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DCF Press

DCF Press


To know what the CCP is, one should study the USSR's campaigns against the United States. While the Russians were not successful, in the end, they did spawn the CCP.

The CCP has been a thorn in the U.S.'s side for the last 70 years. Too many US leaders entertained them - thinking they would become more like us. Instead, the DC establishment just became more like the CCP. A group of thugs without morals or limits to their power grabs.

In 2021, that is readily apparent and must be resisted in order to the save the United States and its freedoms. The world must defeat the CCP or die trying.
Website: www.dcfpress.com

To understand the last 18 months of World panic triggered out of Wuhan, one must see the origins and tools of the Globalist Agenda. The linkages and compartments that these groups, billionaires and governments are using, long-term, to push forward their Great Reset. Media Propaganda and Social Media are key and must be controlled to get the world crushed down to the size these people have in mind.

Website: www.dcfpress.com
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Operation Virus: https://dcfpress.com/operation-virus-the-delivering-of-covid-chaos-and-communism-to-the-united-states-the-world/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/JASON-POWERS/e/B0813VPQHM

During the last two years, we have been apart of the largest psychological operation and worldwide leverage buyout in modern World History. Since the death of Jeffery Epstein, who was deeply involved with Gates, the Clintons, and tangentially, Trump, ordinary people awakened to what the ELITES really are about.

The ELITES and their well-paid technocrats and ideological lackeys were not pleased with the ruination of their 2030 plans. Set into motion, years before, but then frustrated by the US's domestic resurgence under Trump. This had to be stopped.

The Globalist counterattack, in phase 1, was the CCP GOF Virus. From Washington D.C. to Beijing to Davos, certain Globalist forces put their stacks of cash ALL IN on taking over the entire Western World. Destroying freedoms around the world, deploying the China Model of authoritarianism, debt, and BGY traps, that will be discussed in future episodes.

This episode walks us through the post-Epstein connections, Event 201 and Fauci emails.

Website: www.dcfpress.com


Operation Virus:

Are You Ready for Xi?

Soon. The reversal of the 2020 Election to a landslide may trigger a cataclysm of responses from the bad actors.
I think, that these people, who were so sloppy, wanted to get caught. And cause a crisis not seen since 1861.

Two slides. The Trojan Horse that is Biden will put the final nail in the United States. I discuss how the United States Republic will get there, if people don't realize and take a stand.
I wrote up the analysis above.

Source above provided this explosive revelation.
It is, if true, the largest blackmail ever attempted in World History of one foreign power by another.
Wars have started over less.

Off the cuff. My experience walking around campus, as a West Lafayette resident, Purdue graduate, has me wondering out loud how many more sheep are we gonna create. 8/22/2020 walk around.

This film delves into the backdrop and ultimate plan to wreck the USA by any means at the disposal of certain aligned powers. It is heavily researched and long-form clips of salient voices to the discussion. You decide what is necessary from the information presented.

Part 2 concludes with media's irresponsibility, delves into the prior impeachment shenanigans (Beck) that preceded the Corona Virus. Then reflects on the overall linkages to the various actors and what is at stake.

Narration (done badly): Jason Powers
Audio/Background Music: www.bensound.com , www.pond5.com , www.fesliyanstudios.com
On Every Street
Artist: Dire Straits Album: The Best of - Private Investigations
Writers: Mark Knopfler
Licensed to YouTube by:
WMG, UMG (on behalf of Warner Records Label); UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, UMPG Publishing, ASCAP, LatinAutor, CMRRA, LatinAutor - UMPG, UMPI, and 7 Music Rights Societies

This film delves into the backdrop and ultimate plan to wreck the USA by any means at the disposal of certain aligned powers. It is heavily researched and long-form clips of salient voices to the discussion. You decide what is necessary from the information presented.
This is Part 1.
Part 2 concludes with the impeachment shenanigans that preceded the Corona Virus and the overall linkages to the various actors.
Narration (done badly): Jason Powers
Audio/Background Music: www.bensound.com , www.pond5.com , www.fesliyanstudios.com
On Every Street
Artist: Dire Straits Album: The Best of - Private Investigations
Writers: Mark Knopfler
Licensed to YouTube by:
WMG, UMG (on behalf of Warner Records Label); UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, UMPG Publishing, ASCAP, LatinAutor, CMRRA, LatinAutor - UMPG, UMPI, and 7 Music Rights Societies


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

23 videos

Category News & Politics