YouTube search it yourself. These globalist like to brag about their plans.

I made This speech we need to stand against the lockdowns

All Charges have been Dismissed This happened on April 1 2020


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

19 videos

Category News & Politics