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An extremely good documentary that does an excellent job in covering most of the major non-conventional approaches to cancer. It also does an excellent job in explaining how cancer cures are effectively suppressed by governments & industry & how doctors are persecuted.


Created 1 year, 10 months ago.

638 videos

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#terra australis/baluunba #harry oldfield #electrocrystal #marcel vogel #les brown pyramid #miles mathis #rexresearch.com #educate-yourself.org #gary peter carlson #alfred lambremont webre #theraphi #scenar/cosmodic/ens/aleksandr karasev #organic #biodynamic #demeter #cornupocia institute #soil & health library #herbal medicine #naturopathy #egoscue #professor ian brighthope #mediherb/standard process #gubinge/kakadu plum #meridians #homeopathy #energy healing #rick simpson oil #hemp #gaps natasha campbell-mcbride #magus of java #wang liping #sir albert howard #f.h. king farmers of forty centuries #bruce charlton's notions #truthstream media #brasscheck #maria zeee #cafe locked out/michael gray griffith #stephanie seneff #anthony samsel #andrew marino #bob beck #sota #robert o becker #weston a price #aajonus vonderplanitz #magda havas #zory glaser #martin blank #robert c kane #kent heckenlively #arthur firstenberg the invisible rainbow #tom cowan #joel salatin #wendell berry #cyrus a parsa #alison mcdowell wrench in the gears #john bedini sg #lahkovsky mwo #leedskalnin #andrea rossi e-cat sk #joe cell #off-guardian #elizabeth hart #avn #polly tommey #hilary butler beyondconformitynz #john anthony morris #rachel carson #morton biskind #jim west #whale.to #mae han-wo #harold hillmann #christopher exley #truth #integrity #love #honesty #wisdom #knowledge #quality #strength #original sovereign tribal federation #justinian deception #anna von reitz #jurisdiction #ignacio chapela #jack heinemann #usrtk #steven druker #belinda martineau #caius rommens #arpad puzstai #judy carman #seralini #viktor schauberger #manly p hall #charles dowding #montalk #amish #free energy #laetrile #nicholas gonzalez/linda isaacs #pancreatic enzymes #fasting #sungazing #buyteko breathing #chris bryson the fluoride deception #geoengineering #jim lee climateviewer #industrial pollution #synthetic biology